How will they rule ??!

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You're a special kind of stupid. You want to impeach the guy trying to investigate a crime and insert the guy who committed the crime. By the way, is it a crime to tell your advisors you want to do something, but never actually do it? That's what its sounding like happened here. I'm failing to see how he used quid pro quo, even though its not a crime in the first place and used by politicians daily, but the people he was apparently threatening didnt even know they were being threatened? Doesnt one require the other?
Yes, an attempted crime is a crime just the same. If you try to rob a bank but leave with no is still a crime. Extortion is a crime regardless if you’re successful in getting what you wanted or not.
Yes, an attempted crime is a crime just the same. If you try to rob a bank but leave with no is still a crime. Extortion is a crime regardless if you’re successful in getting what you wanted or not.

This is so goddam stupid I don’t know where to even begin.
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Yes, an attempted crime is a crime just the same. If you try to rob a bank but leave with no is still a crime. Extortion is a crime regardless if you’re successful in getting what you wanted or not.

You have completely gone off the deep end over Trump.
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Yes, an attempted crime is a crime just the same. If you try to rob a bank but leave with no is still a crime. Extortion is a crime regardless if you’re successful in getting what you wanted or not.

I'm trying to understand your logic here. Trump didnt actually commit the so called crime. There is a "chance" he discussed it although that's far from proven. So you're saying Americans should now be convicted of crimes they dont actually commit? Ukranian president had confirmed quid pro quo didnt happen, as well as the transcript. So you want to impeach the president because you think he discussed it?

Like I said, special kind of stupid. TDS is a very real thing.
They did seek his testimony. House had a lawful investigation and shouldn't have to go through the courts. The administration stonewalled the house investigation and now their defense is there are no first person accounts.

For someone who is sooo innocent, he continues to lie and stonewall people who supposedly could exonerate him.

What steps did they take in "seeking" his testimony?
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I'm trying to understand your logic here. Trump didnt actually commit the so called crime. There is a "chance" he discussed it although that's far from proven. So you're saying Americans should now be convicted of crimes they dont actually commit? Ukranian president had confirmed quid pro quo didnt happen, as well as the transcript. So you want to impeach the president because you think he discussed it?

Like I said, special kind of stupid. TDS is a very real thing.

Not to mention, even if what they allege is true, it’s not a crime. They just aren’t even alleging any conduct that even rises to the level of their made up crime.
And attempt to weaken trumps campaign in the coming months. It’s 100% about money and politics. People that believe it’s anything of substance are the sheep the Democrats want is all to be.

It's that (their team/ideology as noted before Trumps their duty to nation, but hey what's it mean to be American anyway?) and it's also that they are manipulated by the media to believe so many thigns which simply aren't so.

Even if everything they say was true, it's something you censure, not remove from office... and you don't just flippantly impeach for purely political and partisan motives for precisely the reasons Nadler/Pelosi/Biden etc were making abuot the Clinton impeachment when laws were actually broken, because it's not a high crime and misdemeanor damaging to the republic.

you (general fools) 40% of AMerica who believe this sham do so because the media has you convinced your TDS insanity is sane

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The Bidens aren't on trial, Obama is not on trial. TRUMP is on trial, but any way you can try to muddy the waters Republicans will do because they know TRUMP is guilty and corrupt. There is zero factual info that the Bidens committed crimes. Maybe not good judgment but not illegal for a company to hire someone who has connections. Republicans do it all the time. Maybe we should investigate all the Trump kids while we're at it?

Republicans are destroying democracy and the Constitution just to maintain power.

Every single impeachment trial in the Senate has had witnesses and documents.

Simple question. Why didnt Schiff subpoena witnesses in the house? Why arent you Mad about this?

Why do you automatically believe Schiff, when hes been caught lying several times. Have you fact checked him? Why not?

My favorite now, is how Bolton used to be a satanic war monger who coukdnt be the left acts like hes an upstanding citizen...lololololol

The left is desperate for power. End of story.
Yes, an attempted crime is a crime just the same. If you try to rob a bank but leave with no is still a crime. Extortion is a crime regardless if you’re successful in getting what you wanted or not.

