How will they rule ??!

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Then change the Constitution. You can't just ignore the parts you don't like. You cannot blanket surveil a portion of American citizens because of their religion.

Can't have sensible gun laws because of the 2nd amendment but all the others are ok to not just overstep but stomp it to death. Can't even keep people being watched by the FBI, CIA, etc from getting access to weapons. But hey, you keep pushing that tough on terrorism fairy tale.
Yes, I'm aware of the constitution. I wasn't advocating we do what the Japanese are doing, just pointing out how some countries aren't afraid to simply say what a problem is. The real issue in this country isn't legal, or isn't just legal, it's also social. The only people who commit Islamic terrorism are followers of Islam. So basic I suspect a typical 7 year old could understand the point. But in this country we won't even utter that basic verbal calculus, won't even utter the phrase Islamic terrorism. It's the boogie man! And that ain't a constitutional issue.....

It's ironic, no, that you spit out something about "you can't just ignore the parts of the constitution you don't like," and then in the next breath advocate doing just that with the particular amendment you don't like.....
As a now senile old man born in the early 40s and who saw firsthand the US rise to its peak for the working middle class in the 50s, 60s and early 70s I agree with Z on the accuracy of his description of the US decline. I didn't read about it in a book. I lived through it. Companies used to take a fair profit for themselves. They got reasonable compensation for their management, a reasonable return for their shareholders and then shared a greater percentage more with their employees. It almost felt like being part of a company/family. One quite often worked for a single company his or her entire life.

By the early 80s all that changed. The stockmarket rose to the forefront. Higher profits and higher dividends were demanded by stockholders (almost always the rich guys with money to invest). In order to do this companies have to reduce the cost of labor. Destroy the unions. Make your product offshore. Cheapen the quality of your product. Reward the people who can pull this off with humongous compensation.

Screw the poor saps on the low end who suffer for this and can no longer work their way into the disappearing middle class. "I've got a good job. I'm not worried." Brother or sister, if you don't have your own business, there are people right now who are trying to figure out how to eliminate your job.
Bravo. You are among the few that see.

As for me acting like a Butthole, you can talk to them until the end of time and they will not learn. Look at them, obsessed with a simple tool like race which is dangled in front of them to blind them like a shiny object to savages. So they are led by the nose by their hatred. Fish. Farmed for their dumbness. Their ignorance is an affront to me.
The current government is pushing for globalization.
Yes, the current government is. But "government" is the only tool you have. If you don't like the current administration then you change it, you don't throw out or cripple the institution itself. Look at the BREXIT Brits... they smashed their globalist government right in the face with their ballot boxes. They didn't say because of BREXIT we want to further cripple government's ability to counter Corporate fascism.

Any vote, any attempt, any undertaking that is designed to weaken your government is designed to weaken your voice. To further us along into the globalist coffers.

Strengthen your government and you strengthen yourselves as government is there to do the bidding of the people. Your heartless free market knows no sovereignty other than dollar signs. Absent government oversight the people will only fall further behind, the victim of more awful trade deals, forced into competition with slave labor so the fat bottom line grows richer at the expense of our own people.

Your government is the ONLY tool you have in your holster. Keep bad mouthing it if you are comfortable with your children feeding off the crumbs of the rich man's table. Along with the rest of the 3rd world.
BLM starting shit again. Hey dumbass people, tackle black on black crime first. Then get back to me.
BLM is a terrorist organization. I said that months before Rush ever thought of saying it. If you seek to advance your cause through violent means then you by nature are a terrorist. That has been evident since their inception.
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Look man.

As a person that has family in law enforcement and has been a CC holder since I was legal. I'm saying this nicely. You have no f'in clue what you are talking about. And I'm serious, you really don't know.

There are rules in place for permit holders if they have a run in with the law. You MUST follow these rules or you could easily end up hurt.

1. Roll your windows down
2. Put your hands where the cop can see them.
3. Tell the cop you're armed legally
4. Let him tell you what to do next.

If you do not follow these rules, you are asking for trouble. And if you're a criminal that just robbed a GD store, well then, you better follow these by the book or it's going to end bad.

personally the only people I run into that have issues with police handling themselves by the law are:

1. Criminals themselves

2. Politically motivated individuals.

If you believe In this nonsense and don't fall into these categories, then the person just isn't very bright.

This is exactly true. Its also terrible that its true. Theres no excuse for the piss poor level of police competency, on average. Most scenarios can be diffused verbally. Almost all, except for the most severe, can be diffused non lethally.

