How will they rule ??!

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Microsoft News Poll
Do you think President Trump's State of the Union address should be held amid the impeachment trial or postponed until afterward?

During the impeachment trial

Not until afterward

No opinion / Other

Based on 10,021 responses. Snapshot of real-time results.
Nancy the B!tch offered Trump that date.
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The Trumpers here confuse me: They want to bad mouth about Dem's ignorance, then talk about the Dem's ability to pull off all of these things happening world wide with clockwork precision. Cannot be both ways.
Oh trust me Im a "Trumper" and you'll catch me dead before I call you guys smart. You guys absolutely are devious, but smart? Lmao. No.
The Trumpers here confuse me: They want to bad mouth about Dem's ignorance, then talk about the Dem's ability to pull off all of these things happening world wide with clockwork precision. Cannot be both ways.

What are these magical things that you believe Trump supporters believe Dems to be capable of? Did you say clockwork precision?
I see Les Penis has now implicated the entire Republican Party on Maddow and they will all be impeached or imprisoned. Graham, Nunes, Sekulow, Perry...these people eat it up :joy:
The Trumpers here confuse me: They want to bad mouth about Dem's ignorance, then talk about the Dem's ability to pull off all of these things happening world wide with clockwork precision. Cannot be both ways.

It's not "both ways". You only think it is because you don't pay attention to the dickfingered attempts the dems have made in their coup attempt. Still failing with clockwork precision.
Not only are democrats idiots they cant campaign for shit.

If bernie wants to win it's simple, start trashing the democrats. Look what Trump did..he didnt campaign against the democrats, he went after jeb, rubio, Cruz.
I know exactly who, in this thread, would believe that was an original moment. CNN probably suggested the move to her. Tell the truth, I'm all for Warren being the democrat candidate. I think that would be almost as fun as Biden. Best would be Biden with Warren as Vice Pres.

Trump vs Biden and Pence vs Warren would be the most watched debates evah!
I know exactly who, in this thread, would believe that was an original moment. CNN probably suggested the move to her. Tell the truth, I'm all for Warren being the democrat candidate. I think that would be almost as fun as Biden. Best would be Biden with Warren as Vice Pres.

Trump vs Biden and Pence vs Warren would be the most watched debates evah!

The best opponent for Trump is Bernie Sanders and it isn't close.
Trump vs Bernie would be great. Bernie may be the biggest fraud ever in American politics. Trump would have no problems making Bernie look like the commie piece of trash he is.
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He would make Bernie lose his mind in a debate and he would come off like an unhinged commie idiot. OK, Trump wouldn't be able to take credit for that, but he would rile him up bigly.
Hows that cov cath kid doing with those millions from CNN from their effort to make a negative story.

Heard they just colluded with a democratic nominee to take bernie out, blindly aiding with her.

All cable news is trash. Rachel maddow is a conspiracy theorist, chrus matthews claimed the death of solemimani was equivalent to the death of princess diana, and joy reid is a hateful pig who only is used to spread fear and disinformation

Btw, instead of just being stump speech hour at the "debates", dont you think a network like cnn should ask real questions that ppl want to know like:
Would you continue with current policies that have clearly grown the economy? Why not?

Or if there was a planned attack on our foreign embassy and you were getting orders from our intelligence, what would you do? You know, bc that seems newsy at the moment
I agree, but Bernie is not going to be the nominee. DNC doesn't want him to be. I don't think it really matters which of those 3 it is though.

I think had Biden been the nominee in 2016 (before he clearly started losing his mind)...that he would have been a much tougher race for Trump than facing Hillary. Biden would have done better than her up in the 'Blue Wall' (working class whites) that Trump did so well with.

I'm going on memory here but I believe in one of his elections Obama got about 43 percent of the white vote...the same amount John Kerry got when he was the nominee. Hillary got a historically awful 39 percent of the white vote. White voters, even those in areas that usually favored Democrats...clearly detested that woman. Biden would not have done that poorly.

Biden now looks to me like a sick man. I could find him somewhat affable in the past even when I disagreed with him, so I admit I wish he had left the stage...I had a beloved grandmother who lost her mind in the end and it was extremely tough for me to watch. I'm not saying he has Alzheimer's but I don't think that man is well.

Sanders would mean an easy Trump win...the dem party and the media are going all out to stop that. Warren's economic message isn't really anymore crazy than Bernie's but Bernie has so many obstacles and past statements that would burn him. Can you imagine how giddy the Trump people would be in an election running the tape where Bernie says the Boston marathon terrorist ought to be able to vote? That killers and rapists shouldn't lose their right to vote per Bernie...haha

It is hard to think at this point the nominee won't be Biden or Warren. A healthy Biden would easily have been tougher for Trump than Warren. He has great backing in the black community and has always been at home with working class whites...but Warren may be more formidable than a stammering, incoherent Joe.

The Dems don't have great candidates. But the country is very divided, and the creeping demographic shift of the nation...year after year...clearly favors the democrats. Trump is likely going to be able to campaign on a great economy...but whoever the Democrats run will not have be as detestable to middle America as Hillary.

A Trump re-election is likely at this point...his greatest asset is that the democrats don't have a strong candidate. They have went so far leftward so fast...talking transgender murders and all the free shit you are going to give to illegals isn't a winning strategy.

I admit I'm looking forward to the State of the Union address coming soon...Trump talking about taking out Soleimani while democrats sit on their hands will be fun to watch.
I'm actually glad for once that Trump is a narcissist liar. He lied about troop injuries during the Iran retaliation so his base wouldn't string him up for letting it go unanswered. Yay for liars!