How will they rule ??!

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Biden’s VP wouldn’t be a bad spot to be. He’s going to be the DNC pick because he’s an old corrupt white guy. So slide in as VP, then organize a coup under whatever that amendment is that lets you oust crazy people. The dude is clearly mentally incapacitated. Obviously that doesn’t matter to Democrats.
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Biden (or the dnc) will pick kamala Harris as his vp . If that doesn’t work, hildawg will jump in.

I feel the same way. Hellary's latest publicity tour must mean the lib-dums think they have their cheating/rigging schemes ready to go, this time. Popped the corks too early, and took the night off, last time.

Avoiding the primary, Hellary gets to skip a lot of her issues. But for the election, it will have her crazies out in full force... as they'll hang their hopes on Biden stepping aside during his term, so she can ascend.

As for Biden... they keep covering for him, so it must be for some reason. He's their best puppet.
BREAKING: Justice IG Horowitz has 104 criminal or administrative investigations of alleged misconduct related to FBI employees open as of Sept. 30, according to new OIG report. The criminal investigations involve "serious allegations of official misconduct."
Well Dims say if there is an investigation, the party - meaning Trump - must be guilty. This truly could destroy the DS. 104!?!?!?!?!
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My guess is that Pelosi knows this whole impeachment thing is a complete loser. You know she is probably beyond pissed that they started this to begin with, it was clear she was against this (not because of ethics or anything like that, but she has been around long enough to know it was a really stupid political move). But AOC and others created enough talk of it, that she had to go through with it.

Pelosi is probably thinking, lets just go ahead and go on with this and have it fail. The sooner that happens, the further we can distance this failure from the upcoming election and by then, they can find a new thing to call Trump Hitler on.
Very good take. And you still live in CA?
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Go ahead...Mr. President!!!
All I know is going to war with Trump is never a good idea. He has no problem getting dirty which is why I thought he would win to begin with. He beat the Bush and Clinton dynasties along with erasing the Obama legacy in less than 3 years. Highly doubt he is afraid of the clown leadership the Dems have now. 2020 is going to be the biggest political ishstorm this country has ever seen and hopefully Trump drops an atomic bomb on the Swamp.
So biden calls a guy fat then other lib voters rage around the guy...for asking a question

Liberal Democrats fighting against each other. We can sit back and enjoy the show. We have to keep Biden in the race until the convention because this may be 1968 all over again. Cops busting heads and blood running down the street.

"tens of millions of barrels will be saved over this period"...

In 2017, the United States consumed a total of 7.28 billion barrels of petroleum products, an average of about 19.96 million barrels per day. EIA uses product supplied as a proxy for U.S. petroleum consumption.

How many trains does Joe plan on building if he plans on putting millions of people on them?

He is a bona fide dumbass who has managed to get by because of bona fide dumbasses.
Melania is so funny. ..

If only the reporter had followed up with:

"I sincerely apologize for insulting your Catholic faith. Are you on your way to a Pro-Life rally?"
I always found it strange that some of the biggest abortionist in politics were Catholic. The Church talks a lot and turns their head a lot. Ted Kennedy was a prime example and Pelosi has carried the banner now that he has turned to dust