The two cops who had the man down in Louisiana were totally incompetent. That situation shouldve been controlled way before the man had a chance to reach for anything, if he even did.

Lets assume the other cop pulled over a vehicle and the driver has a gun in his lap. That doesnt mean open fire immediately. Only as a last resort. Im not saying thats what happened, because we dont know. But just because the man had a gun in his lap is not cause to open fire, despite the opinions of some here.

Hillary has to be secretly loving the events of the last week. She knows there is finally something else to talk about other than Lyin Hillary and The Clinton Effect.

No doubt at all the MSM is pushing whatever it can to get Hillary out of the headlines.
You really have no GD idea what you think do you?

In one instance, you preach the cop being calm and waiting to confront a reportedly armed man. In the very next, you say that he should have approached Castille at gun point. Which is it? Calm or gunpoint?

You do realize that at the point in time, Castille was NOT a suspect, he just matched the description. Therefore you're incorrect thst he should have been subjected to a felony stop at gunpoint. If he was the confirmed suspect, then yes.

Regarding your next post. You really have no idea of the law do you? Police are in no way shape or form required to sit there and explain why they are commanding you to the ground. In the course of their investigation they definitely don't have to. Sometimes, like in traffic stops, they ask you because half the people admit guilt in that scenario.
Once placing you under arrest they are required to read you your rights. Maybe you should brush up on some knowledge before spewing out a bunch of made up crap.

Yea trolling isn't easy for me. Maybe you missed my admission.

I honestly don't give a damn about the two that were killed as my life hasn't been affected .000001% either way. Dallas was a damn shame but anyone could have seen it coming. If it wasn't for the riots in LA I swear the strategy would be to let these idiots burn shit down, which would be best for Trump really.

I have had run ins with stupid cops but I've always been respectful and cooperating guilty or not. Maybe it's the thing to do or maybe my dad made me face enough consequence I realized honesty and being upfront always usually paid off.

Mike Pence is best case scenario and I applaud him. Nice to see someone smart enough to not be scared to side with trump. It could be career suicide but pence will be an awesome republican for along time. President is in that mans future.
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They are a loyal lot, even with this polling. Power over everything.

A majority of Americans reject the FBI's recommendation against charging Hillary Clinton with a crime for her State Department e-mail practices and say the issue raises concerns about how she might perform her presidential duties, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Six in 10 voters say the outcome will have no impact on their vote this November, even as those who do largely say it discourages them from backing the presumptive Democratic nominee.
They are a loyal lot, even with this polling. Power over everything.

A majority of Americans reject the FBI's recommendation against charging Hillary Clinton with a crime for her State Department e-mail practices and say the issue raises concerns about how she might perform her presidential duties, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Six in 10 voters say the outcome will have no impact on their vote this November, even as those who do largely say it discourages them from backing the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Were they democrats that were asked? Because if 6 out of 10 dem's votes aren't affected by Clinton's treason, well, then this is a wrap. Game's over.
Pence doesn't excite me either. Would like to have seen someone that could help bridge the gap with
Latinos or AA. He does neither I don't think.
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Were they democrats that were asked? Because if 6 out of 10 dem's votes aren't affected by Clinton's treason, well, then this is a wrap. Game's over.
It says the party breakdown of the responders were 34% Dems, 24% GOP, and 38% Ind (as you know on catpaw that tends to skew heavily Dem). But yeah, it is pretty much a wrap.
Pence doesn't excite me either. Would like to have seen someone that could help bridge the gap with
Latinos or AA. He does neither I don't think.
Pence would be about as good you can hope for if a Trump supporter. The biggest thing they need is a projection of sanity and not a beltway player.
This morning there was a sign hung on an overpass of I-64 that read, "From Ferguson to Louisville F%%% The Police". Just a matter of time. Maybe Christopher Two Times will quell their anxieties.
POTUS encourages these protests, Again, as with everything else, he is naive about them staying peaceful.
Sorry for jumping your numbers, as I have no idea what you're even referring to, but I just gotta say that numbers are for absolutely suckers, and that's a fact. Evey number you read is designed to make you think a certain way. And we have known this forever, yet nothing seems more important today than polls.

Good piece about no transparency and the death of reporting. It's so obvious, so in our face, yet I have never seen anybody outside of reporters give a flip. Quite the opposite. The people are happy that newspapers are dead. Its so sick and twisted. The least transparent administration of all time, has had reporters jailed, harassed, stalked, FOR **OPEN RECORDS REQUESTS** is largely hailed as the most transparent administration of all time simply because that administration told you they were, and you believe it, despite the mountains of evidence and facts gathered by the reporters you hate and don't trust.

