How will they rule ??!

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Wait a minute, do the Democrats have to cancel the election now that they’re claiming the Ukraine is investigating one of their political opponents?

I mean, everyone knows the democrats were going to try to punish the Ukraine if they didn’t investigate. The Ukraine might not have known that but that doesn’t matter. We all understand Democrat mafia speak. I’m willing to testify to Congress regarding my thoughts on what the Democrats were thinking.
Still don't understand why the GoP would be applauding USMCA. It is literally NAFTA (the worst deal in the history of the world) with some small changes to auto rules that the countries don't even have to follow. They can choose to revert back to the NAFTA rules. If any other person sent this exact same deal to congress the GoP would be shitting all over it. If you are anti-globalist and all that Soros bullshit you guys always ramble about then USMCA is a complete failure.
My guess would be platinum has no idea what is in the USMCA, and the GOP really is just happy because it’s a loss for the Democrats and win for Trump.

No one gives a shit about policy anymore, just team. Example 1a is the Democrats hating our president because he’s a Republican passing all the policies they would have loved 25 years ago.

As I’ve said a bunch of times, republicans have shown a willingness to compromise with Donald Trump. Democrats just ran harder left.
Just TRumps buddies plotting to kill an Ambassador over whatsapp, one of them running for congress. Completely NORMAL folks!

"She's talked to three people. Her phone is off. Computer is off," one message from March 2019 read. According to the documents, another pair of messages said: "Update she will not be moved special security unit upgraded force on the compound people are already aware of the situation my contacts are asking what is the next step because they cannot keep going to check people will start to ask questions.
"If you want her out they need to make contact with security forces."
“They will let me know when she’s on the move… They are willing to help if you/we would like a price. Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money… what I was told,” Hyde messaged.
False. You never copy truthful information. Most of your stuff is made up or taken out of context..
Still don't understand why the GoP would be applauding USMCA. It is literally NAFTA (the worst deal in the history of the world) with some small changes to auto rules that the countries don't even have to follow. They can choose to revert back to the NAFTA rules. If any other person sent this exact same deal to congress the GoP would be shitting all over it. If you are anti-globalist and all that Soros bullshit you guys always ramble about then USMCA is a complete failure.
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My guess would be platinum has no idea what is in the USMCA, and the GOP really is just happy because it’s a loss for the Democrats and win for Trump.

No one gives a shit about policy anymore, just team. Example 1a is the Democrats hating our president because he’s a Republican passing all the policies they would have loved 25 years ago.

As I’ve said a bunch of times, republicans have shown a willingness to compromise with Donald Trump. Democrats just ran harder left.
I'm completely fine with USMCA. It is just NAFTA with a new name. It is literally the same trade deal text with some edits added in.
Nothing says...sobriety

Cocaine Mitch at it again. To think I ever argued it would have been better for Thundercunt Grimes to have beat McConnell. With the benefit of hindsight, and now knowing the unbelievable way things unfolded, that appears to be one of the worst political takes in the history of this thread. Up there with any defense of McCain.

Who would have ever thought Donald Trump would win the presidency, and Mitch McConnell would morph into Cocaine Mitch.
Dont be so hard on yourself: I once supported Kasich over Trump.
Wait a minute, do the Democrats have to cancel the election now that they’re claiming the Ukraine is investigating one of their political opponents?

I mean, everyone knows the democrats were going to try to punish the Ukraine if they didn’t investigate. The Ukraine might not have known that but that doesn’t matter. We all understand Democrat mafia speak. I’m willing to testify to Congress regarding my thoughts on what the Democrats were thinking.
Why do you call it “the Ukraine”? It’s Ukraine. An independent country. You repeat Russian propaganda without even realizing it.
Isn't the GoP the party of law and order? Trump and his cronies broke the law, time to punish! They also did the same thing in PR, punishing Americans to fill Trumps ego while they die.

The Government Accountability Office says the Trump administration broke the law when it withheld US security aid to Ukraine last year that had been appropriated by Congress -- an issue at the center of the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
"Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law. OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA," the GAO said.
SO OMB violated the law, not Trump. Got it.
What would you like to wager that like pens were bought for Clinton’s impeachment?
It’s rich for McConnell to comment about it since the Senate did the same for Clinton.

Trump did the same for the signing of his “Phase One”...y’all complaining about that?

I’m not saying that they are right or wrong, just that it is and has been normal for 120+ years.
Once again, you fail to see the point.

Commemorative Pens are used when something good and positive happens like the signing of a bill into law, or the signing of a monumental trade agreement. Things that are positive for the country and "commemorate" that government is doing its job for the people.

