How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I haven’t watched 5 minutes of cable news combined in the last year.

I’ll give you credit for being honest about some things. Most fat slobs wouldn’t post a picture of themselves on an anonymous message board, but you did. Kudos for that.
Don't know where you got fat from, could not have been me. I have posted pictures of my fishing catches on another thread but not here. 20-25lbs over what doctors say I should be but I'm not fat, I'm big boned (Homage to South Park). Only thing I remember posting here was me in the desert during Desert Storm/Desert Shield.
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90% of the news I get is from this board. I catch the odd bit of local news after golf or football or NASCAR on Sundays. I never purposely watch any news on TV. I do enjoy documentaries on HBO and Netflix sometimes.
Did not someone just the other day rag on me for just the same type of post? No, not you.
Yeah but you would be gone.

Citing US agents and officials with knowledge of the damage, the Post reported that smugglers have been using reciprocating saws to cut through the steel and concrete portions of the wall, creating openings wide enough for people and drugs to be smuggled through. The agents told the Post the saws can cut through the bollards in a matter of minutes.

Build that wall!
False and Fake news.
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Interesting read.

Their takeover of a country, what Dr. Hammond refers to as “Islamization,” begins when the population of Muslims reaches a critical mass, and they being to agitate for various privileges. Open, free, democratic societies are particularly vulnerable. “When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well,” he notes. This is how it works, according to Dr. Hammond:

When the Muslim population remains under 2% in a country, they will be seen primarily as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the current situation in:

  • United States — Muslim 0.6%
  • Australia — Muslim 1.5%
  • Canada — Muslim 1.9%
  • China — Muslim 1.8%
  • Italy — Muslim 1.5%
  • Norway — Muslim 1.8%
As the Muslim population reaches 2% to 5%, they begin to recruit from ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, within prisons and street gangs. This is happening in:

  • Denmark — Muslim 2%
  • Germany — Muslim 3.7%
  • United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
  • Spain — Muslim 4%
  • Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
“From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population,” Dr. Hammond notes. “For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food” and increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature such food on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. This is happening in:

  • France — Muslim 8%
  • Philippines — 5%
  • Sweden — Muslim 5%
  • Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
  • The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
  • Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
Soon they begin to apply pressure to allow Sharia law within their own communities (sometimes ghettos).

“When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions,” Dr. Hammond notes. “In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.” These tensions are seen on a regular basis in:

  • Guyana — Muslim 10%
  • India — Muslim 13.4%
  • Israel — Muslim 16%
  • Kenya — Muslim 10%
  • Russia — Muslim 15%
The violence increases when the Muslim population reaches 20%. “After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues,” such as in:

  • Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%
“At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare,” such as in:

  • Bosnia — Muslim 40%
  • Chad — Muslim 53.1%
  • Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, persecution of non-believing “infidels” rises significantly, including sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia law as a weapon, and Jizya, a tax placed on infidels, such as in:

  • Albania — Muslim 70%
  • Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
  • Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
  • Sudan — Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out “infidels,” and move toward a 100% Muslim society, which has been experienced to some degree in:

  • Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
  • Egypt — Muslim 90%
  • Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
  • Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
  • Iran — Muslim 98%
  • Iraq — Muslim 97%
  • Jordan — Muslim 92%
  • Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
  • Pakistan — Muslim 97%
  • Palestine — Muslim 99%
  • Syria — Muslim 90%
  • Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
  • Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
  • United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%
A 100% Muslim society will theoretically usher in their version of peace — the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. “Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrassas are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word,” such as in:

  • Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
  • Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
  • Somalia — Muslim 100%
  • Yemen — Muslim 100%
Dr. Hammond observes this Islamic ideal is seldom realized. “Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.”

“It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia law,”

Damn...that is the truth too. I have seen the result from reading and watching the news. I didn't realize the pattern. A large portion feeding/ living off the country's generosity too. How totally warped..
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The Halloween vote for impeachment was an enormous strategic defeat for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

She admitted seven months ago, in a March 6 interview with The Washington Post, that a purely partisan impeachment vote was wrong and dangerous. She was right.

Measured by that standard, the Thursday vote was a terrible failure. The House voted in an entirely partisan manner except for two Democrats who split to vote no with the Republicans.

Months of leaks, secret investigations, news media hysteria, and a parade of witnesses failed to move a single Republican to vote yes.

The so-called whistleblower has decayed into a potential liability so much the Democrats are now talking about never bringing him to testify.

Senate Republicans have been so turned off by the House Democrats that Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, one of President Trump’s more outspoken Republican critics, has called their effort “a partisan clown show.”
Yesterday I was in a local mall where a lady had a Trump Merchandise store set up. Caps, flags, posters, stickers, etc etc etc. She was a pleasant little lady, grandmother type with a big smile. Suddenly a man walking by and started yelling at her and calling her and Trump a facist. Trump's a facist and people who vote for him are lower than earth worms. Then he really lost it and started threatening to tear up her display and break up things. I had enough and walked over to him and told him if he didn't get out of there and do it now I would have to hurt him before he hurt someone. When the lady yelled I have called the police and have your back if you have to hurt him, he walked away in a hurry. All talk, just like the rest of them. He reminded me of some that post on this thread. All talk.


This sounds like when I used to improvise ghost stories back in 3rd grade or something.
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Don't know where you got fat from, could not have been me. I have posted pictures of my fishing catches on another thread but not here. 20-25lbs over what doctors say I should be but I'm not fat, I'm big boned (Homage to South Park). Only thing I remember posting here was me in the desert during Desert Storm/Desert Shield.

Maybe your karate suit just isn’t very flattering.
You were the one wanting some tape played. I am waiting for you to tell me what tape you want played and how do you know there is a tape? Explain!!
What was the transcript taken from? Are calls not taped? You tell me. Was the transcript made up? It had to come from somewhere.