Thank you for giving away my rights you ignorant mf'ers who love to vote.

And universities (government) are some of the worst offenders. Go fn figure. The mf'ers that are supposed to teach journalism are helping kill it. FOR THE CHILDREN!!!! It's fn sick.
Sorry for jumping your numbers, as I have no idea what you're even referring to, but I just gotta say that numbers are for absolutely suckers, and that's a fact. Evey number you read is designed to make you think a certain way. And we have known this forever, yet nothing seems more important today than polls.

Nah, not when the guy in charge of the study was hoping the #s would show what he believed to be true.
If there was such thing as liberals criticizing other liberals, the amount of latin LEK would throw at fuzz's shittastic illogical arguments would be epic.
I skim a lot (also skip). I honestly dont know what he is saying. I just read "I have a $5,000 bike, I welch on bets, and all people should have to give all their money away." Its not a fair assessment, but whatever.
I skim a lot (also skip). I honestly dont know what he is saying. I just read "I have a $5,000 bike, I welch on bets, and all people should have to give all their money away." Its not a fair assessment, but whatever.


The stats and findings of his study may be a surprise to some...his opinion wont be, but the numbers are what matters.

I hate to encourage some in this thread but this video PERFECTLY sums up the issue you folks have been consumed by for a week regarding race but does so intelligently:

Could it be that these two posts have actually shut up the liberals for the day?

That sting that you feel fuzz, sean, catdaddy et al, that's just reality touchin' wit ya.
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I hate to encourage some in this thread but this video PERFECTLY sums up the issue you folks have been consumed by for a week regarding race but does so intelligently:

That's a very informative link Z, but unfortunately it's not about facts anymore, no one cares about the truth.
It's all about emotion now, the big picture is no longer relevant in today's self absorbed reality.
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Have heard "dialog", "communicate", "respect", "both sides", and "listen" for days.

Rudy Guiliani, who has a pretty damn good record as mayor of our largest city and certainly not a far right ideologue, shares his thoughts.

Promptly gets slammed for being a racist. Like most things these days the only acceptable dialogue is on one side and toward one agenda.
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“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country” said Brown.

“Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve” said Brown. He listed mental health, drug addiction, loose dogs, failing schools as problems the public expects ‘cops to solve.’

“Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve that as well” said Brown. “Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”

Dallas Police Chief and new Uncle Tom
I have not spent a lot of time in Africa, but I have been there. Also, I've read several books about Africa in the late 1800's and early 1900's. In sub-Saharan Africa, it's common practice for both men and women to have many extramarital affairs. That's how AIDS became so widespread; it was not due to homosexuality. Loyalties are to the tribe, not to the concept of national identity. That's the way it's always been. You have to wonder how that translates to black culture in this country today. You don't see Asians with the same mindset as African Americans.

Is it not logical that the ability of whites to live in civilized, prosperous, institutional forms throughout North America is in relation to European ancestry? Was that not taught or maybe even “bred in”? Was a middle Renaissance, reformation age shaping, or where whites living tribally in Europe in those years of new world discovery? You do not “have to wonder” if the ability of whites to live in a European way in North America “translates back to” Europe as absolutely it does. Draw your conclusion.

You write of loyalty to the tribe and no concept of national identity, what national identity was optional for those tribes? From among those designed and offered to them by European colonialists?
Dallas police chief is so freaking impressive. calling out the troublemakers in black lives matter to get off their ass and try and actually do some work to solve the problems they bitch about. if Trump wants to win he should shout that he is on the Chief's side, let HillDawg be on the side with DeRay & Shaun King.
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The Baton Rouge Police Department has a history of brutality against black people.

Many law enforcement officials came to Louisiana immediately after Hurricane Katrina to provide reinforcements, and one state trooper from Michigan said Baton Rouge police attempted to thank him for his help by letting him "beat down" a prisoner. A trooper from New Mexico wrote a letter to the Baton Rouge police expressing the concerns of seven New Mexico troopers and five Michigan troopers that Baton Rouge police were engaging in racially motivated enforcement, that they were physically abusing prisoners and the public and that they were stopping, questioning and searching people without any legal justification.

In case you weren't paying attention, I'll repeat it: The people accusing Baton Rouge police of brutality and racism were other law enforcement officials. And, yet, the general response from Baton Rouge was that those outside officers didn't know what they were talking about. An attorney for the Baton Rouge police union said all the stops the outside troopers criticized were legal. Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden, a black man, said that he had heard of looting in New Orleans and was determined not to have any such thing in Baton Rouge.

