How will they rule ??!

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Because ONE witness or source is seldom enough. He's now found to have been a follower of the Sovereign Citizen wheeze. He was a more complicated individual than expected. I'm sorry that furious soundbites don't always encompass reality.
It is plenty of evidence when the ONE witness is the accused. You've been doing pretty good, don't jump the shark and be a dumbass now.
The original assertion was that if two conflicting political groups hated something then it was proof that the hated thing must be good. I provided a counter example. It would be a trivial exercise to provide others since mutual dislike isn't EVER proof that the disliked thing is good. It's just a lame attempt to be clever.

Similarly, there's not much on an argument in throwing out remarks and following it with a summary judgment. Why bother with words? You could just grunt and get the same effect.

Are you trying to be cute, or are you just stupid?

If you can't understand the difference between someone saying they like a candidate because both political establishments hate the candidate, and something like cancer, you should probably just pull the internet cord out of your computer and take a nap.
Another officer in the Freddie Gray case found not guilty (0-4). This looks like malicious prosecution for political reasons by the MD attorney general. Riot coverage at 11:00.
I read that article and noticed a glaring omission. Why was the race of the judge not disclosed? I thought race was the most important component of this entire fiasco. Anyway, here he is.

I don't want to offend anyone and say he's black, he may identify as a white woman for all I know.
Are you trying to be cute, or are you just stupid?

If you can't understand the difference between someone saying they like a candidate because both political establishments hate the candidate, and something like cancer, you should probably just pull the internet cord out of your computer and take a nap.

No. I don't understand it. What something isn't is completely insufficient criterion for judgment. It sounds like another dog whistle. Something *wink* *wink* that we all are supposed to understand. Why be so shy about stating your reasons?
Just noticed that Obama issued a pathetic begging opinion piece in the WSJ yesterday about his supreme pick left rotting on the bench, not to be given a single hearing much less an up & down vote

say, remember all the political experts in this thread from back in March who said what a collossal mistake it was for Mitch & senate GOP to not give Obama this slot? That it would doom the GOP in Nov? Even before that, would lead to massive nationwide protests & riots?

yeah, not exactly. best thing McConnell has done in years if not decades. As far as the American people are concerned Obama not getting to fill this slot has outraged them less than a popcorn fart.
from 4 months ago when Obama nominated his supreme

Instead of continuing to block - and accept the media scorn that's going to come with that - couldn't Republicans spin Garland's nomination as a win?

They get a centrist. A moderate. A reserved judge. An old guy who won't be on the bench for 30 years. That's a long way from the super liberal, legislating-from-the-bench type that they had the country so afraid of.

I just think confirming and spinning as "we won" would do so much better for them politically than continuing to dig in their heels.

I really think that would be the smart play. Garland is probably the best conservatives could hope for, and he's relatively old, so he won't be on the bench for multiple decades. The problem is that the Repubs have painted themselves into a rhetorical corner that will be difficult to get out of. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Ad is not surprising given he has no real policy to talk about.

The do nothing republicans are really in a bind now as this nominee is a perfect candidate put out by Obama. The anti-constitutionalists showing their partisanship has no boundaries. Should all be tried for treason for their actions over the past 8 years
The original assertion was that if two conflicting political groups hated something then it was proof that the hated thing must be good. I provided a counter example. It would be a trivial exercise to provide others since mutual dislike isn't EVER proof that the disliked thing is good. It's just a lame attempt to be clever.

Similarly, there's not much on an argument in throwing out remarks and following it with a summary judgment. Why bother with words? You could just grunt and get the same effect.
UGH! Ok. Still it was a bad example. While one is always bad (cancer and TB) the other has the potential to be good. It solely depends on how many politicians on both sides realize how tired the american people have become with the 2 party system.
Have the citizens who walk around NYC every single day not being allowed to openly carry a firearm given up their Constitutional rights?

Executive order =\= legislative statute.

Passing a law is entirely different from asking an executive to unilaterally revoke rights and override laws on the books.

Excellent answer.

Embarrassing for the Gonernor not to attend the Convention. Bunch of sore losers in the Republican Party. Evidently the pledge was for Trump
only to uphold.

It's ridiculous. Funny though, they were all so pompous they thought Trump would never win. Now they won't live up to that agreement. And as you say, it's no wonder conservatives are fed up.

And what they said was ...? I marvel at how so many people suddenly turned out to have been experts in Turkish politics.

Nice non sequitur.

Just noticed that Obama issued a pathetic begging opinion piece in the WSJ yesterday about his supreme pick left rotting on the bench, not to be given a single hearing much less an up & down vote

say, remember all the political experts in this thread from back in March who said what a collossal mistake it was for Mitch & senate GOP to not give Obama this slot? That it would doom the GOP in Nov? Even before that, would lead to massive nationwide protests & riots?

yeah, not exactly. best thing McConnell has done in years if not decades. As far as the American people are concerned Obama not getting to fill this slot has outraged them less than a popcorn fart.

