How will they rule ??!

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The military has been overfunded for years. I have nothing but respect for the people who serve though. With that said...there’s often a “type” that likes to join the military. Same for our police force.
You are wrong about that. It is your hate for the military that makes you so bigoted towards a certain "Type" of people. Tolerance and understanding yeah right, this does not sit well with your self perceived better than thou attitude. Wake up from the "Woke" society before it swallows you whole.
AP BREAKING NEWS: Libs to open a new investigation into the colored folks behind Trump in Rupp. Alleging there must be some sort of collusion or quid pro quo at play there. Adam Schiff already saying he has all the answers and key witnesses.
The military has been overfunded for years. I have nothing but respect for the people who serve though. With that said...there’s often a “type” that likes to join the military. Same for our police force.

Maybe a draft would make it more better.
Man, did you guys have a ****ing bad weekend or something? Lighten up. I’ve got lots of redneck friends, great folks. None of them would ever waste a day at something as ridiculous as a political rally, though.
The problem being that there are a few posters here who falsely label rednecks and military as lacking in intelligence when nothing could be further from the truth. I have said it before and will say it again, intelligence is relative to subject matter. The "standard" has been set by pompous assholes who think it is better to have a fine arts degree than a degree agriculture where it is better used. But, you don't have to have a degree to have intelligence enough to see the corruption going on in Washington these days especially from the traitorous Democrats.
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You are wrong about that. It is your hate for the military that makes you so bigoted towards a certain "Type" of people. Tolerance and understanding yeah right, this does not sit well with your self perceived better than thou attitude. Wake up from the "Woke" society before it swallows you whole.

Ah yes, a guy like you preaching “tolerance” in this thread. Give me a break.

I’ll say this - if being a “patriot” dominates your time on this planet, you’re pretty simple-minded. It’s low-hanging fruit for the lowbrow crowd. Pounding your chest about your mom getting knocked up by your dad and birthing your sorry ass in America? Couldn’t be me. All that “taking back our country” bullshit LMAO!!

I enjoy traveling the world and the fruits of the global marketplace. I can do that and still enjoy life in the US without wanting/needing to move to another country. You guys are stuck with people like me. Oh and I get to vote just like everyone else, but I don’t treat politics like team sports. That’s another lowbrow trait one can easily observe here.

I intimidate you, and rightfully so. A genuine thanks for your service though.
Maybe a draft would make it more better.

I actually wonder how crazy the revolt would be if they brought back a military draft in this day and age. One of the many reasons I’m thankful for those who choose to serve. I just want us to cut our military funding by a couple hundred billion $$$$$$$$. Our spending is out of control and completely unnecessary.
How's the deficit?
Look man, no offense, try to add something with actual substance. All of your posts are just emotion filled without any substance. Like "he'll lose" or orange man bad. But no analysis of why on anything. Talking point ed. Speaking of the deficit...I agree. It's been out of control for well over a decade...sounds like a good time to cut government waste instead believing the govt is entitled to money. Dont you think the govt should learn to balance their books before running back and demanding ppls money? I believe you would think a corporation was greedy if it did such a thing. Name one time or any govt program that's efficient or hasnt cause unintended consequences...there isnt one, so why would we want more of it?

Maybe you dont understand policy, which is fine, but atleast try to add more than a talking point
I actually wonder how crazy the revolt would be if they brought back a military draft in this day and age. One of the many reasons I’m thankful for those who choose to serve. I just want us to cut our military funding by a couple hundred billion $$$$$$$$. Our spending is out of control and completely unnecessary.

Then cut the government subsidy's to study the whatevers. You want PORK....Cut the earmarks. Not the Defense..
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Arizona too.

So, me being someone who didnt vote for trump last time, tell me how bad it is for you? How specifically has your life gotten worse? You individually.

So that's where you can analyze things to see why he will win again, outside of your emotions for what you hope.

A. There are zero inspiring dem candidates. And we have two, warren and comrade sanders, who want to upend the entire economy and turn everything upside down creating chaos. Nothing they claim will even happen because everything will get shut down in the Senate. Our system is built for gridlock to begin with. That's how the legislative branch works. So their plans are to get as much control over our lives as they can. Most ppl want to be left alone and be able to choose how to live their life. You must think terribly of americans that none of them can manage themselves without a over lord state holding their hand. Their propoganda about a helpless middle class is bs. And now they have a multi trillion welfare state proposal that supposedly wont tax the middle class? Lol you do understand a trillion is 1000 billions right? Billionaires alone cant fund their unicorns. Warren only appeals to woke Twitter and its increasingly obvious Bernie cannot add. Not to mention if they were to win, regular dem donors are already threatening to vote other dems out of the senate to make sure their power is checked....and this is bc Biden continues to underperform. This isnt conjecture, its reality.

B. Speaking of Biden. You've blindly defended him no matter what, with no reason or with examples of effective policy. But just be real about it. Theres nothing inspiring about him, his campaign is boring, and he has zero clue where he is. He "would" be the best option bc he wouldn't interfere much in ppls regular life, sans his disastrous part in Obamacare that raised premiums and, for one example, prevented ppl who want to retire prior to 65 if they wanted bc then they'd be forced to buy a shit policy off the exchange that covers less than medicaid yet cost them an arm and a leg. I digress. But his campaign has been so terrible several donors are extremely discouraged. He doesnt have any populist appeal either. The only thing keeping him afloat is the AA vote rolled over from obama.

And look how much tax payer money dems have wasted...and they have accomplished nothing since taking the house. That's the thing...the "resistance" pouts about trump, but then turns right around and votes the same pieces of shit back into the senate and house. The same ppl that were the cause of Trump.

So trump may lose one of WI,MI,or PA simply on possibly a union support standpoint...but that's only if Biden is the nominee. Bernie and Warren cant win Arizona either.

He wont lose ohio, he wont lose florida. The progressives have no message except "check your privilege" or "you can only live if we control everything" and Biden has been a dope his entire career...the only reason hes in this race is bc of obama, he has no stand alone credibility
Ah yes, a guy like you preaching “tolerance” in this thread. Give me a break.

I’ll say this - if being a “patriot” dominates your time on this planet, you’re pretty simple-minded. It’s low-hanging fruit for the lowbrow crowd. Pounding your chest about your mom getting knocked up by your dad and birthing your sorry ass in America? Couldn’t be me. All that “taking back our country” bullshit LMAO!!

I enjoy traveling the world and the fruits of the global marketplace. I can do that and still enjoy life in the US without wanting/needing to move to another country. You guys are stuck with people like me. Oh and I get to vote just like everyone else, but I don’t treat politics like team sports. That’s another lowbrow trait one can easily observe here.

I intimidate you, and rightfully so. A genuine thanks for your service though.

[roll] . Lowbrow sluts like you couldn’t intimidate a sand flea.
This is why Trump won. You don't get it and you never will.

They could have voted for someone that dresses in black face if they were Canadian.
What did he say that wrong? Rednecks love Trump. Isn’t that a good thing in y’all’s minds? Lots of rednecks in this country, means lots of votes.
Libs would shit blood if they showed the upper level crowd.

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