How will they rule ??!

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You’re spreading their crap because it’s been drilled into your head. You don’t understand how much you’ve been compromised. This was my exact point yesterday about the reach and scope of their disinformation. Their lies are in your mouth and you think their your own thoughts.

Dion. It was just explained to you why it's called The Ukraine. I don't know, maybe you're the one who's brainwashed? That ever cross your mind whilst reading the communist manifesto?
You’re spreading their crap because it’s been drilled into your head. You don’t understand how much you’ve been compromised. This was my exact point yesterday about the reach and scope of their disinformation. Their lies are in your mouth and you think their your own thoughts.

Yes, it’s me falling victim to the propaganda.

Why don’t you take a step back, you goddam lunatic, and realize not everything is Russian propaganda. YOU are falling victim to the bullshit lefty propaganda in thinking an evil Russian is hiding behind every corner.

I called it the Ukraine because I can’t remember a time it wasn’t the Ukraine.
-there are "feeder plants/businesses" throughout the state. One of the guys i rent equipment from makes the lions share of his cash from Toyota construction/maintenance...speaking of construction there are businesses from all over the state working in gtown.

-you have a really bad position here, man.
There is/was a Toyota support office near the airport. Bodoku maybe?

Also, I happen to know several folks here in Campbell County that drive to Georgetown to work at Toyota... all with good jobs.
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Dion. It was just explained to you why it's called The Ukraine. I don't know, maybe you're the one who's brainwashed? That ever cross your mind whilst reading the communist manifesto?
Reality doesn't matter anymore, truth doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter that I can show Fuzz, using mounds of data and a bulletproof argument, that you will be poorer under Democratic Socialism than you are now.

It doesn't matter that I can show Plat, using a very simple argument with very simple data, that basically noone is racist and there's little to no difference between those that do remain whether they are D or R.

It's just doesn't matter to them, the ideology must survive beyond all else.
You’re spreading their crap because it’s been drilled into your head. You don’t understand how much you’ve been compromised. This was my exact point yesterday about the reach and scope of their disinformation. Their lies are in your mouth and you think their your own thoughts.

No idiot. That's your MO and the idiots like you. Lets remember how many hoops you've jumped through at the behest of CNN to find out later you were dead wrong.
You’re spreading their crap because it’s been drilled into your head. You don’t understand how much you’ve been compromised. This was my exact point yesterday about the reach and scope of their disinformation. Their lies are in your mouth and you think their your own thoughts.

This is psychosis.

Linguistics are whatever people get used to using, knowingly or unknowingly it just happens, doesn't require nefarious intent. I know English and I know the slavic languages, it's obvious why they would say The Ukraine originally , it doesn't matter what kind of agenda, nationalistic or whatever else Russian propaganda spin you might look to place on it today to fit your distorted worldview.

Vince Vaughn is so money...and he knows it.
Seriously though, the left is now so unhinged, and has swallowed so much Democrat propaganda, if I eat a pierogi or drink vodka I’m only doing so because Russian propaganda has permeated every facet of my life.
This is psychosis.

Linguistics are whatever people get used to using, knowingly or unknowingly it just happens, doesn't require nefarious intent. I know English and I know the slavic languages, it's obvious why they would say The Ukraine originally , it doesn't matter what kind of agenda, nationalistic or whatever else Russian propaganda spin you might look to place on it today to fit your distorted worldview.
The entire point of propaganda is subtle psychological manipulation. Y’all refuse to acknowledge its efficacy because it cuts contrary to the conservative free will personal responsibility narrative. What you call it simply boils down to whose side you’re on. Ukraine’s or The Ukraine’s (Russia’s). Better Russian than Democrat though right?
The entire point of propaganda is subtle psychological manipulation. Y’all refuse to acknowledge its efficacy because it cuts contrary to the conservative free will personal responsibility narrative. It simply boils down to whose side you’re on. Ukraine’s or The Ukraine’s (Russia’s). Better Russian than Democrat though right?

