How will they rule ??!

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Obama during his ‘boomer’ speech

The victim, WHO IS HISPANIC, why he came to the US illegally.

We get to know several details about the victim. We only get to know the attacker was a 61 year old male. Why is that?

With that said anyone carrying around battery acid in a cup is looking to hurt someone. Remember when acid attacks weren’t a thing in the US?

The victim, WHO IS HISPANIC, why he came to the US illegally.

We get to know several details about the victim. We only get to know the attacker was a 61 year old male. Why is that?

With that said anyone carrying around battery acid in a cup is looking to hurt someone. Remember when acid attacks weren’t a thing in the US?

Not sure what you are getting at with your first sentence?? It doesn't really make sense.
i forgot our economy is the stock market.

Stocks have canceled the 2020 recession.

Monday, November 4, 2019
The economy looks good and the stock market is up

Just one month ago, the U.S. economy appeared to be teetering.

The manufacturing sector had showed activity hitting a 10-year low and businesses were signaling caution when it came to hiring and investing. Consumer confidence was waning. A decent September jobs report worked to sideline some of these fears and an expected third rate cut this year from the Fed bolstered investor enthusiasm.

But throughout the month of October, financial markets have increasingly bet that the bottom was in and that a full-on reversal of economic expectations was coming soon.

Now, it appears confirmation has arrived. At least according to the stock market..........

#MAGA. :americanflag:
So now Trump has offered Russia help fighting wildfires and refuses help to America fighting wildfires. Anybody who justifies that is not patriotic, at least not to America.
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Yes, Dwayne, please stop posting articles. We wouldn’t want to run the risk that the lefties actually read something other than a headline and inform themselves.

Also, I agree with the lefties. You all should be embarrassed for watching 60 Minutes. Don’t you realize you’re only supposed to consume news that falls in line with your political bias?

Used to wonder how the left stays so ignorant, but every day we get multiple posts from them attacking other posters for consuming news from various sources, declaring they have certain posters on ignore because all those posters do is provide relevant links to source info and cited articles, etc.

You know what I don't like? The Big Bang Theory. You know what else I don't like? Women's basketball. I could make a long list.

Near the top of my list is cable news. Not just Fox or CNN, but all of it. It's all highly paid blowhards giving opinions they think their viewers want to hear.

My solution to all of the above dislikes is very simple - I don't watch them. Almost seems too easy.

Also, I've got more left wing nuts on ignore than I do right wing nuts.
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"The way that Congressional Republicans will inevitably shift from attacking the whistleblower’s credibility to acknowledging that Trump did it but trying to pretend it’s no big deal tells you everything you need to know about their complete lack of principles." - Brian Klaas
While I don't put a lot of stock in polls...I do believe Sanders or Warren means a Trump win. If the Democrats had a midwest or southern centrist candidate they would probably win. But the party is a far left party now. Biden, in the early stages of dementia, is their best shot at this point.

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While I don't put a lot of stock in polls...I do believe Sanders or Warren means a Trump win. If the Democrats had a midwest or southern centrist candidate they would probably win. But the party is a far left party now. Biden, in the early stages of dementia, is their best shot at this point.

Barring a recession, Trump wins in a landslide. No way people vote against their own greed.
Barring a recession, Trump wins in a landslide. No way people vote against their own greed.

Agree. There is no reason for this to be close. You have a humming economy, more jobs than we can fill, and perhaps the worst crowd of opposition candidates we have ever seen. Dark blue states are probably out of reach, but Trump should win every swing state pretty comfortably IMO.
"The way that Congressional Republicans will inevitably shift from attacking the whistleblower’s credibility to acknowledging that Trump did it but trying to pretend it’s no big deal tells you everything you need to know about their complete lack of principles." - Brian Klaas

This is an absurd statement. It is not consistent with the concept of burden of proof.
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While I don't put a lot of stock in polls...I do believe Sanders or Warren means a Trump win. If the Democrats had a midwest or southern centrist candidate they would probably win. But the party is a far left party now. Biden, in the early stages of dementia, is their best shot at this point.

Of those 6 states, imo only the top 3 are in danger for Trump, which all have to be won.
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So I have this friend from college who use to hate politics. When me and another friend of mine would talk politics he would be like 'stop. no one wants to hear about that dumb sh-t.'

Looking back. He was right.

Fast forward to 2019. He is posting Dan Rather quotes on Facebook. Posted things that shows he obviously views Colin Kaepernick as some great voice for change.

The guy is a good guy. I think his ultra liberal fat wife has had a terrible influence on him. We text occasionally. I just wanted to text about football recently and he started in with some TDS and then a long rant about Bevin. I mean three long texts about Bevin and I read none of them.

I honestly did not care about the governor race in Kentucky at I hope Bevin wins. Just to crush my friend and his probably uncrushable wife.
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So I have this friend from college who use to hate politics. When me and another friend of mine would talk politics he would be like 'stop. no one wants to hear about that dumb sh-t.'

Looking back. He was right.

Fast forward to 2019. He is posting Dan Rather quotes on Facebook. Posted things that shows he obviously views Colin Kaepernick as some great voice for change.

