How will they rule ??!

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Ali did stand his ground that I will give him and I respect that but, many of these people ragging on Trump never served either and should not have a thing to say. There are a couple on here who rag on those of us who served yet question Trump for not. Hypocrites? Yes, pEDo being one of them. He is on of the biggest hypocrites here.
I’ve never ragged on tRump for not serving, but for being drafted to serve and using money and influence to evade serving. I also rag on him for evading serving and then publicly referring to a POW with the statement that he likes people who weren’t captured. And lastly, I rag on him for evading service and being publicly disrespectful to a Gold Star family. But I never rag on him for only not serving.
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Did y’alls parents talk about partisan politics when you were growing up? Did your father teach you to be a “conservative man?” At this point I’m wondering if politics were mentioned in your church services. The fanaticism is bloody laughable, mates.

That's because we can't afford any sanitary napkins or tampons and they won't give us any!
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I’ve never ragged on tRump for not serving, but for being drafted to serve and using money and influence to evade serving. I also rag on him for evading serving and then publicly referring to a POW with the statement that he likes people who weren’t captured. And lastly, I rag on him for evading service and being publicly disrespectful to a Gold Star family. But I never rag on him for only not serving.
Did not name you in the post. pEDo has and so have a couple of others. While I don't like how McCain ended his political career I have always respected his service and I really respected Ali for taking the punishment for not serving. Many used college to get out of service and it was a legal way. The ones that should be chastised in all of this are the ones who ran to another country to avoid prosecution for breaking the law.

"They wrote back ..." You know that is a lie.
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You keep slinging the same baseless "lemmings" shit in every post. I have questioned the strategy and timing. I have just accurately called out the fake outrage by DNC whores like you that were stone silent (as catpaw archives confirms) regarding Syria and the ME under Obama/HRC/Kerry. In 6000 pages you you have failed to even mildly criticize a Dem so just retire this idiotic shtick.
They never made a move this stupid. This among many other Trumpian moves are beyond any bound of stupidity heretofore ever seen.
My life doesn't revolve around this board. I respond more to other posts than start a new topic. How much discussion about Syria was there in that time-frame?
You questioned the strategy and timing??? on this board???
What did you say about Trump's desire to hold the G7 at his property? Yes, I know he has now had to back away from that idea but who in their right mind ever thought that was a good idea?
And isn't it quite ironic that Trump, the man that puts family members into political offices and demands that they be given security clearances regardless of their background checks would try and make hay around Hunter Biden?
now, now, Cassius changed religion, and it's against that belief he participate in war..Muslims are ok with blowing things up, decapitation and so on, but OK to dodge a draft..
Ali was Nation of Islam. Say what you want about them but it's an entirely different religion from the Sunnis and Shias in the ME, with different rules on war. Not surprised you don't know that though, your ignorance is on display here consistently. Also being prosecuted for taking a moral stance is quite different from having your rich daddy buy you an exemption.
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They never made a move this stupid. This among many other Trumpian moves are beyond any bound of stupidity heretofore ever seen.
My life doesn't revolve around this board. I respond more to other posts than start a new topic. How much discussion about Syria was there in that time-frame?
You questioned the strategy and timing??? on this board???
What did you say about Trump's desire to hold the G7 at his property? Yes, I know he has now had to back away from that idea but who in their right mind ever thought that was a good idea?
And isn't it quite ironic that Trump, the man that puts family members into political offices and demands that they be given security clearances regardless of their background checks would try and make hay around Hunter Biden?
Trump nor his children where not trying to undermine a sitting president or even tried to in the past. All that Trump is doing at this point is fighting back against a attempted coup where most of the media is involved. He has no other recourse in my estimations of it. I would rather have a president that fights back and loses than one who just bends over and takes it.
They never made a move this stupid.


His own Sec of Defense, Robert Gates, harshly rebuked Obama/HRC/Biden in his book regarding several moves. At least 500k Syrians dead after his "red line".

FFS, I lobbed you several Clinton softballs lately and you just can't do it. Not even a mild criticism of two of the biggest scumbags you can find. 6000 take your whining and demanding for outrage about DT and get pumped.
Yeah, he should have proudly served like the left's heroes Obama and Clinton.
Obama was too young to be drafted. Clinton too smart.

Trump on the other hand lied...or better, had someone lie for him.

The rights treatment of John McCain says all that needs to be said about their respect for those who served.
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Trump nor his children where not trying to undermine a sitting president or even tried to in the past. All that Trump is doing at this point is fighting back against a attempted coup where most of the media is involved. He has no other recourse in my estimations of it. I would rather have a president that fights back and loses than one who just bends over and takes it.

So Trump didn't feed the birthers for years? How many times did he question Obama's birthplace??? That wasn't trying to get him removed from office?

Perhaps if Trump stopped violating the Constitution, stopped acting like a spoiled 8 yr old and stopped lying to the public all which he does daily and stabbing our allies in the back he wouldn't get so much grief.

I guess you also thought it was a coup that forced Nixon from office?
Weren’t the left all up in arms because Trump pardoned (or they thought he was going to pardon) a guy in the military?