I hope I'm not picking up on the sarcasm, otherwise you're insane.
This is psychosis.

Linguistics are whatever people get used to using, knowingly or unknowingly it just happens, doesn't require nefarious intent. I know English and I know the slavic languages, it's obvious why they would say The Ukraine originally , it doesn't matter what kind of agenda, nationalistic or whatever else Russian propaganda spin you might look to place on it today to fit your distorted worldview.

Don't let him get started on tOSU.

You know they've run out of arguments when we end up here.
The entire point of propaganda is subtle psychological manipulation. Y’all refuse to acknowledge its efficacy because it cuts contrary to the conservative free will personal responsibility narrative. It simply boils down to whose side you’re on. Ukraine’s or The Ukraine’s (Russia’s). Better Russian than Democrat though right?

this is more psychosis

propaganda’s subtlety trait doesn’t mean it’s in every subtlety, and I’m not conservative.

personal vs collective responsibility has philosophical origins dating to antiquity
To be honest, given all the taxpayer money the democrats were laundering through the Ukraine, I don’t really give a shit what they prefer I call them.

Put me in the camp of people who doesn’t give a shit about the Russia or the Ukraine.
Thanks for this. Illustrates the point perfectly. Ukrainians call it Ukraine. I stand with them.

I knew you would say this.

Here's another linguistic lesson for you, slavic languages don't have definite articles, no the, a or an.

so him not using it is entirely due to that, it's an actual authentic portrayal of what an immigrant from there would say THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY ZERO TO DO WITH YOUR PROPAGANDA PSYCHOSIS

again, you are privy to some information and some misinformation, but you have to ignore obvious (obvious to someone who knows more) reality, information that proves you wrong.... ignore the simple answer, the simple answer that you don't know what the heck you are talking about

doesn't matter someone who speaks other languages tells you so, no has to be the Kremlin
I knew you would say this.

Here's another linguistic lesson for you, slavic languages don't have definite articles, no the, a or an.

so him not using it is entirely due to that, it's an actual authentic portrayal of what an immigrant from there would say THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY ZERO TO DO WITH YOUR PROPAGANDA PSYCHOSIS

again, you are privy to some information and some misinformation, but you have to ignore obvious (obvious to someone who knows more) reality, information that proves you wrong.... ignore the simple answer, the simple answer that you don't know what the heck you are talking about

doesn't matter someone who speaks other languages tells you so, no has to be the Kremlin
Russian doesn’t have articles either you goof.
Russian doesn’t have articles either you goof.

so what? you are likely again illustrating some point perfectly that has nothing to do with anything or proves you wrong... as was the case here

this has nothing to do with narratives, or free will or the greedy rich or whatver other nonsense. vladimir putin didn't infiltrate the set of a popular 90s sitcom to deceive conservative america into siding with russia to thwart your socialist utopian dreams
so what? you are likely again illustrating some point perfectly that has nothing to do with anything or proves you wrong... as was the case here

this has nothing to do with narratives, or free will or the greedy rich or whatver other nonsense. vladimir putin didn't infiltrate the set of a popular 90s sitcom to deceive conservative america into siding with russia to thwart your socialist utopian dreams
You brought up the lack of articles to imply the difference is just a translation error. It isn’t. Russians say the Ukraine when communicating in English even though Russian doesn’t have articles as well. Ukrainians say Ukraine. The difference is intentional, not accidental.
Nothing says...sobriety

Cocaine Mitch at it again. To think I ever argued it would have been better for Thundercunt Grimes to have beat McConnell. With the benefit of hindsight, and now knowing the unbelievable way things unfolded, that appears to be one of the worst political takes in the history of this thread. Up there with any defense of McCain.
Meh. I voted for Perot twice. You eventually stop slipping the noose over your head everyday.
You brought up the lack of articles to imply the difference is just a translation error. It isn’t. Russians say the Ukraine when communicating in English even though Russian doesn’t have articles as well. Ukrainians say Ukraine. The difference is intentional, not accidental.

