How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I think it's a great idea! Now you will have people voting to protect their country just as they would to protect their homes. And families.

50% of this country don't even work. Why should they be able to vote to steal more money from those who do?

While we are at it, we should just stop having the womenfolk and the non-whites vote also. Just like the good ol days. I am sure you and your ilk would be down with that also
:joy:Nah, not a bit but it sure should. :joy:

Oh, he got you nail. He used a big word. Surrender nail, surrender...

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False again Kitty. I have not said anything agreeing with the process on this board. In fact, in general, I haven't followed it all that closely and think the democrats are foolish for spending so much time with it, unless there truly is something out there
Your postings suggest otherwise. We can see it why can't you? TDS!
False. Trump is on record talking about what a great guy he was and how much fun he was. I am in no way saying trump liked young girls but they were friends and hung together.

There was never even a hint that Trump was involved with Epstein, until the Democrats needed to point a finger to cover for their known interludes with him.
Look, Epstein was involved with Dems, if he had gone to trial it would’ve been terrible for this impeachment push. You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. His death greatly benefitted some very powerful people that have a leftward persuasion.
False, I have not seen you criticize the highly illegal process by which the left has tried to take down a legitimate sitting president. I have seen you here agreeing with the process and believing the lies being told.
I would like to hear from Dion, Joerules, Plat, etc. just what rights to due process President Trump should be afforded. I want them to justify and explain how these “rules of impeachment” the Democrats are shoehorning through are at all fair, just and constitutional.
There was never even a hint that Trump was involved with Epstein, until the Democrats needed to point a finger to cover for their known interludes with him.
Look, Epstein was involved with Dems, if he had gone to trial it would’ve been terrible for this impeachment push. You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. His death greatly benefitted some very powerful people that have a leftward persuasion.
He gave interviews where he talked about him. Grow up.
The left sure seems willing to admit there is a deep state now. The deep state are presenting themselves as these great patriots. They are criminals. They are supported by leftist. They think they know what is best for the nation.

I would arrest Brennan now and put him in a cell with McLaughlin.
They know the deep state is largely from the left and that that is about to be brought to the forefront so, they are now making it seem that they are patriots trying to do the right thing. Morons like rgdumbass, levis'booty, jameslie, 420'sHO, Joerulesnothing, and pEDo696969, will believe it because, they need to.
Exactly, he and his type are dangerous to this country. So blind as to not see the damage they are doing or so corrupt that they agree with the attempted take down of the only true democracy left in this world.
The most important thing to me as a voter is which Candidate is going to least impact my day to day existence in any negative way. Which one will allow me to best keep my freedoms and liberties. Currently my job is as secure as it’s ever been, I’m making more today than I was the day Trump took office. I get up every day and go to work, when I’m not working I enjoy my hobbies, going to UK games, enjoying my life doing the things that make me happy. I want whichever candidate will allow me to keep that. What I don’t want is a candidate he’ll bent on radically altering the daily lives of ordinary Americans like me who don’t want that altered.
Why does it bother you if someone refers to the popular vote? I know it kills trump. But why does it bother you?
Why does it bother you that people have different opinions and that I own you in every post. If this is not true simply say so.
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I would like to hear from Dion, Joerules, Plat, etc. just what rights to due process President Trump should be afforded. I want them to justify and explain how these “rules of impeachment” the Democrats are shoehorning through are at all fair, just and constitutional.

At this point the whole thing is just a side show attraction. Even though both sides know the charade is up, the Dems have to make it look like they lost on a technicality. That way they can fool their useful idiots with another conspiracy in a month or two. Rinse Repeat
He gave interviews where he talked about him. Grow up.

Someone getting a little testy, saying something nice about a person when asked on camera isn’t evidence of hanging out or being buddies.
You need to wake up to what the elite of the Democrat party is all about.
Even Nancy knew it would be bad for them, but you know otherwise.
False. Trump is on record talking about what a great guy he was and how much fun he was. I am in no way saying trump liked young girls but they were friends and hung together.
Completely false. No proof what so ever. You lie and if you don't answer this post it is an admittance as such.
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There was never even a hint that Trump was involved with Epstein, until the Democrats needed to point a finger to cover for their known interludes with him.
Look, Epstein was involved with Dems, if he had gone to trial it would’ve been terrible for this impeachment push. You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. His death greatly benefitted some very powerful people that have a leftward persuasion.
There was definitely a massive unclenching of Democrat sphincters the moment his death was announced.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.

Quid Pro Quo

And 3 million illegal votes in 2016

Need some answers

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
Someone getting a little testy, saying something nice about a person when asked on camera isn’t evidence of hanging out or being buddies.
You need to wake up to what the elite of the Democrat party is all about.
Even Nancy knew it would be bad for them, but you know otherwise.
You are hopeless.