How will they rule ??!

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Most eclectic list of speakers I can remember for a convention. Alot of good things said.

Trump jr was definitely the highlight, for sure
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Leftist are the dorks of the classroom who "take names" for the teacher when he/she's out of the room.

It's why for generations they've been hated as the filth that they are. Fascist anarchist losers who hate their own and hit those knees for votes.

Oh, REPOOOORT!!!!!!!

That was so mean!
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I didn't get banned from the board, but for the first time in my 13 years on this site and its predecessors, I got banned from posting on a thread. The Baton Rouge one.

A poster called me an idiot for saying liberal. And all I did was respond that you can talk about liberal societal views without it being political. After all, I don't think the issues of grown ass men in the same bathroom as my daughter is a political thread worthy topic.

It was extremely tame compared to what some of these race batters like CatDaddy4daWin get away with.
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Yeah this thread went to shit. It wouldn't be so bad if they owned their craziness, but it's "PRASE LORD JEBUS!" in one post and "Fk the liburals, leave are country!" the next. Pretty typical behavior of "Christians" though.

At least that lunatic KlansmanWildcat got banned. I bet that dude is SEETHING right now. [laughing]

This thread may spontaneously combust in November. Whew. I worry about some of you guys if Hillary is elected. Seriously.
Seriously? Based on the abominable, barbarous behavior of the Far Left at various Trump rallies, San Jose in particular, and based on the recent cop-killings from Far Left radical scum, I can only conclude the combustion occurs in the event of a Trump victory. It will go beyond the usual SJW squawking on Tumblr and Twitter; there may well be riots. In the event of a Clinton victory, I predict a fair amount of grumpiness, and no violence. My opinion as to the disparate reactions to the alternate scenarios is largely based on the reprehensible behavior from the Far Left over the past few months.
As I've said, my issues with the libertarians is foreign policy. We'd be attacked left and right and 10 years after the isolation mentality we'd be hit even harder. Evil is evil because it's evil, not because America improperly invaded or defended itself. America must be the worlds police, there's no way around it. Every time we back up or sit back, the world becomes more dangerous. China, Russia, and the Middle East are waiting on America to nominate an isolationist. It's their wet dream.

I agree with them on several big government issues, that's about it.

I consider myself a strategic conservative. I don't give a shit if you pray to God, and it's been overblown by the anti-religious crowd who really just hates religion in general, and becomes obsessed with God fearing men. It's a bit ridiculous. I care that a leftist is not in power first and foremost.

I also don't care if you're non religious as long as you defend the J-Christian foundation and respect it.

I support trump as many Christians do. We are able to look past religious affiliation, whereas modern day anti-religious voters cannot.

Depends on what your looking at pertaining to "foreign policy". My issue isn't the boogie man, it's his trade policies. They aren't, from an economics standpoint,rational. Specifically his trade policies with China. He has to know this but is pandering to a low information voter on this aspect. I wouldn't consider myself an economics genius but I do have an economics degree and a MBA. Most of what he says is nonsense in this category.

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition. So, unless he plans on destroying robots, those jobs are gone forever.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between American economic growth and an expanding American trade deficit.

Lastly, basic economics teaches and common sense says that trade balances reflect national savings, consumption and investment, NOT trade policy. Thus, every dollar traveling overseas to buy imports (in excess of our exports) eventually comes back to the United States in the form of investment, and our “trade deficit” is matched by a surplus. In other words, we buy goods and services from foreigners, and they buy an equal amount of our exports PLUS our financial assets

I don't expect the common voter with not much economic knowledge to get that, but that would be a Libertarians issue with part of his foreign policy. His nonsensical 1950esq vision of handling international trade...and that's just with China. Hillary doesn't have anything better in place...but that's the glaring issue with Trump. I could get in more about our supposed "debt" to China but I don't feel like teaching an international commerce class on rivals. Lol.
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Been thru the ringer myself. We seem to be very similar, I just still havnt caught on to the whole Christian thing yet. I believe in something, just not religious yet. Maybe one day.

