How will they rule ??!

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I missed the lesson in history class that said black folks are the only people to have ever been lynched and that they own the rights to that word.

All sorts of people from all over the world have been lynched for all sorts of things. It is now a figure of speech commonly used by all sorts of people from all over the world for all sorts of reasons.
Kind of crazy to see Booty able to power through the midnight drunk and post into the morning. Still pretty sure he'll pass out before he actually responds to any of the numerous posts pointing out how ignorant he is, though.

Live look at Levi and Platinum

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I’ll disagree a bit here. Canada is a great place to live. The healthcare system isn’t perfect but to say that the average person would have to be an idiot to want to live there is silly. I can’t speak for the other countries on the list.
It needs a First Amendment vs. judging what's allowable speech.
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The headlines and lead stories are based on testimony given behind closed doors leaked by unnamed sources, all stemming from a whistleblower complaint based on a secondhand account given by a guy who remains anonymous.

That, my friends, is the actual scandal here. This "impeachment inquiry" is nameless, faceless, factless, baseless and groundless.
False, it's his opinion, and like others, it holds no merit. You guys cling on anything said by anyone if it is anti Trump. This is more of the same TDS laced garbage and the site is reddit plus, the article said Taylor was "Told" that this was quid pro quo. More of the same second hand information.
LOL, opinion. Yeah ok. It's verified second hand information. The ones with first hand knowledge are the plotters and they are currently obstructing the impeachment process. Wonder why? I mean if it's such a 'witch hunt' why won't they go on record and defend it? We all know why. Because this corrupt administration hopes to run out the clock. Seriously how much more evidence do you so-called Patriots of the Constitution need?

The crimes of this administration rise to the level of treason. Trump can't win an election without cheating and he knows it. At this rate, it is going to be a political bloodbath in 2020.

You guys believed in Pizzagate but make excuses when there is a mountain of evidence staring you in the face.
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I know most of you don’t care about people who aren’t “AMERICAN CITIZENS,” but this Turkey/Russia takeover in Syria was 100% preventable.

Trump got played, and it wasn’t even difficult for them to pull it off.

Try to pretend that this doesn’t matter. More to come at 10:00, for those watching from home.
If the country & Congress are so upset, nothing stops Congress from voting to declaring war on Turkey over this, does it? Why aren't they? All talk? Gutless? Where's Europe?
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"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said a fellow Republican lawmaker deconstructed a key part of the latest Trump impeachment inquiry witness testimony in Tuesday's closed-door session.

"In 90 seconds, we had John Ratcliffe destroy [acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill] Taylor's whole argument," McCarthy said.

The questioning by Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican and member of both the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, was an important moment in the hearing, McCarthy claimed."

So you believe the person from the Deep State with an axe to grind or someone questioning to get to to the truth? We know your answer.
SHAQ on China: “They know and understand our values ... and one of our best values in America is free speech. We’re allowed to say what we want to say and we’re allowed to speak up on injustices, and that’s just how it goes”

“Daryl Morey was right”
Shaq will never be allowed in China again.

BTW, what say "King" about Shaq? MSM afraid to ask?
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The headlines and lead stories are based on testimony given behind closed doors leaked by unnamed sources, all stemming from a whistleblower complaint based on a secondhand account given by a guy who remains anonymous.

That, my friends, is the actual scandal here. This "impeachment inquiry" is nameless, faceless, factless, baseless and groundless.
bwahaha yeah ok buddy! The whisteblower complaint has been corroborated by others, by the transcript, by Guiliani and Mulvaney. I guess you need a recording of Trump saying quid pro quo...oh wait, that wouldn't change your mind either!
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"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said a fellow Republican lawmaker deconstructed a key part of the latest Trump impeachment inquiry witness testimony in Tuesday's closed-door session.

"In 90 seconds, we had John Ratcliffe destroy [acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill] Taylor's whole argument," McCarthy said.

The questioning by Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican and member of both the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, was an important moment in the hearing, McCarthy claimed."

So you believe the person from the Deep State with an axe to grind or someone questioning to get to to the truth? We know your answer.
Yeah McCarthy is a bastion of reliability. He is Trump's yes man. The so-called 'Deep State' is the constitution. You guys are a bunch of snowflakes. Led by the head snowflake who cries more than a two year old in timeout.
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You have the Republicans calling for the release of all the actual data while Democrats hide everything selectively leak what they want the media to publish.

That should tell you all you need to know about this lynching.

Also tells you exactly why they don’t want anyone other than the firm they paid to say Russia hacked their servers to actually see the servers.

It’s all a farce.
Yeah McCarthy is a bastion of reliability. He is Trump's yes man. The so-called 'Deep State' is the constitution.
As if Schiff's committee leaks are reliable. LOL. The Deep State is to execute laws & policy, not fight the elected Prez' policies. If they think he's wrong, it's their duty to resign.
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I’ve Ben watching pretty much nothing but CNN since their debate, it’s not surprising really so many people are so misled.

They’re practically foaming at the mouth at all this, I think they know deep down inside this is their only hope at not having to deal with Trump calling them out for the charlatans they are for 5 more years.
LOL, opinion. Yeah ok. It's verified second hand information. The ones with first hand knowledge are the plotters and they are currently obstructing the impeachment process. Wonder why? I mean if it's such a 'witch hunt' why won't they go on record and defend it? We all know why. Because this corrupt administration hopes to run out the clock. Seriously how much more evidence do you so-called Patriots of the Constitution need?