Commemorative pens are wholly inappropriate for signing Articles of Impeachment, then happily handing them all out to the insane clown posse of Democrats who are all jumping with joy over something You're speaker has routinely described as a "somber moment". Since when do "somber moments" justify commemorative pens?

And yes if the Republicans did it with Clinton, then they should be duly criticized as well.
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You don't think your property value was impacted if you live near Georgetown? With all the Toyota plant brought in, I am sure there was a positive impact on property values.
Sure it helped G-town. Didn't help anyone in Owensboro, Somerset, Pikeville, Ashland, Newport, LV, now did it? All about government's chosen few.
May those impeachment involved and approving demosocialcommunists come to ask for and know true forgiveness for what they've done before they die. (I cannot wish h_ll on them as he_ll is an eternity of unknown and unfathomable torment.)
It's good you have that kind of resolve. I don't. I certainly have no problem wishing hell on those traitors to our country and constitution.
Sure it helped G-town. Didn't help anyone in Owensboro, Somerset, Pikeville, Ashland, Newport, LV, now did it? All about government's chosen few.

-there are "feeder plants/businesses" throughout the state. One of the guys i rent equipment from makes the lions share of his cash from Toyota construction/maintenance...speaking of construction there are businesses from all over the state working in gtown.

-you have a really bad position here, man.
Sure it helped G-town. Didn't help anyone in Owensboro, Somerset, Pikeville, Ashland, Newport, LV, now did it? All about government's chosen few.
Maybe not, but they helped Springfield and Shelbyville and Shepherdsville among many other small towns.
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Why do you call it “the Ukraine”? It’s Ukraine. An independent country. You repeat Russian propaganda without even realizing it.
You don't know what you are talking about just think you do because you only get misinformation.

This is literally the case with basically everything you leftists think you know, you have some information and twist it to your agenda and worldview and discard everything else.

The Ukraine is simply what it is called because its meaning is the Frontier, no other reason unless you want to make it fit some agenda to distort reality. It's the Ukraine technically for the same reason it's the United States.
Sure it helped G-town. Didn't help anyone in Owensboro, Somerset, Pikeville, Ashland, Newport, LV, now did it? All about government's chosen few.
You are hopeless. The Governor of the state brought something in that would not have been there otherwise. Increased the tax rolls of the state which in turn could be used to help the entire state and you sit around like someone with no concept of reality.

Again the state did not pay anything. The state chose its constituents as a whole over SC, TN or GA or whatever state wanting the plant. You have been shown the return on investment the state got and yet you complain. Maybe without that return, the state would have had to raise your taxes but did not since the extra taxes came in from the jobs created?

You are either just being argumentative or too short sighted to understand the "rising tide raises all ships" concept. If it is the latter, I suggest you buy some acreage in Canada and go live where nobody will ever impact your life. I suspect the former so I am done.
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Q for the Govn't experts....given we are 99.9% sure the Senate vote will keep Trump, why the charade? Is this required by law to go thru everything we have all heard before in the House? Can't they just vote now based on the info presented by the dragon lady?

Seems like a massive waste of time and money knowing the outcome will be as expected and we can move on.
Will never cease to amaze me that Russia went from a laughable “the 1980s called” powerless joke of a country in 2012, to becoming a world superpower that could rig the presidential election of the United States over the last few years of Obama’s presidency, all while Obama’s administration was running a counterintelligence operation against Trump, the Russian asset, campaign, yet the democrats want us to put them back in power to now stop Russia from overtaking the world. All while Trump, the Russian asset, keeps tripping over his dick and is proving to be an utter failure of a Russian plant.

Yet here I am, unknowingly spouting Russian propaganda because they somehow took over the world while Obama couldn’t stop them.
Wait a minute, do the Democrats have to cancel the election now that they’re claiming the Ukraine is investigating one of their political opponents?

I mean, everyone knows the democrats were going to try to punish the Ukraine if they didn’t investigate. The Ukraine might not have known that but that doesn’t matter. We all understand Democrat mafia speak. I’m willing to testify to Congress regarding my thoughts on what the Democrats were thinking.

I'll back you up as a fact witness. I factually read what you've written.

Did you read every word of it?

He hasn't read any of it. Rachel Maddow told him what to say.
Just realized I'm bringing myself down to your levels. Have a great day 'patriots'
You got me. I’m a Russian bot.
You’re spreading their crap because it’s been drilled into your head. You don’t understand how much you’ve been compromised. This was my exact point yesterday about the reach and scope of their disinformation. Their lies are in your mouth and you think their your own thoughts.