The visiting troopers say Baton Rouge police told them that they were under orders to be so hard on New Orleans evacuees that they'd decide against settling in Baton Rouge.

As if.

So that's what we're dealing with: a police department whose behavior worried other law enforcement officials and whose leadership has been more defensive than responsive to the claims of racist policing.

But the bad reports aren't confined to the time around Hurricane Katrina. In 2014, a 15-year-veteran of the force resigned after a series of racist text messages were attributed to him. Michael Elsbury, who routinely patrolled an area around Southern University, resigned as the department was looking into text messages that called black people monkeys (and worse) and expressed pleasure "in arresting those thugs with their saggy pants."

In April 2016 we saw a video of a 22-year veteran of the Baton Rouge force repeatedly punching a teenager in the back of the head as other officers held the teenager on the ground.

So let's not look at Sterling's death as an isolated incident.

The police reportedly scuffled with Sterling, held him down and fired multiple shots at him, killing him. Their body cameras didn't' record everything that happened because, officials say, they fell off as the officers struggled with Sterling.

The video recorded by a bystander has sickened people across the country.

Sterling was 37 years old. He joins a long list of black people whose killings at the hands of police seems unnecessary.

We should all be thankful that Baton Rouge police aren't going to be investigating the actions of Baton Rouge police. (Like they investigated themselves and found themselves innocent of racism and brutality when outside officers who were deployed after Katrina expressed horror at what they saw.) On Wednesday, FBI New Orleans division spokesman Craig Betbeze said that federal officials will "conduct a fair, thorough and impartial investigation" of what happened outside the Triple S Mart Tuesday morning.

When the Department of Justice looked into Ferguson, Mo., they decided against charges for Darren Wilson, the police officer who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown. At the same time, the Justice Department described a police force that blatantly and repeatedly harassed black people and put them in jail for made up reasons.

Who knows what the feds will say about Sterling's death? But if investigators thought the whole Ferguson department was rotten, they're likely to reach a similar conclusion about the department in Baton Rouge.
From Politico:

How the World Fell Out of Love with Obama
In countries key to the president’s legacy, people express profound disappointment in a man from whom they expected great things.

Gee, living up to expectations was not at all foreseeable. Here are some of the rational things candidate Obama's followers uttered:

  • He is "a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being... who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet,"
  • He is a "metaphysical force"
  • It was said that henceforth we should record time as "Before Obama and After Obama"
  • His nominations was said to call for "another Book in the Bible"
  • His wife said that he would "Heal our broken souls"
Those weren't nuts on message boards, those were public figures quoted in news reports.

Honestly, who couldn't live up to those kinds of claims.......

Read more:
And of course there's the fact the dead American in Minnesota was pulled over 52 times in 14 years...52...for various minimal traffic violations...less than half ever prosecuted. Yeah, no racial element to that at all.

This is a fact of life for blacks in America. Stopped on the road, walking on the street, at malls, etc. The blatant shakedowns in Ferguson was why there was so much outrage, not just because of Michael Brown. That was just the straw that broke their back.
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And of course there's the fact the dead American in Minnesota was pulled over 52 times in 14 years...52...for various minimal traffic violations...less than half ever prosecuted. Yeah, no racial element to that at all.

You just assume the stops were racially motivated?
Since you know how many times he was stopped how bout listing the reasons he was stopped.
But if investigators thought the whole Ferguson department was rotten, they're likely to reach a similar conclusion about the department in Baton Rouge.
Oh I won't be surprised either. just like Ferguson as well as Baltimore and Chicago, the elected politicians in Baton Rouge are now & have for decades been Democrats. Democrats who use the police force to fund their excessively large pool of employees with lavish salaries + benefits.
And of course there's the fact the dead American in Minnesota was pulled over 52 times in 14 years...52...for various minimal traffic violations...less than half ever prosecuted. Yeah, no racial element to that at all.

This is a fact of life for blacks in America. Stopped on the road, walking on the street, at malls, etc. The blatant shakedowns in Ferguson was why there was so much outrage, not just because of Michael Brown. That was just the straw that broke their back.
That is the problem with people such as yourself (uninformed and ignorant) assume everything. What were those traffic stops for? Was he speeding 52 times? How in the heck do you know whether the stops were justified or not? That is an average of a little over 3.5 stops per year or around one stop every 3 months. I see whites and blacks alike in mY small town Appalachian community in and out of jail atleast that many times because they are scum and the legal system keeps letting them off. This guy wasn't arrested 52 times....just pulled over for more than likely fault of his own.