The crimes of this administration rise to the level of treason. Trump can't win an election without cheating and he knows it. At this rate, it is going to be a political bloodbath in 2020.

You guys believed in Pizzagate but make excuses when there is a mountain of evidence staring you in the face.
You ever wonder why the dems were so god damn stupid to be using known pedophilia code words for their secret email codes?

And you are obviously too stupid to know what a witch hunt is and what happens to the person accused. BUT WHY WON’T HE COOPERATE!!1!1!1! ARGHHHHHH!1!1!!1!!1
So you’re going to allow a group of pricks in masks to harass you to the point you are driven from the street?
My point is the entire altercation came about because one group, Antifa, sought out the the other group, proud boys. Then harassed them, threw things at them to the point they’d had enough.

I am a smart enough person to realize that the pricks are looking for trouble and I have no desire to get into any type of altercation. I would agree that Antifa started the trouble by their harrassement, but the smart play for the Proud Boys would have been to walk away. They didn't and now they are going to prison
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People delude themselves here into thinking they make significant arguments for their positions. In fact most of the conversation here revolves around false assumptions and childish insults of no value. I remember some on here saying they would like to see me try to talk with Castle Rubric. When we did converse here I found him to be reasonable as well as knowledgeable even when we disagreed. He is no absolutist His sense of humor was more advanced than the phallic-aggressive personalities that litter this board. That was one of the rare times when the exchange was not a waste of time. 95% of the posts that take space on this board are the human vomit that permeates our lazy non-curious culture these days.
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bwahaha yeah ok buddy! The whisteblower complaint has been corroborated by others, by the transcript, by Guiliani and Mulvaney. I guess you need a recording of Trump saying quid pro quo...oh wait, that wouldn't change your mind either!
The transcript was produced because the press and Democrats were lying about its contents. Now, the Democrats are conducting hearings and leaking info favorable to their allegations to the press. This is a partisan political process meant to smear Trump going into the 2020 elections. If you can't see that, you are blind.

By the way, cardkilla, I just made a statue of you.

....then I flushed.
I am a smart enough person to realize that the pricks are looking for trouble and I have no desire to get into any type of altercation. I would agree that Antifa started the trouble by their harrassement, but the smart play for the Proud Boys would have been to walk away. They didn't and now they are going to prison

I agree the smart play would’ve been to walk away, I’m not disputing that.
My issue is that the group running around in masks harassing people, that started this entire altercation isn’t being prosecuted as well.
The owner of the "F Trump" building has ordered the artist to cover up the vulgar language, and said he did not know that message would be on there. The artist, from NYC..., said she was just trying to "start a conversation". Always a good idea to start a conversation with a vulgar insult, especially when you're a visiting artist painting a huge billboard for a city.

Mayor Gorton said the city of Lexington will pay for the police overtime needed to cover Trump's visit to Lexington...because that's just so brave of her. I mean, who else would pay your police for working overtime?

Lexington has grown up a lot this week. Proud of them.
As if Schiff's committee leaks are reliable. LOL. The Deep State is to execute laws & policy, not fight the elected Prez' policies. If they think he's wrong, it's their duty to resign.
Well wadda ya know. These folks must have read this post.

"The Deep State Comes Out Of The Shadows"

"...Politico’s 2,000-word story – titled “The Revenge of the State Department” – begins by reporting on the fact that “current and former Foreign Service officers have defied Trump administration orders and trudged to Capitol Hill to testify before House committees investigating whether to impeach the president.”

These officials, the story says, are “furious,” “terrified,” “incredulous,” “disappointed,” “fed up,” “livid,” with a “deep well of resentment,” in an “unbearable” situation. Some of them, Politico reports, are using the hearings as a “platform to air long-held grievances over Trump.” And their colleagues are “hailing them as heroes.”

What, exactly, are these career State Department bureaucrats angry about?

They’re mad that several of them “were demoted or sidelined following attacks by the conservative media.”

They complain about what they see as Trump’s “dangerous brand of diplomatic malpractice.”

They’re upset that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo didn’t publicly support Marie Yavonovitch after Trump removed her from her post as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, and that Pompeo “is willing to sell out the department to keep favor with Trump.”

They’re also enraged that Pompeo gave a speech to the American Association of Christian Counselors and talked openly about the importance of his faith. That, according to Politico, “troubled many diplomats.”"

Poor babies.

"So what we have here are career bureaucrats who don’t like the way Trump is conducting foreign policy. Why? Because they know better than some outsider who doesn’t play according to the rules. There is no question that many of them would be delighted to see Trump removed from office, not because he did anything impeachable, but because they can’t abide by the 2016 election results.

Trump Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney had it exactly right when he said that “career bureaucrats … are saying, ‘You know what? I don’t like President Trump’s politics so I’m going to participate in this witch hunt.’”

Add this to what we’ve learned about how the intelligence community and the FBI have tried to undermine the Trump administration – events chillingly recounted in Andrew McCarthy’s must-read book “Ball of Collusion.” In it, he shows how the liberal Washington establishment “exploited its control of law-enforcement and intelligence to help Clinton and undermine Trump. This is a scandalous abuse of power.”

Trump’s critics say that his claims about a deep state are the result of his paranoid delusions. But after what the country has witnessed over the past three years, and now the bragging by State Department officials bent on getting Trump out of Washington, it’s the denial of the deep state that is delusional."

— Written by John Merline