How do they reconcile that position with their claim that John McCain is above any and all criticism simply because he was in the military?

Does military service mean someone is above criticism or not?

Then let’s travel back to McCain’s run against Obama. Was criticizing someone who’d been in the military off limits then?
Let’s just be honest, if Trump had served there would be outrage he did. He’d have stories circulating about how he raped Vietnamese women and ate their children in front of them. Since he didn’t serve, this is the faux outrage of the day.

For the record I’d say Trump did use his wealth and influence to dodge the draft. A lot of wealthy people did and I suggest those of you saying Bill Clinton didn’t dodge the draft to look up his pretending to join the ROTC to delay getting a draft number and then backing out.

I don’t like it and would welcome the criticism of it from the left if they A) ever gave a crap about it before and B) weren’t on day 1,000+ of daily Trump outrage.
Weren’t the left all up in arms because Trump pardoned (or they thought he was going to pardon) a guy in the military?

How do they reconcile that position with their claim that John McCain is above any and all criticism simply because he was in the military?

Does military service mean someone is above criticism or not?

Then let’s travel back to McCain’s run against Obama. Was criticizing someone who’d been in the military off limits then?
Trump was rumored to be considering pardoning several service members who were accused and some convicted of war crimes.

Never said that McCain was above criticism...but with McCain much like that directed at John Kerry much of that criticism was centered on information known to be lies and already disproven. Also, it is possible to criticize people for policy or positions they hold but still be respectful in doing so. Trump lacks that ability...his recent comments about Gen. Maddox are just a few of his countless childish attacks on people simply because the disagree with him. I'm sure Trump's admiration for Kim Jong Un is because Un can simply murder anyone who disagrees with him. Trump wouldn't think twice about doing the same if he thought he could get away with it.
We don't mention Toobin as much on here as other CNN asshats but he takes a back seat to no one at CNN when it comes to being a sack of sh-t

I didn’t. I’m not calling others pussies for not serving though.

I chose college over military service. Sounds like that’s what Trump did.
That's what I did. Then lucked into high draft #. Didn't ever plan a military career.
Obama was too young to be drafted. Clinton too smart.

Trump on the other hand lied...or better, had someone lie for him.

The rights treatment of John McCain says all that needs to be said about their respect for those who served.
Clinton's draft number was 311. Trump's was 356. Neither was ever going to be picked since they stopped at #195. I was also well above 195.
Trump was rumored to be considering pardoning several service members who were accused and some convicted of war crimes.

Never said that McCain was above criticism...but with McCain much like that directed at John Kerry much of that criticism was centered on information known to be lies and already disproven. Also, it is possible to criticize people for policy or positions they hold but still be respectful in doing so. Trump lacks that ability...his recent comments about Gen. Maddox are just a few of his countless childish attacks on people simply because the disagree with him. I'm sure Trump's admiration for Kim Jong Un is because Un can simply murder anyone who disagrees with him. Trump wouldn't think twice about doing the same if he thought he could get away with it.

Trump loves Kim Jong Un because he writes him “beautiful letters.” I don’t think there’s much more to it than that, sadly. Authoritarian leaders know how easy it is to influence Trump with flattery.

Kinda wish our allies would play that game with him, but they have too much pride to kiss Trump’s ass.
Obama was too young to be drafted. Clinton too smart.

Trump on the other hand lied...or better, had someone lie for him.

The rights treatment of John McCain says all that needs to be said about their respect for those who served.
Well said
So Trump didn't feed the birthers for years? How many times did he question Obama's birthplace??? That wasn't trying to get him removed from office?

Perhaps if Trump stopped violating the Constitution, stopped acting like a spoiled 8 yr old and stopped lying to the public all which he does daily and stabbing our allies in the back he wouldn't get so much grief.

I guess you also thought it was a coup that forced Nixon from office?

Fuzz. Trump wasn't an elected official when he questioned our former Kenyan Muslim presidents birthplace. Your second paragraph you wrote is garbled nonsense which does in fact sound like it comes from an 8 year old. Lastly, Nixon's sins pale in comparison to the misdeeds of more than 1 democratic president. He just wasn't popular or charismatic enough to overcome it.
So Trump didn't feed the birthers for years? How many times did he question Obama's birthplace??? That wasn't trying to get him removed from office?

Perhaps if Trump stopped violating the Constitution, stopped acting like a spoiled 8 yr old and stopped lying to the public all which he does daily and stabbing our allies in the back he wouldn't get so much grief.

I guess you also thought it was a coup that forced Nixon from office?
Wrong, Trump does not violate the constitution. That is laughable considering all of the times the left has tried to change the meaning of constitution and trample on it. Your ignorance is sicking because there are many more like you who really know nothing about the constitution and are trying to eliminate it in favor of socialism.
Ali was Nation of Islam. Say what you want about them but it's an entirely different religion from the Sunnis and Shias in the ME, with different rules on war. Not surprised you don't know that though, your ignorance is on display here consistently. Also being prosecuted for taking a moral stance is quite different from having your rich daddy buy you an exemption.
False, while there are some differences the main ideas behind it are the same with a common core of Islam over all other religions in the world and the elimination of all infidels.