How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Not suprised you like this

None of those things amounted to sh*t when it came to Flynn.

Also, plenty of folks with similar decorations sold us on the wars of the last 20 years. Some are even fighting pulling out now.

The left usually despises folks, especially white men, in uniform. Been calling them racist, imperialistic, colonizing, cogs in the military-industrial complex for a half-century ...until one pops up and accuses Trump of something or disagrees with a policy...
Mueller’s testimony which buried his own Russia collusion hoax investigation took place on July 24, 2019. Trump’s phone call with Zelensky took place July 25, 2019. The Trump hating Dems couldn’t even wait ONE FULL DAY without putting another hoax together behind closed doors to destroy the POTUS by having a “whistleblower” come forward who had SECOND hand info on the phone call which we now have the transcript to. Amazing
Ha ha, no joke.


F*ck that tiddly wink scholarship the money they're going to be getting from local businesses, and large corporations...

Welcome, to the real world kids!

The next idea from a politician will be that the above-mentioned businesses will have to pay women athletes the same as the men.

Car dealer commercials are going to have to have the star QB and a women's swimmer getting the same air time and compensation for it.

Just wait til the pay inequality discussion comes up. So and so athletes at such and such programs are making more than these athletes over here and there.
** KA-BOOM! **

Private payrolls increase by 125,000 in October, topping expectations.
  • Companies hired 125,000 employees in October, data released Wednesday by ADP and Moody’s Analytics showed.
  • Economists polled by Dow Jones expected an increase of 100,000 payrolls.
  • Medium-sized businesses, those employing 50 to 499 people, led the pace of hiring, expanding by 64,000.

Go jump your ass into Guist Creek Lake.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
that 1.9% growth is BOOOOOMING! Obama could never get numbers that high! LMAO! and average job growth just keeps getting smaller under TRump. so much winning!

Years from now they can make it even more generous if we can get the economy like it should be. The economy now is at 3%. Nobody thought it would be anywhere close. I think it could go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6%,
I'm sure you cheating scum will again count on illegals and the dead to try claiming that meaningless prize.

But as Steve Spurrier once said of Hal Mumme's offense, "he can have the yards, we'll take the points".

As pointed out yesterday. Hillary won 57 counties that gave her 1.5 million more votes (although 3 million votes were evidenced to be fraudulent)

It should frighten any American that 57 counties could set the rule of govt in a country with 3,181 counties.
that 1.9% growth is BOOOOOMING! Obama could never get numbers that high! LMAO! and average job growth just keeps getting smaller under TRump. so much winning!

Years from now they can make it even more generous if we can get the economy like it should be. The economy now is at 3%. Nobody thought it would be anywhere close. I think it could go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6%,
** KA-BOOM! **

US GDP rose a better-than-expected 1.9% in the third quarter as consumers continued to spend.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
None of those things amounted to sh*t when it came to Flynn.

Also, plenty of folks with similar decorations sold us on the wars of the last 20 years. Some are even fighting pulling out now.

The left usually despises folks, especially white men, in uniform. Been calling them racist, imperialistic, colonizing, cogs in the military-industrial complex for a half-century ...until one pops up and accuses Trump of something or disagrees with a policy...
LOL...when we just had the whistleblower Trumpies attacked them because it was second hand knowledge. Now we have first hand information and Trumpies have to find other reasons to be outraged.

Soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution, not the POTUS.

I said the first day that the transcript was released that there was no way that it was complete. Now we have first hand knowledge and know that to be true.

Mueller’s testimony which buried his own Russia collusion hoax investigation took place on July 24, 2019. Trump’s phone call with Zelensky took place July 25, 2019. The Trump hating Dems couldn’t even wait ONE FULL DAY without putting another hoax together behind closed doors to destroy the POTUS by having a “whistleblower” come forward who had SECOND hand info on the phone call which we now have the transcript to. Amazing
Yeah, the Dems setup the date and time for the call.
So why are you worried about second hand info when we now have first hand info?
I blame the parents that knowingly allow their children to attend such nonsense. If parents stopped sending their kids, the library would stop having tranny day.

Imagine the parent that sends their child to an event like this. I doubt they care at all that the tranny flashed them. Probably proud.

F*ck that tiddly wink scholarship the money they're going to be getting from local businesses, and large corporations...

Exactly. Not only does his point show political greed but also stupidity. There will be plenty of taxable income flowing from this situation.
LOL...when we just had the whistleblower Trumpies attacked them because it was second hand knowledge. Now we have first hand information and Trumpies have to find other reasons to be outraged.

Soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution, not the POTUS.

I said the first day that the transcript was released that there was no way that it was complete. Now we have first hand knowledge and know that to be true.

Yeah, the Dems setup the date and time for the call.
So why are you worried about second hand info when we now have first hand info?

No we don’t, we have anonymous sourced leaks, that may or not be true.

Let’s say they are true, Trump is not in an election against Biden. Rooting out corruption in our Govt by officials, of which Biden admits on camera of a Quid pro quo. His son received a position worth millions of dollars in Ukraine for a company under investigation, after Biden was put as lead man on Ukraine. That is corruption, plain and simple.

Should the President not want that investigated? Does running for office remove culpability in corruption?
LOL...when we just had the whistleblower Trumpies attacked them because it was second hand knowledge. Now we have first hand information and Trumpies have to find other reasons to be outraged.

Soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution, not the POTUS.

I said the first day that the transcript was released that there was no way that it was complete. Now we have first hand knowledge and know that to be true.

Yeah, the Dems setup the date and time for the call.
So why are you worried about second hand info when we now have first hand info?

Where were all these defenders of the constitution in the previous administration?

I don't doubt that somebody somewhere heard something that they weren't quite sure about and thought it right to question and raise attention...that's all well and good, no problem...

My problem is that we didn't really see that in prior administrations. Also, my other issue is that nobody wants to wait around until the process can play out.

Libs just want to drop flaming turd bags on the front porch of the American public then retreat behind bushes and have a good giggle...

Okay, so and so said something about Trump doing or saying something. Fair enough, let's get him on the hill so he can be properly vetted by all elected officials, and let's make sure it's live so everyone is on record. If this guy has something significant he needs to come out and say it, then he needs to be put through the process of making sure what he is saying is accurate.

If the precedent is set that Presidents can be on the hook for every little thing they say in conversations with world leaders, great...let's release all phone calls from all presidents. Let's dig into the conversations Obama, Bush, and Clinton had.
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As pointed out yesterday. Hillary won 57 counties that gave her 1.5 million more votes (although 3 million votes were evidenced to be fraudulent)

It should frighten any American that 57 counties could set the rule of govt in a country with 3,181 counties.
Hillary had 3 million more votes...and no, 3 million votes have not been evidenced to be fraudulent and even if that were true you would have no idea the distribution of those votes between the candidates.

So you think that Jefferson county with 777,517 people should count the same as Robertson county with 2,135?
One out of every four Kentuckians live in Jefferson or Fayette county. Half live in one of 15 counties. Half the population of Tennessee lives in one of nine counties.
There are three counties that have larger populations than the entire state of Kentucky.

What do you have against democracy?