How will they rule ??!

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You want to cut taxes during a trillion dollar and rising deficit?. Then cut spending. And that means a huge cut to the military. So no, a tax cut isn't happening.

How about cutting 95% welfare. Cut social security and let people manage their own retirement. Funny you effing bastards only want to cut military. Btw, aren't you a war monger wanting more occupation in the middle east?
You want to cut taxes during a trillion dollar and rising deficit?. Then cut spending. And that means a huge cut to the military. So no, a tax cut isn't happening.

Yes, tax revenue hit record levels after Trump’s last round of tax cuts.

And yes, cut spending too. Let’s start with foreign aid to other countries, or is withholding foreign aid now off limits?

Also, slash military spending. No reason we should be playing world police in shitholes like Syria.
Please tell me this Hillary shit is a joke. Dems could have put literally ANY qualified white man in her place in 2016 and they would have won. Instead, we got Donald Trump. Half of America hated the fact that a black man was president for 8 long years. There was no way a woman was getting elected after that, even if her Republican opponent was a blithering fool.

Oh well. The dank memes were too much for “Killary” to overcome anyway.

Dems will have a President again in 2024. It won’t be Hillary then either, so keep her ass out of the news cycle.
Agree with Bill. Not just foreign aid, but all social organization aid other than for research

Cut foreign aid
Cut Military
Cut Social Security
Cut welfare
Cut social organization aid
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Also, slash military spending. No reason we should be playing world police in shitholes like Syria.

I’ve forever been in favor of this. Would it get any traction without Republican backing though? They’re the ones whose constituents get all emotional about three things - guns, abortion, and the military. Campaign/vote to slash military funding and watch your support diminish.
I’ve forever been in favor of this. Would it get any traction without Republican backing though? They’re the ones whose constituents get all emotional about three things - guns, abortion, and the military. Campaign/vote to slash military funding and watch your support diminish.

But the KURDS!!!!!
I sincerely doubt that. Say that’s the case though...

Would you encourage or condemn these said conservatives? I’ve read a lot about this potential civil war - even Trump alluding to it - and I find the notion patently absurd.

The political atmosphere in America has no doubt heightened over the last 10 years, but no one with a functioning brain should be pulling for Americans to kill each other over a damn president who only gets to serve 8 years max. Just my opinion.
You still don’t get it. Let me try one more time. This is not about Trump, he is just the face. They are unlawfully trying to remove a POTUS that was duly elected. They are trying to nullify 60 million voters choice. It is about US, not Trump.
You made this post in response to a guy talking about being in junior high and missing the national championship game to watch a Miley Cyrus movie, you goddam creep.

Hold up. I want to clarify this story since Im the guy that missed the championship game. My first date with this girl (girl I'm still with today), she planned it on the same day as the 2010 Duke championship game and I didnt put 2 and 2 together until that day. I chose to go on the date and saw The Last Song (god awful Miley Cyrus movie). I was 19 at the time and she was 17. No one was in Junior high, I dated younger, but not that much younger haha.
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Hold up. I want to clarify this story since Im the guy that missed the championship game. My first date with this girl (girl I'm still with today), she planned it on the same game as the 2010 Duke championship game and I didnt put 2 and 2 together until that day. I chose to go on the date and saw The Last Song (god awful Miley Cyrus movie). I was 19 at the time and she was 17. No one was in Junior high, I dated younger, but not that much younger haha.

The point is Ed323232 is a GD pedophile who has discussed molesting kids and he has canvassed info on Warrior and Sophie's Dad daughters
Hold up. I want to clarify this story since Im the guy that missed the championship game. My first date with this girl (girl I'm still with today), she planned it on the same day as the 2010 Duke championship game and I didnt put 2 and 2 together until that day. I chose to go on the date and saw The Last Song (god awful Miley Cyrus movie). I was 19 at the time and she was 17. No one was in Junior high, I dated younger, but not that much younger haha.
Thank you. And f you Cosby.
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Hold up. I want to clarify this story since Im the guy that missed the championship game. My first date with this girl (girl I'm still with today), she planned it on the same day as the 2010 Duke championship game and I didnt put 2 and 2 together until that day. I chose to go on the date and saw The Last Song (god awful Miley Cyrus movie). I was 19 at the time and she was 17. No one was in Junior high, I dated younger, but not that much younger haha.

That’s exactly what I’d expect a duke fan to do.
I understand you get hard just thinking that he could have implicated Clinton is something, but otherwise who cares he's dead. Good riddance. I hope he suffered. Did you want him in prison for life costing tax payers money? F him.

As everyone else was pissed that Epstein was murdered and could not expose anymore child molesters, here is Edstein celebrating the fact he can no longer talk.
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As everyone else was pissed that Epstein was murdered and could not expose anymore child molesters, here is Edstein celebrating the fact he can no longer talk.

Lol. Exactly. Epstein can't bring down his democrat clientele. Dead men can't aid further help with the FBI (who probably are in on it). Wouldn't be surprised if Ed323232 hasn't been on Pedophile Island raping kids.

Just weird. Wants someone dead before they bring the others down. Seems like someone would want him at least alive long enough to get convictions to those others before they "committed suicide"
In other words, the Constitution worked as designed.

Lol dion still talking about the popular vote?

Smh. Retarded. That's not how a Republic works. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again it has been repeated (lol) that high populated liberal cities do not get to choose the policy for the rest of the citizens of the United States.

Dion is a snowflake who masturbates to picts of himself and is bitter his America hating team didn't win
As everyone else was pissed that Epstein was murdered and could not expose anymore child molesters, here is Edstein celebrating the fact he can no longer talk.
You are from the trump school of reaching. Good Lord. You are a joke. Good thing you post on a board full of yes men to pump you up. Pick a new hero. Bill Cosby is a convicted rapist.
And if Trump is removed via impeachment, which is what he was referring to, it will also be the Constitution working as designed. Same thing. That's the joke.

Except he won't be impeached because the Founding Fathers set it up so that coup attempts don't happen like what is happening now