How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If only it were just Virginia, or just the last couple of years.

It floored me when I voted this last election cycle. I was walking up to the polling place and of course you had the dems handing out their ballots and choices. You had the republicans handing out their ballots and choices. I took both for a change. On the ballot was a 300 million + referendum for a property tax increase. Mind you, I live in fairfax county, VA. I think the third most expensive county in the United States or some such distinction.[eyeroll]

Anyway, BOTH the republican and democrat practice ballot had the box checked yes for the tax increase. (It passed). I won't begin to tell ANYONE how dastardly the republicans are in this state. They are not even RINO's. Much worse...
Meanwhile, as the circus plays on, this is quietly being brought to a vote—
Giving longterm workers a path to legal status is common sense not amnesty. If they have status then they are paying taxes and assimilating. If you think a 10 year path to a green card is amnesty you are a special kind of douchebag. Unless you like paying $10 for a head of lettuce get the **** over it. Americans are to spoiled to pick vegetables from dawn to dusk for min wage, Hispanics aren't.
Giving longterm workers a path to legal status is common sense not amnesty. If they have status then they are paying taxes and assimilating. If you think a 10 year path to a green card is amnesty you are a special kind of douchebag. Unless you like paying $10 for a head of lettuce get the **** over it. Americans are to spoiled to pick vegetables from dawn to dusk for min wage, Hispanics aren't.

Come here legally. Or don't come. The end.
It floored me when I voted this last election cycle. I was walking up to the polling place and of course you had the dems handing out their ballots and choices. You had the republicans handing out their ballots and choices.
I've never even seen anyone handing out ballot choices at/near polling places. I know it happens, so I guess there's no end to voter stupidity.
Giving longterm workers a path to legal status is common sense not amnesty. If they have status then they are paying taxes and assimilating. If you think a 10 year path to a green card is amnesty you are a special kind of douchebag. Unless you like paying $10 for a head of lettuce get the **** over it. Americans are to spoiled to pick vegetables from dawn to dusk for min wage, Hispanics aren't.
Douchebag here, a-hole.

It certainly is amnesty as it removes potential of legal action against them as illegals. You have no idea what taxes they are paying or not. THey don't have legal Social Security cards, so they can't be paying that.

I'm fine with those brought here under age 18 and those who came here own under 16 having a long path to green cards - 10 years OK. For anyone else, no green card. They were mature enough to knowingly break our laws & forgiving them just encourages more to do it. No idea why you don't see that as a big problem.

Give them permanent residency w/o a path to green card/citizenship provided they never commit a felony. Call it a yellow card or whatever. They made their choices.

We need more LEGAL immigrants, not self-selecting illegal ones.
The president took the unprecedented step of releasing a transcript so everyone could see the truth.

Here’s another transcript everyone should see: sworn testimony confirming that the whistleblower didn’t tell the truth both verbally and in writing. But Schiff won’t release it.
Surely this comes out in impeachment trial.
I've never even seen anyone handing out ballot choices at/near polling places. I know it happens, so I guess there's no end to voter stupidity.

I have seen it many times, in San Antonio, TX, in Charleston, SC (Where I moved from). They hand you a form of who they think you should vote for...A lady last year stood at this same polling place telling me as I was walking in to vote for the tax increase last year (It passed too) it was for the children so the building I was walking into could be renovated. (I think it is the public library of Lorton, VA.). I was caustic that day. Anyway to add on to my previous voting experience my property taxes are nearly $500.00 more dollars this year than last year. I can wait to see what happens from this years voted tax increase...No emoji needed...
Giving longterm workers a path to legal status is common sense not amnesty. If they have status then they are paying taxes and assimilating. If you think a 10 year path to a green card is amnesty you are a special kind of douchebag. Unless you like paying $10 for a head of lettuce get the **** over it. Americans are to spoiled to pick vegetables from dawn to dusk for min wage, Hispanics aren't.

You are the worst kind of prejudiced....(I am better than the illegal but in my "bigness" of heart I will "allow" them to serve me. (Even a whole race, but, I'm helping them too (with someone else's resources) so it's okay.) I may even talk to them after a while...) Soft bigotry is way worse than hard core bigotry. You espouse a way of life that contradicts being an American.
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Splane it Lucy...

He did spell it correctly in the next sentence...

Shit, I stopped reading after the initial misspell. If you're gonna be a guy Dwayne follows on Twitter, at least spell check the Tweets. Just sayin'.
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That neighbor has more first hand knowledge than any person the Democrats interviewed in their entire impeachment charade.

I think the neighbors statement would be admissible in a court of law, whereas no of the testimony from the democrats “witnesses” would have ever seen a courtroom.
That neighbor has more first hand knowledge than any person the Democrats interviewed in their entire impeachment charade.

I think the neighbors statement would be admissible in a court of law, whereas no of the testimony from the democrats “witnesses” would have ever seen a courtroom.

Yeah, "neighbor says" invokes major confidence. If your neighbor said you raped his daughter and it was posted on Twitter, I'd be all for having you castrated and hung.
Funny how the Dems are selective law and order types.

'The law is the law': Virginia Democrats float prosecution, National Guard deployment if police don't enforce gun control


Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill say local police who do not enforce gun control measures likely to pass in Virginia should face prosecution and even threats of the National Guard.

After November's Virginia Legislature elections that led to Democrats taking control of both chambers, the gun control legislation proposed by some Democrats moved forward, including universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, and a red flag law.

Legal firearm owners in the state, however, joined with their sheriffs to form Second Amendment sanctuary counties, which declare the authorities in these municipalities uphold the Second Amendment in the face of any gun control measure passed by Richmond.

Over 75 counties in Virginia have so far adopted such Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions in the commonwealth, the latest being Spotsylvania County. The board of supervisors voted unanimously to approve a resolution declaring that county police will not enforce state-level gun laws that violate Second Amendment rights.

Virginia Democratic officials, however, already say local law enforcement supporting these resolutions will face consequences if they do not carry out any law the state Legislature passes.

“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they're prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly told the Washington Examiner of local county police who may refuse to enforce future gun control measures. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don't have a choice, not if you're a sworn officer of the law.”

Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin suggested cutting off state funds to counties that do not comply with any gun control measures that pass in Richmond.

“They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money. The counties' attorneys offices are not going to have the money to prosecute because their prosecutions are going to go down,” he said.

McEachin also noted that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could call the National Guard, if necessary.

“And ultimately, I'm not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” he said. “That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has.”

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring blamed the numerous Second Amendment resolutions in the state on the “gun lobby” as a tactic to frighten state residents.

“The resolutions that are being passed are being ginned up by the gun lobby to try to scare people. What we’re talking about here are laws that will make our communities and our streets safer,” Herring told CBS 6.

“So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced,” he added.
In all honesty if they had this poll, I wouldn't be shocked if this would be the outcome. Climate activist are beyond tiresome and annoying.

I also love how all climate activist end up admitting that the climate really isn't the only or main thing they're trying to change with what they say, its things like capitalism and the patriarchy.