How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Ida. Not public schools fault. It starts at home. If I got bad grades it was hell to pay. Those days are gone because these pussy parents are quick to blame everybody else instead of holding their spoiled brats accountable. My wife works for a school. Stories are unreal. My boys went to public advanced schools and are very self earning and very proficient with their education. Why, because they went to school everyday and was held accountable when they underachieved. The teachers can only enhance what parents put into it. Just last night we had a guy who moved to Glendale because he blamed teachers because his out of control kid was failing. I witnessed his parenting and it was let his punk kid run wild and blame whoever yet he drove 50 plus miles so his thug kid could halloween here. Wasn’t good enough to live in but ok enough to collect candy from the strangers. Thats just one part of our future. Thats fact!! Thats how these goofy ****s think!! Unreal!
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Unfortunately, a lot of parents can't afford other alternatives, assuming they even GAF. Many are stuck with the watered down "education" and liberal indoctrination that is public schools.

sounds like you are in/were in a shit district or school?
It’s my understanding that those kids know nothing will happen to them. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong but I mean that school shooter had multiple issues at school and with police and nothing was ever done.

It’s not hard for one to imagine that these kids won’t face any sort of real discipline.
Just googled it and the one guy that slammed the other was arrested fwiw
Just googled it and the one guy that slammed the other was arrested fwiw

Okay. Thanks for letting me knoe. That’s good. I just read a lot of bad things about that school. Hopefully they’re shaping up after the shooting that occurred.
Plus, don't try to change the subject and deflect now. You can't run from this nonsense.

How do you not know that calls between world leaders are in fact sensitive and already classified at some level. The level depends on what is discussed but even the most ordinary and mundane conversation are still classified at lower levels.

Protecting them from being illegally leaked is a matter of law and order and national security. The fact you think it's illegal for the President to try to stop illegal leaks of classified information is mind numblingly stupid. Now I realize why you were so quick to throw out a strawman and try to deflect.

So what was classified worthy in Trump’s “perfect call”? He’s the one arguing that there is nothing there. Unless there was more there that isn’t on the transcript as the witnesses are saying?

When science starts to say boys can be girls and vice versa, climate change is racial, meat is bad and begins to worship little girls and send them on world tours with all sorts of handlers...that's a cult

When the intelligence agencies and generals start to say we don't like this president...that's a cult attempting a coup...this country under republican and democrat leadership has intervened in other countries where that has happened...

The same generals and intelligence agencies that sold us on a 20-year war...and people still worship the ground they walk on and do not even half-assed try to question them...that's a cult...

When journalists tear up with joy because of the election of one president, then 8 years later tear up again but this time because of sadness and rage because of the election of another president...that's a cult and not even one full of journalists...
So what was classified worthy in Trump’s “perfect call”? He’s the one arguing that there is nothing there.
He's not arguing. He's stating the factual truth. Why shouldn't he be the one doing so? Who are the ignoramuses yelling otherwise? Hint: See mirror.
So what was classified worthy in Trump’s “perfect call”?

The fact that it was a private conversation with another world leader makes it sensitive and classified. That's how all calls with world leaders are handled.

That's why Trump first asked permission of the Ukraine leader/government as a courtesy before he declassified and authorized the release of the transcript.

Just like there was nothing top secret in the Mexico and Australian transcripts but they were still classified and it was against the law to leak them.

President Donald Trump, facing growing calls by Democrats for his impeachment, said on Tuesday that he has authorized the release of the "complete, fully declassified and unredacted" transcript of a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
So what was classified worthy in Trump’s “perfect call”? He’s the one arguing that there is nothing there. Unless there was more there that isn’t on the transcript as the witnesses are saying?

Its a conversation with another Head of State, do you really think those calls aren’t classified?
Unless there was more there that isn’t on the transcript as the witnesses are saying?

One witness has said. And when pressed he also admitted that it was meaningless and insignificant. That ultimately the transcript is still complete and accurate.

Even the whistle blower wrote in his secret memo that the transcript was complete and accurate.

Only if rq sets up Dwayne to destroy him. Because that's what Dwayne does daily.

That’s what I mean. Makes a lot of sense really. A guy who spends as much time as he does on a message board is clearly a weirdo. Wouldn’t shock me if he’s trying to feed his own ego.
So what was classified worthy in Trump’s “perfect call”? He’s the one arguing that there is nothing there. Unless there was more there that isn’t on the transcript as the witnesses are saying?
Ding ding ding. He's trying to control it by saying he will read it to us. Are you shiting me. Play the actual tape. Very simple.
Part of me wonders if RQ and Dwayne are the same guy, or at least close buddies. They spend an inordinate amount of time engaging with each other. It’s weird.
Yeah, well, you're not what I'd consider a thinking man, so what you think is irrelevant, in my opinion.

Sorry, but every single time he decides to engage with me, quoting my posts, regurgitating misinformation and lies like I don't know any better, I will not let it slide, and will always enlighten him.
A guy who spends as much time as he does on a message board is clearly a weirdo.

This profile is my one and only profile. It was started in '12. I have 4K posts.

Yours is your second that we know of. It was started 3 years after mine in '15, yet you've posted only 1K less than me.

That's not even counting all your other posts under John or any other usernames you might have.

You've spent at least three times the amount of time than me on this message board. So, if that's a qualification, then who, exactly, is truly the weirdo between you and I?