A committed crime, attempted crime, and discussed crime are all very different. The punishments for each are very different as well.

Let's say there is an actual act and smoking gun. Trump did it. Okay, Trump strong armed somebody. That happens everyday. Literally, how do you think bills get passed and countries agree to trade deals? Arm twisting, negotiating, back scratching, etc...

The appropriate punishment is the issue. Impeachment? Really, that's the precedent? From now on if a President or any politician participates in a little "Hey you're going to do this and then I'm going to do that" they have to be removed from office?

Let's say Trump attempted to do such a thing. There's a smoking gun and proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. Okay, what's the appropriate punishment for an attempt? Again, and more importantly, what is the precedent you want to set for something that basically amounts to some tough talk and attempted negotiations that didn't really bare fruit?

Let's say Trump talked about it with some people but that's all it ever amounted to, some talk. What's the proper course of action for talk?

Hell, the one good thing that would come from a Trump impeachment, is that everyone else could just as easily be impeached?

Let's see what Nancy and Schiff have done over the course of their careers, and bring it out to the public...same goes for all government officials...I mean hell, she just took a convoy to Israel...What did they talk about, was there any kind of "hey this for that..." going on?
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Not to mention, even if what they allege is true, it’s not a crime. They just aren’t even alleging any conduct that even rises to the level of their made up crime.

I know it's not a crime, I was just playing along with that part to see if he really thinks people should be convicted for just talking about something, but not actually doing it.
@rqarnold did 9/11

Rq: I wasnt even in NY

We need witnesses

He seems to think you can just make anything up and claim witnesses are needed. Not to mention, again. Why didn't Schiff subpoena them in the house? They rushed everything through, but now they claim it needs to be drawn out.

Btw RQ, since you werent in NY on 9/11 and I have no basis for this charge that you did it...I need witnesses not to verify I need them to find out of I can find something else to to parrot bc I have no case at all.

Lol unbelievable you cant see this bc you are so partisan. Hows those fact checks on Schiff going...where are they?
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Thanks for confirming that you would prefer not hearing testimony and thus guaranteeing that Trump survives impeachment vs hearing testimony that may put his survival into question.

Coward is too weak a word to describe your ilk.

If Trump did something wrong, he needs to be held accountable as does every other pol that acts inappropriately. The fear is this: Pols that did things we know were not in the best interests of our country have gotten away with murder, both literally (assumed) and certainly figuratively, while we have a POTUS that has re-established and reasserted the USA to the position of world power/Alpha dog it should hold will be held accountable for lesser acts.
Personally, I don't trust either dems or Repubs to act appropriately. One of the reasons I like Trump and will vote for him again is his dogged resolve NOT to play the game according to the rules pols have established....their rules are designed to maintain status quo and for pols self benefit.
Tell you what....I'd support removal of Trump if we could also remove every representative and senator, and replace each with a responsible, educated middle class person that has demonstrated desire to adhere to traditional, patriotic, American values AND law.
This is a good point. Innocent people shouldn’t rely on attorney client privilege, spousal privilege, executive privilege, the 5th amendment, etc.

If the Democrats what information as part of a fishing expedition, an innocent person wouldn’t assert his constitutional rights.
Of course a spouse who wants to testify against their spouse may do so. You couldn’t keep your wife from testifying if she was so inclined. There are also limits to attorney privilege...
It's funny conservatives saying this is some huge win for Trump. Like Mexico has any power to police their border. You can bribe the entire Mexican army for 100$. ....


Its gotta hurt dems to put this little plan together after failing with all of their other hoaxes, especially schiff who lied about Russian proof for 2 years, to try to use this as a political ad to try to turn support off Trump. Only to find out the public doesnt give a shit and its backfiring. The only ppl that are fooled are the little libs that are too dumb to question their own party.

You can even tell the media all know this is complete nonsense
John Bolton was a literal nazi racist....until democrats got absolutely embarrassed after the first day of republican opening statements, now he magically pops up with deal lmaoooo.