Yeah, exactly. So this is after the fact interpretation, a conclusion you reach on limited facts to fit your distorted worldview, ignoring the complete picture.

A Russian, or a Pole or a Czech immigrant would know the meaning of Ukraine is The Ukraine, The Frontier, so if they say it it doesn't mean they side with Russia and it would be insulting to them for you to say so. The guy in Seinfeld was fresh off the boat, thick accent, you shouldn't expect grammatically correct English. . He shouldn't be using an article on that fact alone for authenticity, that's the simple solution, not must be propaganda.

If Russians actually use it intentionally now for whatever nationalistic reasons twitter told you, or if Ukrainians now don't like it and don't want it or don't use it or you read on leftist websites that everyone is on Russia's side to stop Bernie from becoming president because Trump is a Russian spy, it has absolutely zero to do with some guy on the CatPaw using the Ukraine.
Yeah, exactly. So this is after the fact interpretation, a conclusion you reach on limited facts to fit your distorted worldview, ignoring the complete picture.

A Russian, or a Pole or a Czech immigrant would know the meaning of Ukraine is The Ukraine, The Frontier, so if they say it it doesn't mean they side with Russia and it would be insulting to them for you to say so. The guy in Seinfeld was fresh off the boat, thick accent, you shouldn't expect grammatically correct English. . He shouldn't be using an article on that fact alone for authenticity, that's the simple solution, not must be propaganda.

If Russians actually use it intentionally now for whatever nationalistic reasons twitter told you, or if Ukrainians now don't like it and don't want it or don't use it or you read on leftist websites that everyone is on Russia's side to stop Bernie from becoming president because Trump is a Russian spy, it has absolutely zero to do with some guy on the CatPaw using the Ukraine.
Now we’ve circled back to my original point. Bill was using Russian nationalist language without realizing it, furthering their agenda. Maybe he picked it up from Seinfeld, maybe from around the internet, maybe from Joe down the block. Wherever it came from, now thanks to this conversation he and the rest of the thread are informed on its implications. Hopefully that’ll make a difference. The more you know!
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Microsoft News Poll
Do you think President Trump's State of the Union address should be held amid the impeachment trial or postponed until afterward?

During the impeachment trial

Not until afterward

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New York State built 3-4 casinos within the last few years in an effort to expand gambling revenue. One of the casinos was built in Schenectady, NY.. a city that's more or less a dump, primarily when GE packed up and left. Before the Casino, the land was mainly old steel factories. Now, on top of the revenue and jobs the casino created, it created a happening water front that now has high-end apartments, condo's, bars and restaurants. Everything from MMA fights to concerts in the harbor. And now, they are redoing another mile patch of abandoned buildings as people are flocking to this area.

Granted, this casino technically eats into other NYS casinos, but it also stops people going to CT and NJ to gamble.

Here's what it looked like:



Here's what it looks like after:




I get the point, but i bet there were more family-sustaining wages being earned in those ugly “old steel factories.”
Now we’ve circled back to my original point. Bill was using Russian nationalist language without realizing it, furthering their agenda. Maybe he picked it up from Seinfeld, maybe from around the internet, maybe from Joe down the block. Wherever it came from, now thanks to this conversation he and the rest of the thread are informed on its implications. Hopefully that’ll make a difference. The more you know!

No, your point is still nonsensical.

And, not surprisingly, as I noted before... even given the full reality of the truth, you rationalize it in your head to fit the ideology, to sustain it because it must survive at all costs.

Your own propaganda is not the more you know, but the more you think you know, just like the thread is informed the OK hand gesture is furthering a WP agenda so all firemen are racists. This is how you come to be certain about a whole slew of beliefs that simply aren't so.