That was my next point, if anyone local knows ur handle, I would delete all that crap. You'll get an SJW screaming thst you didn't care enough about him to get him proper help.

Very similar indeed.

Took the advice. Too many snitches in here.
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Depends on what your looking at pertaining to "foreign policy". My issue isn't the boogie man, it's his trade policies. They aren't, from an economics standpoint,rational. Specifically his trade policies with China. He has to know this but is pandering to a low information voter on this aspect. I wouldn't consider myself an economics genius but I do have an economics degree and a MBA. Most of what he says is nonsense in this category.

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition. So, unless he plans on destroying robots, those jobs are gone forever.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between American economic growth and an expanding American trade deficit.

Lastly, basic economics teaches and common sense says that trade balances reflect national savings, consumption and investment, NOT trade policy. Thus, every dollar traveling overseas to buy imports (in excess of our exports) eventually comes back to the United States in the form of investment, and our “trade deficit” is matched by a surplus. In other words, we buy goods and services from foreigners, and they buy an equal amount of our exports PLUS our financial assets

I don't expect the common voter with not much economic knowledge to get that, but that would be a Libertarians issue with part of his foreign policy. His nonsensical 1950esq vision of handling international trade...and that's just with China. Hillary doesn't have anything better in place...but that's the glaring issue with Trump. I could get in more about our supposed "debt" to China but I don't feel like teaching an international commerce class on rivals. Lol.

So, I guess the factories that shut down in my town moved for Mexican robots? Damn you Mr roboto

I think you'd be quite surprised at studying real world economics and not just your economics class. I'm sure a lot of jobs are lost to automation, but I know of a few thousand in my little ass town that were lost to cheaper countries.
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My oldest daughter, 19, came in last night laughing at Trump's wife for plagiarizing. "Did you see what she did" lol, lol, lol. I calmly said--have you researched Biden's law school, Obama's speeches, Michele's speeches? Do you realize they have all done the same?

Of course not. "But why wasn't it on the news then? It must not have happened." Also sent her Sheriff Clarke's CNN clip a couple of days ago. Ask her if she'd watched it. "No, I haven't yet."

Nope, no media bias to see here.
Depends on what your looking at pertaining to "foreign policy". My issue isn't the boogie man, it's his trade policies. They aren't, from an economics standpoint,rational. Specifically his trade policies with China. He has to know this but is pandering to a low information voter on this aspect. I wouldn't consider myself an economics genius but I do have an economics degree and a MBA. Most of what he says is nonsense in this category.

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition. So, unless he plans on destroying robots, those jobs are gone forever.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between American economic growth and an expanding American trade deficit.

Lastly, basic economics teaches and common sense says that trade balances reflect national savings, consumption and investment, NOT trade policy. Thus, every dollar traveling overseas to buy imports (in excess of our exports) eventually comes back to the United States in the form of investment, and our “trade deficit” is matched by a surplus. In other words, we buy goods and services from foreigners, and they buy an equal amount of our exports PLUS our financial assets

I don't expect the common voter with not much economic knowledge to get that, but that would be a Libertarians issue with part of his foreign policy. His nonsensical 1950esq vision of handling international trade...and that's just with China. Hillary doesn't have anything better in place...but that's the glaring issue with Trump. I could get in more about our supposed "debt" to China but I don't feel like teaching an international commerce class on rivals. Lol.

Bull, You take out the human equation in all of this, thats why simply using class room philosophy when figuring economics is insane. It's similar to when we were told we couldn't drill our way to cheap gas, it doesn't take into account how other markets would react to a growing competition.

First of all while some jobs have been lost to automation, I don't believe for a second that 90% have, thats pure fantasy. We've lost 5 million since nafta, and thats only the actual manufacturer that left, that doesn't take into account all the other jobs that support those manufacturing plants in the areas. It takes a lot of infrastructure and support to keep a plant running.

Lastly, you act as if Trump did something, which he won't do all he's speaking of, if would cause economic chaos. Well, we're on our way there now, eventually we are going to have to do something to change whats happening, and the longer we wait the worse it's going to hurt. People are struggling right now, and whats worse is that don't have hope for a better future. If we stay on the failed course we're on it's only going to get worse, and the America we know and love will be forever gone.
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S & C, just to end where my phone went dead on me last night in the hotel.

