How will they rule ??!

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You know the implication he’s making. Blah blah them and their global cabal killed my buddy Jesus blah blah blah.

The Jews (one segment of, a branch of, an idea within, a part of them, a movement from within) invented communism as means of control, as a means of fighting christian europe and dominating, subverting parts of it.

This is not conspiratorial or ant semitic or bigoted in any way shape or form, rather the obvious reality... if you people would be half as smart as you claim to be you would understand these obvious realities and not be so mired in lies and genuine idiocy.
It was like an artillery round going off? It almost killed them? These people are pathetic. Drama anyone? They need to go just outside of an impact zone and watch the rounds explode then they will know what our enemies feel. But, I do remember a time where Hillary got off a plane and shots were being fired in her direction.[eyeroll]

Too bad they were imaginary.
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It was like and artillery round going off? It almost killed them? These people are pathetic. Drama anyone? They need to go just outside of an impact zone and watch the rounds explode then they will know what our enemies feel. But, I do remember a time where Hillary got off a plane and shots were being fired in her direction.[eyeroll]

Too bad they were imaginary.
That one reporter dude got PTSD from firing just 1 shot from an ar15.
IF Buttplug won the democratic nomination...Trump should just use this picture in every ad. People don't want to see this sh-t and Fuster should be banned for the last few days of 2019 for posting it.
But i’m glad be did. i can’t stop chuckling to myself every time i think of that image.
The Jews (one segment of, a branch of, an idea within, a part of them, a movement from within) invented communism as means of control, as a means of fighting christian europe and dominating, subverting parts of it.

This is not conspiratorial or ant semitic or bigoted in any way shape or form, rather the obvious reality... if you people would be half as smart as you claim to be you would understand these obvious realities and not be so mired in lies and genuine idiocy.

Some understand this.

Others are ignorant and call you crazy.
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I'm just ready to get this Senate Trial over with so the President can get back to work.
The Jews (one segment of, a branch of, an idea within, a part of them, a movement from within) invented communism as means of control, as a means of fighting christian europe and dominating, subverting parts of it.

This is not conspiratorial or ant semitic or bigoted in any way shape or form, rather the obvious reality... if you people would be half as smart as you claim to be you would understand these obvious realities and not be so mired in lies and genuine idiocy.
That is pure unadulterated bullshit. Communism arose from academic speculation on post-capitalist economic systems. The majority of Marx's work is on capitalism, the Communist Manifesto was a short pamphlet late in his career. His family wasn't even religiously Jewish, they converted to Christianity before he was born. Literally everything you said in that post is incorrect.
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That is pure unadulterated bullshit. Communism arose from academic speculation on post-capitalist economic systems. The majority of Marx's work is on capitalism, the Communist Manifesto was a short pamphlet late in his career. His family wasn't even religiously Jewish, they converted to Christianity before he was born. Literally everything you said in that post is incorrect.

Want to know how I know you are blinded by ideology?

I could've written that better than you... well, ok maybe not better but I could've gotten the exact deluded point across.

In other words, I knew that would be your response before you gave it. So no, you, if anyone here is, are incorrect entirely.
Want to know how I know you are blinded by ideology?

I could've written that better than you... well, ok maybe not better but I could've gotten the exact deluded point across.

In other words, I knew that would be your response before you gave it. So no, you, if anyone here is, are incorrect entirely.
You're asserting communism was invented as a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world when Marx wasn't even Jewish and I'm the one blinded by ideology? Laughable.
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You're asserting communism was invented as a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world when Marx wasn't even religiously Jewish and I'm the one blinded by ideology? Laughable.

I'm asserting that communism is bereft of real intelligence, doesn't help the common man, only the well below average man.

There is only evidence for this and none to the contrary. I am not making any conspiratorial claims.

Marx never worked and he was a Jew, Jews in most of Europe had to convert to sustain a livelihood.

You don't actually really know anything about history.
Lol, didn't "the jews" also invent anarcho capitalism? Mises and Rothbard were definitely jews. Rand was a jew as well, so chalk objectivism up to the tribe. Always trying to subvert society those rascals.
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I'm asserting that communism is bereft of real intelligence, doesn't help the common man, only the well below average man.

