How will they rule ??!

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You guys who went after Katie Hill don't realize what you did...young people are not going to want to run for office if they can't f--k everybody around them including multiple subordinates. You just lost out on some truly great young candidates. You morons!

Lol, poor Katie Hill

The demosocialcommunists have there Presidential candidate team aligned. They had to go out and get some heavy hitters to take on President Trump. This team stands a much better chance of competing than anyone currently running for their parties nomination....a late Halloween surprise....BUT keep in mind, a much superior candidate is always lurking ready to pounce and bite a few necks...

The Team

The Backup Plan
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He's your typical "know-it-all" dummy. I mean... even if he is that uninformed and clueless, he still doesn't have to be so dumb.

Simple logic should tell him that if there's this much bickering going on over a transcript and no one is calling for a tape to be released, then that probably means a tape doesn't exist. But he's not even sharp enough to put two and two together and figure it out for himself.

Not to mention, on top of being slow, he's also willfully ignorant. The answer to his question has already been posted in this thread.

Plus, we're in the age of information. Literally everything you ever want to know is at your fingertips. It takes less than a minute for him to seek it out.

Still, here he is, in all of his dumbass glory, proving beyond a doubt, what a monumental moron he truly is.
Prove I am a habitual liar. I have already proven you are one on here. Now, try to clear your name or are you in lockstep with your party and lie at every turn.
You always crow about Dems being “in lockstep” with the party, so let’s turn that around. What liberal positions do you hold? Which issues do you disagree with the Republican Party on?
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Incorrect. They switched to voice recognition software during the Obama administration to produce transcripts.
But transcribers still work on the calls as well. Also, the software doesn't record the conversation and store it on the iCloud.

The point is, there are no recordings, tapes or otherwise. The transcript is the official record. Ed is willingly a moron.
No, they use 2 transcribers and a computerized system that also transcribes.
After the call they use all 3 to produce the official transcript, which is the record.
They produce an edited version for circulation. Which is what has been released. The word-for-word transcript exists as well.

But transcribers still work on the calls as well. Also, the software doesn't record the conversation and store it on the iCloud.

The point is, there are no recordings, tapes or otherwise. The transcript is the official record. Ed is willingly a moron.
We don’t know that.
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The Democrats in the House are going to impeach Trump. They were going to the moment they took the House, the rest is just fluff to try and create a reason.

They don’t care that there isn’t a reason, just like they didn’t care that Barr couldn’t legally give them grand jury info when they held him in contempt.

Its an election year ploy to try and beat him in 20 or weaken him politically when he wins.
You always crow about Dems being “in lockstep” with the party, so let’s turn that around. What liberal positions do you hold? Which issues do you disagree with the Republican Party on?

several of the Trump guys in this thread have said they are pro choice, at least in the first several weeks of pregnancy.
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They produce an edited version. Which is what has been released. The word-for-word transcript exists as well.

You guys are eat up with absurdity. Comeys handwritten memoirs after the fact were legit enough to open a Special Counsel investigation, but an official transcript that was declassified isnt good enough.

You want to believe there’s a tape of the conversation, you’re desperation proves that there’s nothing in the transcript.
You guys are eat up with absurdity. Comeys handwritten memoirs after the fact were legit enough to open a Special Counsel investigation, but an official transcript that was declassified isnt good enough.

You want to believe there’s a tape of the conversation, you’re desperation proves that there’s nothing in the transcript.
I personally don’t think there’s anything substantial left out of the transcript. There could be and I’d like to see the full call. But I highly doubt there’s anything more than what we already know. What we already have is enough.
several of the Trump guys in this thread have said they are pro choice, at least in the first several weeks of pregnancy.

Yup. I believe both men and women can do whatever they want to their bodies as long as it doesn't hurt another living person. I believe a life starts with a heartbeat, which is somewhere between 3-6 weeks. Got no issue with girls taking day after pills or anything like that after sex.
several of the Trump guys in this thread have said they are pro choice, at least in the first several weeks of pregnancy.
We have all types in this thread. @UKBrassowTipIN tries to think for himself as one example. @SomeDudeCRO has a unique voice and perspective. You’re a Canadian with splinters in your intestines from so much fence-sitting. I’m a dirty commie. But when have you ever seen @warrior-cat cross the aisle on an issue or criticize Trump for anything? He is team red all day, every day, about everything.
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The Democrats in the House are going to impeach Trump. They were going to the moment they took the House, the rest is just fluff to try and create a reason.

They don’t care that there isn’t a reason, just like they didn’t care that Barr couldn’t legally give them grand jury info when they held him in contempt.

Its an election year ploy to try and beat him in 20 or weaken him politically when he wins.
They hope it'll tank the economy to hurt Trump next year.