They still should've voted. The real risk hasn't been realized yet. If hillary wins, odds are we get a much worse nomination to the bench. That was the risk.
Asking for the unilateral suspension of Constitutional rights should not be any government official's job. Why are you so willing to show deference to government officials who already have tons of powers and protections?
so a government official should never ever declare martial law? Anything goes all the time?
- OK, if they make mistakes, why are they so rarely punished for them?

- They are doing a job I don't want to do, so are septic tank cleaners. Strenuousness of the job has no bearing on what laws you do and don't have to follow.

All of that said, being a police officer is not nearly as dangerous as you or the police make it out to be. There has certainly been a spate of police killings, but in general police are killed at roughly the same rate as your average American (5.55 cops per 100,000 and 5.6 citizens per 100,000). This year is only slightly ahead of last year's police death total even when factoring in the recent killings. So the idea that police are some how uniquely marked for death (again, *very* recent history aside) is ridiculous and only feeds into the notion that police *have* to be confrontational and militarized.

Your arguments are the exact same ones made by gun control activists after a mass shooting. No matter how rare, any event that feeds your narrative is sufficient to throw everyone else under the bus
Cops not on duty are civilians. Net, you need to add the cop killing rate and the civilian killing rate together for cops' killing rate. Net, their job is highly dangerous.
Watching the RNC and the Never Trump is baffling. You want a candidate who couldn't even win their own party? You're content with just giving Hillary the White House? She's not losing in 2020 and we won't have the demographics to ever win another election considering what she will do with immigration.
Never trumpers lose their case based on a "voice vote".. so they essentially got told to STFU


These people kill me. It's the mentality that Ben Shapiro has right now. I'm a huge fan of him but he's #NeverTrump and thinks the right should just let Hillary have the White House and then try and run a real conservative in 2020. One, the right isn't winning with the demographics continuing to change and us being flooded with third world culture.

His thinking is that the Trump era would have a stigma attached to it like Bush. I'm saying we will flat out not have the people to win another election. It's not going to happen. Trump isn't ideal but if we can put a stop to illegal immigration and win some seats for the Supreme Court, that's already a successful presidency.
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And I brought this up because it is an example of case against a police officer at least being taken to court. The list of police officers not even being indicted is too long and well known to even post (no, I'm not talking about Michael Brown). And it's not just excessive use of force. It's everything from corruption to speeding. They simply play by a different set of rules

And politicians don't? If you had done half of what Hilary did, you would be jail right now. She is the Deoncratic nominee for POTUS.
Embarrassing for the Gonernor not to attend the Convention. Bunch of sore losers in the Republican Party. Evidently the pledge was for Trump
only to uphold.

You really think that Trump would have upheld his end of the bargain?
Hell, he was discussing a third party run if he didn't get the GOP nomination.

Kasich is like a majority of Americans that don't support candidates simply because of party affiliation.

I read that article and noticed a glaring omission. Why was the race of the judge not disclosed? I thought race was the most important component of this entire fiasco. Anyway, here he is.

I don't want to offend anyone and say he's black, he may identify as a white woman for all I know.

You do realize that the judge doesn't render the decision?
You know that...right?

Guilt or innocence is determined by a jury so the race of the judge is pretty meaningless. Do you know the makeup of the jury?
fuzz77, post: 4854073, member: 11064"]

You do realize that the judge doesn't render the decision?
You know that...right?

Guilt or innocence is determined by a jury so the race of the judge is pretty meaningless. Do you know the makeup of the jury?
I think I might know a little more about it than you do.[laughing]
And politicians don't? If you had done half of what Hilary did, you would be jail right now. She is the Deoncratic nominee for POTUS.
Umm, I've used that exact case as an example of politicians benefiting from the same rules. So, thanks for reiterating my point!
Good grief, they opted for bench trials. Even your friend committing insurance fraud over an alleged $8k bicycle knew that...
In case Fuzz, who occasionally poses as a legal scholar (and allegedly also fails to pay his bets on occasion) doesn't understand the concept of a "bench trial", I will explain it to him. Fuzz, it's a trial in which the defendant elects to waive a jury and have his guilt or innocence (or, more precisely, lack of guilt) decided by the judge.
Watching the RNC and the Never Trump is baffling. You want a candidate who couldn't even win their own party? You're content with just giving Hillary the White House? She's not losing in 2020 and we won't have the demographics to ever win another election considering what she will do with immigration.

It's baffling. I don't get it.

You really think that Trump would have upheld his end of the bargain?
Hell, he was discussing a third party run if he didn't get the GOP nomination.

Kasich is like a majority of Americans that don't support candidates simply because of party affiliation.

You do realize that the judge doesn't render the decision?
You know that...right?

Guilt or innocence is determined by a jury so the race of the judge is pretty meaningless. Do you know the makeup of the jury?

Looks like it's time for yet another account for fuzz after this lol
Colorado delegation just staged a walk-out on the convention floor.

Going to be an exciting week in Cleveland.
I read that article and noticed a glaring omission. Why was the race of the judge not disclosed? I thought race was the most important component of this entire fiasco. Anyway, here he is.

I don't want to offend anyone and say he's black, he may identify as a white woman for all I know.

Omarrrr Little ... my man. Good to see you off the streets of Baltimore. Made it to the big time.
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