Only 9 months left. Can't wait to see what tricks democrats have left. Been buying gold and waiting in my bunker every day for the chineze trade warz to kill me. I suspect that's happening soon?
Of course a spouse who wants to testify against their spouse may do so. You couldn’t keep your wife from testifying if she was so inclined. There are also limits to attorney privilege...

You can not testify about the content of private communications between you and your husband. That privilege belongs to your husband.

I’m well aware of the privilege and limitations that exist on my communications as an attorney.
John Bolton was one of the main assholes who lied us into the 20 year regime change quagmire known as Iraq. How could you lefties forget about this and all the sudden give his word any value?
Donald J Trump has a long history of lying...yet you value his words.

BTW, people, left and right have long questioned many of Bolton’s world views. Nobody ever said he was dishonest.

Every person Trump has surrounded himself with have issues with their backgrounds. I guess that’s why Trump selects them so when he turns on them he can try and leverage their background against them. So when does Trump become accountable for the choices he has made?

Long ago it was said that Trump operated like a mob boss. His closet so full of skeletons it’s only a matter of time before one or more of those skeletons are exposed. Moscow Mitch and executive privilege are the only things protecting him but those walls will crumble.
Donald J Trump has a long history of lying...yet you value his words.

BTW, people, left and right have long questioned many of Bolton’s world views. Nobody ever said he was dishonest.

Every person Trump has surrounded himself with have issues with their backgrounds. I guess that’s why Trump selects them so when he turns on them he can try and leverage their background against them. So when does Trump become accountable for the choices he has made?

Long ago it was said that Trump operated like a mob boss. His closet so full of skeletons it’s only a matter of time before one or more of those skeletons are exposed. Moscow Mitch and executive privilege are the only things protecting him but those walls will crumble.

How is the country doing? Are you benefiting? Thought STFU.
Book deals seem shady as hell. Our favorite former poster and current lurker made a comment on his Iowa trip podcast that Amy Klobuchar acknowledged he was the "guy from Kentucky writing the book". Yeah? Presidential candidates take the time to find out about side projects of local sports radio hosts?
Donald J Trump has a long history of lying...yet you value his words.

BTW, people, left and right have long questioned many of Bolton’s world views. Nobody ever said he was dishonest.

Every person Trump has surrounded himself with have issues with their backgrounds. I guess that’s why Trump selects them so when he turns on them he can try and leverage their background against them. So when does Trump become accountable for the choices he has made?

Long ago it was said that Trump operated like a mob boss. His closet so full of skeletons it’s only a matter of time before one or more of those skeletons are exposed. Moscow Mitch and executive privilege are the only things protecting him but those walls will crumble.

"Sadam has WMDs" wasn't a lie so we could steal Iraqi oil? I could have sworn I heard that for the first 10 years of the war.

If Trump has so many skeletons, a 3 year multimillion dollar FBI led investigation should uncover more than nebulous nothing. How can you support government anything if it fumbles such an easy touchdown?
The Bidens aren't on trial, Obama is not on trial. TRUMP is on trial, but any way you can try to muddy the waters Republicans will do because they know TRUMP is guilty and corrupt. There is zero factual info that the Bidens committed crimes.

Republicans are destroying democracy and the Constitution just to maintain power.

Also zero factual evidence that Trump committed any crime. Guess you forgot that part.

As for the Constitution....just wow. Weaponizing impeachment because orange man bad is sure to not hurt the Constitution.
The Bidens aren't on trial, Obama is not on trial. TRUMP is on trial, but any way you can try to muddy the waters Republicans will do because they know TRUMP is guilty and corrupt. There is zero factual info that the Bidens committed crimes. Maybe not good judgment but not illegal for a company to hire someone who has connections. Republicans do it all the time. Maybe we should investigate all the Trump kids while we're at it?

Republicans are destroying democracy and the Constitution just to maintain power.

Every single impeachment trial in the Senate has had witnesses and documents.

Good lord.