How will they rule ??!

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STFU already. You’re a member of a party that you know is garbage. You share a classification “liberal” with the same party of morons. All you seem to have left in life is abundant TDS. If you weren’t so conflicted you’d realize that Trump is the anecdote to the progressive cancer. These are good times. Pull your head out of your ass.

getting pretty angry chief. Have never belonged to either party and abstained from
The 2016 election. Just because some of my views are liberal, doesn’t mean I vote democrat all the time. Folks around here make a lot of assumptions. Quick question: Do you support all of President Trumps thoughts and policies?
getting pretty angry chief. Have never belonged to either party and abstained from
The 2016 election. Just because some of my views are liberal, doesn’t mean I vote democrat all the time. Folks around here make a lot of assumptions. Quick question: Do you support all of President Trumps thoughts and policies?
False, lying about party affiliation and who you did or did not vote for has been the go to answer for many liberals here when losing arguments. You guys melt when the heat hits.
getting pretty angry chief. Have never belonged to either party and abstained from
The 2016 election. Just because some of my views are liberal, doesn’t mean I vote democrat all the time. Folks around here make a lot of assumptions. Quick question: Do you support all of President Trumps thoughts and policies?
No, but it’s not entirely his fault that he had a swamp of republicans the first 2 years who weren’t willing to fully support him. Now he’s got the dem house who won’t do shit. Therefore he does what he can.

I think he truly cares about America. More than most if not all other politicians, IMO.
No, but it’s not entirely his fault that he had a swamp of republicans the first 2 years who weren’t willing to fully support him. Now he’s got the dem house who won’t do shit. Therefore he does what he can.

I think he truly cares about America. More than most if not all other politicians, IMO.

You proved my original point; it would be crazy of you to support all of his ideas/policies. Just as it would be crazy for me or others to support all thoughts of the Democrats. No one should be expected to own all the ideas of their respective parties. Are there crazy ideas floating out there by both parties? Absolutely. But not all politicians within the same party have the same ideas. You proved that yourself with the swamp of republicans

Not sure about him not getting things done. Didn't realize we were talking about that. Trump isn't any different in that respect. There are always going to be people within your own party and the opposing party that will disagree with an agenda. Obama faced the same issue. IIRC, he only had one Congress in which both the House and the Senate were controlled by Democrats. I think his last Congress was controlled entirely by the Republicans. This is politics in the modern age. This is one of the reasons why so many are turned off by politics: a lot of the time, decent ideas are rejected just because the opposing party supports them. Both sides are doing this
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getting pretty angry chief. Have never belonged to either party and abstained from
The 2016 election. Just because some of my views are liberal, doesn’t mean I vote democrat all the time. Folks around here make a lot of assumptions. Quick question: Do you support all of President Trumps thoughts and policies?

Angry chief? Racist.....
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Step up your game JStaff...don't be like @screwduke1
Why don't you and your liberal friends tell me about the military defeats the United States faced in Vietnam? I'm sure you're an expert on military history.
Dude, who controlled Vietnam the second as we left? The people we supported or the ones we were fighting?

Ever hear the old saying...won the battles, lost the war?

We failed to achieve our objective. Any way you want to paint it doesn’t change that fact.
I called a lady a heiffer in a honky tonk one time in Oklahoma. Almost got shanked by her. (30+ years ago.) I was a little drunk but I sobered up fast.

She must have been a republican if she was a heiffer... I kid, I kid. That's pretty funny though. Amazing how fast one can sober up in certain situations
You proved my original point; it would be crazy of you to support all of his ideas/policies. Just as it would be crazy for me or others to support all thoughts of the Democrats. No one should be expected to own all the ideas of their respective parties. Are there crazy ideas floating out there by both parties? Absolutely. But not all politicians within the same party have the same ideas. You proved that yourself with the swamp of republicans

Not sure about him not getting things done. Didn't realize we were talking about that. Trump isn't any different in that respect. There are always going to be people within your own party and the opposing party that will disagree with an agenda. Obama faced the same issue. IIRC, he only had one Congress in which both the House and the Senate were controlled by Democrats. I think his last Congress was controlled entirely by the Republicans. This is politics in the modern age. This is one of the reasons why so many are turned off by politics: a lot of the time, decent ideas are rejected just because the opposing party supports them. Both sides are doing this
You can't minimize the "crazy ideas" of the democrats or compare them to any ideas of the repubs. It's not even close. The dems ideas are f**king insane on a level never seen. They will destroy America if unchecked. If you can't admit that, then you're completely FOS and you're rationalizing to make yourself feel better about the sick shape of modern liberalism.