The guy is a good guy. I think is ultra liberal fat wife has had a terrible influence on him. We text occasionally. I just wanted to text about football recently and he started in with some TDS and then a long rant about Bevin. I mean three long texts about Bevin and I read none of them.

I honestly did not care about the governor race in Kentucky at I hope Bevin wins. Just to crush my friend and his probably uncrushable wife.
Reminds me of my brother in law
Not sure what you are getting at with your first sentence?? It doesn't really make sense.

I’ll elaborate. Most of the time when the victim is a minority the article makes sure to let you know several times.

Tim, who is black, was...
Rose, who is Hispanic, was...

If the attacker was white, most of the time it reads like this:

White cops shoots black man. Tim, who is black, was...

White man verbally assaults Hispanic woman. Rose, who is Hispanic, was...

When a minority attacks a white person it reads more like this:

Man shot by gunman.
Woman verbally assaulted by man.

If both the victim and attacker are a minority it makes sure to let you know the victim was a minority, but leaves out specifics about the attacker.

I’m just in the camp of either make race an important part of your articles or don’t. This selective usage of when to report the race in articles is clearly agenda driven. I just want consistency.
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Agree. There is no reason for this to be close. You have a humming economy, more jobs than we can fill, and perhaps the worst crowd of opposition candidates we have ever seen. Dark blue states are probably out of reach, but Trump should win every swing state pretty comfortably IMO.
I think everyone underestimates now dumb/ignorant/stupid a chunk of legal voters are....
So I have this friend from college who use to hate politics. When me and another friend of mine would talk politics he would be like 'stop. no one wants to hear about that dumb sh-t.'

Looking back. He was right.

Fast forward to 2019. He is posting Dan Rather quotes on Facebook. Posted things that shows he obviously views Colin Kaepernick as some great voice for change.

The guy is a good guy. I think his ultra liberal fat wife has had a terrible influence on him. We text occasionally. I just wanted to text about football recently and he started in with some TDS and then a long rant about Bevin. I mean three long texts about Bevin and I read none of them.

I honestly did not care about the governor race in Kentucky at I hope Bevin wins. Just to crush my friend and his probably uncrushable wife.
I can see that. The governor race in Kentucky does not affect me but I have an interest because of what it really can mean to Kentuckians. When I graduated from UK years and years ago there were few job opportunities available. The government was Democrat controlled and they were not job friendly. They were owned by unions and the good ole' boy network. Frankfort was very corrupt and of course each county had it's little "kingdom" run by county judges, school superintendents and country sheriffs. They hired most everyone and these were the people you paid off if you wanted to get something done.

So I did like most in my graduating class. I got my degree and got the heck out of Kentucky. Now Kentucky has a governor who is truly interested in bringing jobs to Kentucky and correcting the financial crisis created by Democrats. In the past four years Kentucky has made a huge step forward. Going back to Democrat rule would be suicide and guarantee Kentucky would fall back to the place they had been for 100 years before Bevins. Struggling to say out of the bottom in education, wages and poverty. Really Kentucky? . .
I think everyone underestimates now dumb/ignorant/stupid a chunk of legal voters are....

I agree to an extent, but it's not isolated to either party. I'd expect the people who only vote for a letter regardless of candidate/position to even out in the long run.
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While I don't put a lot of stock in polls...I do believe Sanders or Warren means a Trump win. If the Democrats had a midwest or southern centrist candidate they would probably win. But the party is a far left party now. Biden, in the early stages of dementia, is their best shot at this point.

Those polls reflect as dislike for Trump the person (Even I get that.), not who they'd vote for. Sander's & Warren's plans will sink them when voters can focus on one of them. Biden's lack of coherence will sink him. Debates with DT will be an epic mismatch. Then it's the jobs so many voters have.
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Those polls reflect as dislike for Trump the person (Even I get that.), not who they'd vote for. Sander's & Warren's plans will sink them when voters can focus on one of them. Biden's lack of coherence will seek him. Debates with DT will be an epic mismatch. Then it's the jobs so many voters have.

I think this is a good take - I have a really close friend who had called out the fact that there would be a subset of people who would vote for Trump but not necessarily disclose that to anyone, even an anonymous surveyor. Although the national polls were pretty close to what the actual result was, this bore out in battleground states that Trump won despite the fact that he showed consistently small deficits in polling.
Thank you, I have noticed Drudge and Fox News have both gone to the left and I quit both of them. I appreciate your posting this link because I have not heard of them. It is interesting and something I will follow closely.

Maybe they will cover the incident at the mall involving the little granny and the heckler where you stepped into save the day...
I’ll elaborate. Most of the time when the victim is a minority the article makes sure to let you know several times.

Tim, who is black, was...
Rose, who is Hispanic, was...

If the attacker was white, most of the time it reads like this:

White cops shoots black man. Tim, who is black, was...

White man verbally assaults Hispanic woman. Rose, who is Hispanic, was...

When a minority attacks a white person it reads more like this:

Man shot by gunman.
Woman verbally assaulted by man.

If both the victim and attacker are a minority it makes sure to let you know the victim was a minority, but leaves out specifics about the attacker.

I’m just in the camp of either make race an important part of your articles or don’t. This selective usage of when to report the race in articles is clearly agenda driven. I just want consistency.

Got ya; makes sense
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