How will they rule ??!

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I can see that. The governor race in Kentucky does not affect me but I have an interest because of what it really can mean to Kentuckians. When I graduated from UK years and years ago there were few job opportunities available. The government was Democrat controlled and they were not job friendly. They were owned by unions and the good ole' boy network. Frankfort was very corrupt and of course each county had it's little "kingdom" run by county judges, school superintendents and country sheriffs. They hired most everyone and these were the people you paid off if you wanted to get something done.

So I did like most in my graduating class. I got my degree and got the heck out of Kentucky. Now Kentucky has a governor who is truly interested in bringing jobs to Kentucky and correcting the financial crisis created by Democrats. In the past four years Kentucky has made a huge step forward. Going back to Democrat rule would be suicide and guarantee Kentucky would fall back to the place they had been for 100 years before Bevins. Struggling to say out of the bottom in education, wages and poverty. Really Kentucky? . .

The “ little kingdom” statement is spot on.
So now Trump has offered Russia help fighting wildfires and refuses help to America fighting wildfires. Anybody who justifies that is not patriotic, at least not to America.

California is the least patriotic of any state, and it doesn't want to be a part of the USA unless it wields the most influence and control.

California sees itself as Catalonia does in Spain. We would be fine and probably happier if it wasn't a part of this country.
California is the least patriotic of any state, and it doesn't want to be a part of the USA unless it wields the most influence and control.

California sees itself as Catalonia does in Spain. We would be fine and probably happier if it wasn't a part of this country.
I'd tell them CA can be a independent country & define it as Death Valley NP.

You know what I don't like? The Big Bang Theory. You know what else I don't like? Women's basketball. I could make a long list.

Near the top of my list is cable news. Not just Fox or CNN, but all of it. It's all highly paid blowhards giving opinions they think their viewers want to hear.

My solution to all of the above dislikes is very simple - I don't watch them. Almost seems too easy.

Also, I've got more left wing nuts on ignore than I do right wing nuts.
Used to watch both of them but, can't stand the constant whining.
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"The way that Congressional Republicans will inevitably shift from attacking the whistleblower’s credibility to acknowledging that Trump did it but trying to pretend it’s no big deal tells you everything you need to know about their complete lack of principles." - Brian Klaas
Wrong! How's that?
Agree. There is no reason for this to be close. You have a humming economy, more jobs than we can fill, and perhaps the worst crowd of opposition candidates we have ever seen. Dark blue states are probably out of reach, but Trump should win every swing state pretty comfortably IMO.
Which is why the left is in pure panic mode trying everything they can to discredit Trump. The bad part is that I don't think the lefties in this thread are dumb which suggest that they are corrupt and anti-American. Bro and RQ have basically said as much as far as not wanting to be American anymore.
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So I have this friend from college who use to hate politics. When me and another friend of mine would talk politics he would be like 'stop. no one wants to hear about that dumb sh-t.'

Looking back. He was right.

Fast forward to 2019. He is posting Dan Rather quotes on Facebook. Posted things that shows he obviously views Colin Kaepernick as some great voice for change.

The guy is a good guy. I think his ultra liberal fat wife has had a terrible influence on him. We text occasionally. I just wanted to text about football recently and he started in with some TDS and then a long rant about Bevin. I mean three long texts about Bevin and I read none of them.

I honestly did not care about the governor race in Kentucky at I hope Bevin wins. Just to crush my friend and his probably uncrushable wife.
See, more proof that liberals have more fat women.
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Maybe they will cover the incident at the mall involving the little granny and the heckler where you stepped into save the day...
You were probably the heckler and moved out before someone found out what a coward you are.
This is an absurd statement. It is not consistent with the concept of burden of proof.
Read a lot of remarks like this during the Enron scandal and then the WMD fiasco, only the DA's try to forget all of that chaff leaden history.
Not to mention, it's kind of hard to help a delusional, deranged, climate conspiracy, fear monger who's so consumed that reality is an afterthought.

According to Newson, climate change is solely responsible for the wildfires and all other solutions, opinions, advice, etc are irrelevant and excused from the conversation.


  • Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan is too much of a political reach to actually be implemented on Capitol Hill, says Jared Bernstein.
  • “Don’t tell us what you’d like to do. Tell us about what you would do; what you think is in the realm of possible,” adds the ex-chief economist for Warren-rival Joe Biden.
  • Bernstein says, “We shouldn’t spend too much time arguing about things that are very unlikely to be legislated.”
This is your best false post ever warrior.
How can you judge? There are so many to chose from. Before I ignored him my count was 13 one day. I'm sure he has beaten that but 13 is pretty strong. I went to high school with these 2 guys. They were the dumbest sob's I ever knew. Just redneck and happy being that way. Guess what they did after high school? Joined the military.
Anyone who would replace America's current economy -- record numbers of African Americans and Hispanics employed, soaring stock markets providing retirement and family financial security to vast swaths of the middle class with pensions or 401(ks), low interest rates and low inflation -- would have to be a lunatic.