There is only evidence for this and none to the contrary. I am not making any conspiratorial claims.

Marx never worked and he was a Jew, Jews in most of Europe had to convert to sustain a livelihood.

You don't actually really know anything about history.
Wrong again, his father converted after Jewish emancipation of the Rhineland, not before in pursuit of economic mobility as you're suggesting. Once again the facts do not fit your argument.
I'm asserting that communism is bereft of real intelligence, doesn't help the common man, only the well below average man.

There is only evidence for this and none to the contrary. I am not making any conspiratorial claims.

Marx never worked and he was a Jew, Jews in most of Europe had to convert to sustain a livelihood.

You don't actually really know anything about history.
This is what socialists do. They have no concept of history, not the foresight to see the future. Everything is in the right now...its why they cannot conceive how complex systems in reality work or how their ideas create unintended consequences.

It's why you see the present democrats act hysterical about everything. "People will die from net neutrality" or "this will be the holocaust" or why Bernie supporters wont to grow the govt to massive levels, but havent considered, he cant be president what happens when someone 100 times worse than what they think trump is gets voted in with all this power.

Take any of their ideas and they are blown apart looking at the bigger picture beyond soak the rich, dump money. The state setting wages makes it harder for the the very poor to get jobs bc it makes requirements more difficult if you force employers into higher investment, same with rent control. Same with any of their other idiotic ideas that refuse to actually address and solve the problem. Their climate change proposals should be a clear sign..."give us more money" meanwhile another country is doing infinite times the damage. Identifying problems properly isjt solving them. And thinking the govt has answers isnt accomplishing them.

Communism/socialism only works in primitive societies that dont have complex operating systems, like hunter gatherers. This person catches the meat, that one cleans it, and that one prepares it. But once those skills are obtained by others in the group or others find better ways to fulfill the need (like capitalism) it starts to collapse. It is impossible at that point to eradicate inequality. Something dems are lead to believe that the elimination of all struggle is possible.

Anyone that says their a socialist I have to assume isnt a deep thinker.
Lol, didn't "the jews" also invent anarcho capitalism? Mises and Rothbard were definitely jews. Rand was a jew as well, so chalk objectivism up to the tribe. Always trying to subvert society those rascals.

maybe they are?

There are only ever competing ideologies and all of them bad. There are some people of exceedingly high intelligence, some prescient and with power, some with ill intent masqueraded, groups do not have to behave monolithically in service of say one sole interest as is often the case people would like to simplify ... take for example, Dion here, a true testament to what it means to be one of Lenin's useful idiots, believes that billionaires behave solely to keep their greedy money at the expense of other people.

The reality is all true ideologies are bunk; it's easy to see what's wrong with others say one that says they are commanded to chuck people off roofs, less easy to see what's wrong with your own till you remove the blinders. Look at the facts and look at the results. Here is the ideology one should have 2020 in America, that there are 2020 American communists and leftists really is unbelievable.

This is all you need, right here...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

What's the end result of that? The greatest period of peace and prosperity man has ever known.

Wrong again, his father converted after Jewish emancipation of the Rhineland, not before in pursuit of economic mobility as you're suggesting. Once again the facts do not fit your argument.

They only ever actually fit my argument because that is the nature of the truth.
Jews were only ever ethnically persecuted in Europe, to varying degrees and varying severity, but they were always under pressure to convert, not so in communist europe. They were a homeless people under threat and lacking power.

You look at things with a distorted modern lens... Europe was and still is to some degree only ever racially (ethnically) divided to some significant degree.
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Karl Marx was a journalist. That's all you need to know.

A little late to the party, but here is O'bama attempting to imitate a man throwing a baseball 55 feet.

I was wondering when they would try to cut Trump out of that movie. I legit watched that movie like a week ago thinking "The left is totally gonna get that Trump scene cut out aren't they" lol. Predictable as the sun rising.

I read that twats story earlier. She also thinks the dems didn't follow any rules to bring the articles. If they want to assert their power then I have no problem with Mitch asserting his. If we're playing a game and you don't follow accepted rules, then I have no obligation to follow the rules either. I also do not have the responsibility of only cheating to the extent you cheat.