How will they rule ??!

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A couple days old, but still relevant. Explains ppl like @Ed323232 and other dems view of what govt is. "Defies trump"....except why would the head of the federal executive branch have any say over who a governor of a state appoints to the legislative branch to represent said state? It makes sense for dems to say this...they think their politicians are monarchs with all kinds of power. Yet its bizarre thinking

Well, he didn't appoint the guy Trump wanted him to appoint. Yes, Trump doesn't have a direct say but had a strong opinion. Can now say he & Kemp aren't best of friends.
I'm just unsure what dems think they are achieving. If they think they have made the case for impeachment....then take it to vote. Theres nothing binding them from doing so. Calling in professors isnt helping them.

Do they think they are going to raise support? Bc they arent changing anyones mind.

Per usual, Democrats are awful at any type of execution on anything. If they thought this wasnt a joke, they should have put it to vote months ago and they would have faired better.
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God forbid we ever end up in a situation where the House and a supermajority of the Senate are controlled by the opposition party to the president. What the Democrats are doing is now precedent to remove the president and Vice President, and appoint the speaker of the House purely for political purposes.

I guess the same would apply to SCOTUS Justices too, assuming they’re don’t accomplish the same result by court packing.
I'm just unsure what dems think they are achieving. If they think they have made the case for impeachment....then take it to vote. Theres nothing binding them from doing so. Calling in professors isnt helping them.

Do they think they are going to raise support? Bc they arent changing anyones mind.

Per usual, Democrats are awful at any type of execution on anything. If they thought this wasnt a joke, they should have put it to vote months ago and they would have faired better.
They will lose, but sell the idea of the heroic, patriotic fight they put up to save what's left of oUr DeMoCrAcY, err, their party. It will be their biggest platform in 2024.
I honestly have no clue what Dems are thinking at this point. Its going to be a disaster for them next year. Coastal states will eat it up but Trump was not winning that states anyway. No way I see this playing to their advantage in the states that really matter in a General Election.

If or when Republicans take back the House, they better get ish done. However, knowing McCarthy will be majority leader, not expecting anything.
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I honestly have no clue what Dems are thinking at this point. Its going to be a disaster for them next year. Coastal states will eat it up but Trump was not winning that states anyway. No way I see this playing to their advantage in the states that really matter in a General Election.

If or when Republicans take back the House, they better get ish done. However, knowing McCarthy will be majority leader, not expecting anything.
They are hoping these endless investigations will make people tired of Trump and sit out next year. They are too dumb to realize the exact opposite will happen
I think both. I think he made some horrible decisions, but I think the media made him into the pariah we all love to hate.

He should've gone away after that verdict. Him continuing to hang around and find his way into the spotlight is just stupidity and things like this suit make it even worse.

ISIS type propaganda.

At least it isn't disguised. They control all of Hollywood, so we usually get the subtle disguised propaganda that isn't as easy to spot
This is the BIGGEST reason why we must limit the size of our government and keep it as small as possible. We are never going to stop the ultra wealthy from being able to corrupt politicians. But if we limit the power of the politicians, it has much less affect on us.

I agree but who would have to limit the power of the politicians? The answer is the politicians and they will never ever concede power.

You might say well we need to vote them out of office and elect new politicians that will. That would actually work if the RNC and DNC didn't hand pick the pool of candidates we vote for. We have the illusion of choice in America. Both parties scout, recruit and select candidates that will set, bark and retrieve when told to do so. The biggest thing that needs to be changed in America is an implementation of a cap that the RNC and DNC can contribute to each candidate in a primary election. We have an individual cap of I believe $2,800 each person can contribute to a campaign but the amount you can give to each political party is unlimited and that money is then filtered down to their chosen ones. Average Joes that bleed red, white and blue don't have a shot if they run for office. The game is rigged.
Who thought Hilary Clinton was a lesbian. Wasn’t she banging Vince Foster in addition to Chelsea’s dad? All while Bill was out doing his own thing?
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I still can't get over Karlan justifying her $2000 to Hillary because she was giving more to charity to help the poor people of the world.

And she was labeled by some as "the lefts Scalia".

What a joke

Karlan was an abject and total failure. What a joke. All 3, especially her and Feldman, were clearly totally biased partisans. Merely having the title professor and teaching constitutional law(or more accurately projecting your political beliefs onto your students) does not impress me. It’s fine to be against the President and disagree with him politically , but these people have allowed it to make them unhinged to the point of embarrassment by spouting their “conclusions” based on “facts” that aren’t present or proven. And these are supposedly the best they have? Karlan should have been disqualified as unbalanced and in need of therapy solely for her inability to walk past a Trump hotel. Feldman should stick to writing pro Sharia books and spend his free time figuring out what a real monarchy is. It was a real life version of the Theater Of The Absurd. Any reasonably intelligent normal person could see this after a few minutes of watching and especially if they watched any Republican questioning. But how many sheep are watching the news and hearing only 5 second sound bites from these loons and hearing only that they established high crimes worthy of impeachment?

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