Anyone who wants to replace it with the Warren-Sanders plan of a $17 trillion Green New Deal, a $21 trillion Medicare for All plan, $1 trillion a year in health care for unlimited illegal immigrants, $2 trillion in reparations for African Americans, $2 trillion to make others pay the college debt of everyone else, and other policies that even liberal economists admit would destroy economic growth is more than a lunatic. You'd have to be a committed enemy of the United States.
Agree. There is no reason for this to be close. You have a humming economy, more jobs than we can fill, and perhaps the worst crowd of opposition candidates we have ever seen. Dark blue states are probably out of reach, but Trump should win every swing state pretty comfortably IMO.
He will lose Pennsylvania and Ohio
And hopefully Florida. Maybe Wisconsin if Klobachar is on the ticket.
How can you judge? There are so many to chose from. Before I ignored him my count was 13 one day. I'm sure he has beaten that but 13 is pretty strong. I went to high school with these 2 guys. They were the dumbest sob's I ever knew. Just redneck and happy being that way. Guess what they did after high school? Joined the military.
[laughing]Stereo typical liberal mindset. Once again proving the hate for the military. We're deplorable sots the lot of us.
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  • Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan is too much of a political reach to actually be implemented on Capitol Hill, says Jared Bernstein.
  • “Don’t tell us what you’d like to do. Tell us about what you would do; what you think is in the realm of possible,” adds the ex-chief economist for Warren-rival Joe Biden.
  • Bernstein says, “We shouldn’t spend too much time arguing about things that are very unlikely to be legislated.”
I work for a national healthcare provider who solely works with private insurance since all of our patients go out of state to one our facilities depending on what state they live in. Absolutely no one is concerned with medicare 4 all happening
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Heard they have the baby trump balloon dtown lex. Heard it cost 8k to operate it. Typical dems...could actually help ppl in the issues they complain about...but this is where their funds and energy are bc they need a central planner to do it to feel good.
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He will lose Pennsylvania and Ohio
And hopefully Florida. Maybe Wisconsin if Klobachar is on the ticket.
He may lose Pennsylvania. Theres no chance he loses the others, especially ohio. He may flip Minnesota. And have you ever been to south florida? I know dems stand on the heads of Hispanics and think they are all the same just like they think black ppl are a monolith but go ask a Cuban what they think about of luck if Warren is the nominee.
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Anyone who would replace America's current economy -- record numbers of African Americans and Hispanics employed, soaring stock markets providing retirement and family financial security to vast swaths of the middle class with pensions or 401(ks), low interest rates and low inflation -- would have to be a lunatic.

Anyone who wants to replace it with the Warren-Sanders plan of a $17 trillion Green New Deal, a $21 trillion Medicare for All plan, $1 trillion a year in health care for unlimited illegal immigrants, $2 trillion in reparations for African Americans, $2 trillion to make others pay the college debt of everyone else, and other policies that even liberal economists admit would destroy economic growth is more than a lunatic. You'd have to be a committed enemy of the United States.
Some want to replace it because they're ignorant about the facts. They're being lied to by the media they watch. Ds and their friends in the media know the D candidates can't compete with Trump's economy so they've conditioned their viewers to think the economy isn't doing well.

It's also why D presidential candidates are never forced to admit the economy is doing well under Trump and instead can blatantly lie about how poor it is with impunity because a lot of their supporters have been brainwashed into believing it.

Watch Fox News? You likely think the U.S. economy is great. MSNBC viewers not so much
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He will lose Pennsylvania and Ohio
And hopefully Florida. Maybe Wisconsin if Klobachar is on the ticket.
LOL. Even the New York Times polling today -- the same polling that showed Hillary winning in a landslide -- showed Trump ahead of Warren and Sanders in most of the states you list - in some cases comfortably.

Not looking good for the "Progressives."
1. My political friends in DC - mostly liberals -- admit the impeachment thing is a dry hole after more Democrats voted NO to the inquiry than Republicans voted YES. They rightly understand Americans looked at that and said, "politics." RealClearPolitics daily average of tracking polls shows Trump's numbers have risen during the impeachment push.

2. Those same analysts admit Warren badly miscalculated with the $20.5 (really $40) trillion Medicare For All. If you paid attention over the weekend, it got savaged even in the Washington Post and New York Times.

3. The clock in down to T-Minus One Year on the election - and the economy is roaring and the markets hit historic highs today. Even if there is a slowdown, it takes people months to feel it and adjust their perceptions.

Most politically savvy people I know -- and they almost all are liberal Democrats -- concede it'll take the near-miracle of a moderate candidate toppling Warren (or Sanders) in the early primaries to stop Trump's re-election.
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Heard they have the baby trump balloon dtown lex. Heard it cost 8k to operate it. Typical dems...could actually help ppl in the issues they complain about...but this is where their funds and energy are bc they need a central planner to do it to feel good.
How much is it costing trump to come here for a pep rally? Those funds could surely go to a more worthwhile cause. But he needs to come save an unpopular asshole of a governor. Bevin should be ashamed he had to bring him in. In a red state with everything going so well(so you all say) Bevin should win by 15-20%.