Here's something to think about. 100+ million American tax payers, or 50% of the U.S population, is footing almost 40% of the global police for 7 billion people. That's pure bullshit.
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I've been to three county fairs, two goat ropin's and a one-legged ass kicking contest, but I ain't never seen nothing like this.

Let's look at the world around us and say "yep, everything is going fine, I wouldn't change a thing". All we have to do is elect Hillary and we can maintain or reduce the status quo. Some smart dude said a long time ago, "the definition of insanity is to continue to repeat an action and expect a different result".

Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking they are doing something that is good for the country and therefore good for them. NOPE. You are following lockstep in the footsteps of every other citizenry that existed under a failed democracy. You advocate taking from the few to give to the many. You demonize productivity and reward the non-productive. You teach the masses that they can vote themselves money from the public coffers and doom our way of life.

Liberalism is a disease.
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Depends on what your looking at pertaining to "foreign policy". My issue isn't the boogie man, it's his trade policies. They aren't, from an economics standpoint,rational. Specifically his trade policies with China. He has to know this but is pandering to a low information voter on this aspect. I wouldn't consider myself an economics genius but I do have an economics degree and a MBA. Most of what he says is nonsense in this category.

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition. So, unless he plans on destroying robots, those jobs are gone forever.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between American economic growth and an expanding American trade deficit.

Lastly, basic economics teaches and common sense says that trade balances reflect national savings, consumption and investment, NOT trade policy. Thus, every dollar traveling overseas to buy imports (in excess of our exports) eventually comes back to the United States in the form of investment, and our “trade deficit” is matched by a surplus. In other words, we buy goods and services from foreigners, and they buy an equal amount of our exports PLUS our financial assets

I don't expect the common voter with not much economic knowledge to get that, but that would be a Libertarians issue with part of his foreign policy. His nonsensical 1950esq vision of handling international trade...and that's just with China. Hillary doesn't have anything better in place...but that's the glaring issue with Trump. I could get in more about our supposed "debt" to China but I don't feel like teaching an international commerce class on rivals. Lol.

I agree that Trump's protectionist policies are a return to decades ago; and that they are not in line with free market concepts.

However, we have anything but a free market. Our marketplace is highly regulated and restricted. Yet we are trying to compete with other countries who are much closer to a free market (unregulated and unrestricted). That's why we're coming up short.

Generally I support the free market and oppose protectionist policies. But until we return to more of a free market or the rest of the world become more regulated; Trump has the right idea.
What countries are more free market than our own? I was under the impression that most other countries were more protective and regulated. (Obviously not all--but most.)
Today I learned the radioactive waste dumped in Estill county, and leached into the ky river right by a treatment plant, was approved by West Virginia as part of some agreement with Ohio and Pennsylvania regarding where to dump their fracking waste. Estill co is not in West Virginia. It is 20 min from the killer mustard gas. Kentucky leaders were notified in 2015 by West Virginia that they would be dumping shit right across from a high school, in the KY river watershed. State officials never contacted Estill Co about this. Judge Executive Wallace Taylor found out when the news reporters came to town to report on the dumping.

State supposedly has already conducted a criminal investigation, but results aren't known. Taylor is asking for those results. He is suing Advanced Disposal...lmao, yea, good luck....on behalf of his town, and pretty much begging for information/answers from the state.

This is gd ridiculous. Btw, Richmond is a designated "blue waterway town" or some shit, so you can't move dirt without being hammered with all sorts of little bushit procedures to ensure there is nothing leaching to the waterways. City will eat your ass. They're total bitches about it.

Meanwhile, in the land of the killer mustard gas, just 5 min from town, there appear to be no rules. LMAO.

I mean, this is sort of shit that happens when local governments are basically abandoned. Fn West Virginia, in partnership with PA and OH made this decision and informed the state of KY who then did not inform Estill co. Wtf. I'm assuming that's a straight up lie and someone made money from this dumping deal. Same things probabaly happening in West Virginia somewhere and they're probably shrugging their shoulders and saying Ohio did it.

Let's just debate the definition of plagiarism. Everything is fine. We'll be fine.
Lmao, it gets better....some state rep from some agency that probabaly doesn't need to exist told the paper he hopes the state will release all information they have on this voluntarily, even suggesting they put it in the Estill co library so citizens won't have to file open records requests!!!!!

KY has has quite the year for open records requests, so that's extra funny and it's almost like he's trolling.
Summation? Would like to avoid his voice.
Obviously I hate Cruz more than almost anybody else, but it's a very easy listen. 52min talking about voter analytics, campaign finance/burn rate, how Donald won and how he would've lost. Just a whiff of policy discussion.
Don Jr. has definitely grown during this campaign cycle. Great speech last night. Even Tiffany did fine for someone who has no experience speaking on that kind of stage. Eric will do well tonight and then they pull out the big gun in Ivanka Thur night. You can say what you want about Trump, but one thing you cannot say is that he raised terrible kids. I do not know any Billionaires, but I know several millionaires and many have some pretty messed up kids or just have bad relationships with them.

For someone like Trump to have all the money, fame, etc. he has had all of these years and to raise kids in that environment that turned out as successful and down to earth as they have is impressive in itself. You never hear any rumors about it all being an illusion.

I have been waiting for Ivanka to really get going in this election because she is going to be a very powerful voice for Donald Trump and her speech tomorrow night may be real the start of it.
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Just saw Trump's financial adviser on CNN and he talked nothing but trickle-down theory. That we need more tax cuts for the rich to spur imaginary growth that will lift all boats.

Good lord, I will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is another trickle-down idiot.
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Heisman was a good dude. I didn't agree with him on most things, but he was passionate and honest. He lacked tact, but who in the *(^(* logs onto an internet message board for tact?

As I also said, Trump has been repeatedly compared to an orangutan so while the comparison to Michelle to a gorilla was unfortunate it shouldn't have been fatal and I respectfully submit that was a drastic overreaction if he has indeed been banned. Be nice to know it was only a temporary one if that is in fact what happened.
Just say Trump's political adviser on CNN and he talked nothing but trickle-down theory. That we need more tax cuts for the rich to spur imaginary growth that will lift all boats.

Good lord, I will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is another trickle-down idiot.
Trickle down doesn't work. Trickle up doesn't work. The fact is jobs are what drives the economy, but tax cuts are easier done then creating enough jobs to catapult the economy back to where it should be. Now...if deciding what works best between tax cuts for the rich or more free money to the poor: tax breaks work best every single time.

With that said...if a company gets a major tax break (put a number on it later) then they should have to invest so much money in job development instead of just giving their high rollers 50% salary increases.
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so Twitter dot com slices Milo's throat the same day Cats Paw knifes Heisman in the back?

Nothing the left does this political season to achieve victory should surprise anyone. Before it is over Facebook will be deleting Tea Party & Trump pages, Google will filter out GOP sites in search results.
I am not under cover about my liberalism nor my open, sustained, repeated support for Trump. He is going to advance more liberal causes in crushing the globalists than any Democrat ever could, plus, as a side benefit, he just might destroy the Republican Party while he is at it. Win, win.
Evidently you have no idea what the word "liberal" means.

Trump's platform:
Does all this "racist' talk mean that I can't make fun of Obama's ears? Those flappers probably have their own zip codes.
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Heisman was a good dude. I didn't agree with him on most things, but he was passionate and honest. He lacked tact, but who in the *(^(* logs onto an internet message board for tact?

As I also said, Trump has been repeatedly compared to an orangutan so while the comparison to Michelle to a gorilla was unfortunate it shouldn't have been fatal and I respectfully submit that was a drastic overreaction if he has indeed been banned. Be nice to know it was only a temporary one if that is in fact what happened.
Overreaction many times is due to personal preference and the lack of unbiased judgment. Seen it on here a few times. It has been said before, thinned skinned people need not post here. The same could be said for Moderation.