How will they rule ??!

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Look it's the son of Buy Out Bob.

For this to be a factual statement my family would have needed to receive money from the government in exchange for not producing crops. 1. We are harvesting cops right now. 2. No government check was given to anyone in my family.

You should have known this already since you're all knowing and a supreme being.
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And here class we see the Venn diagram of wrestling fans and Trump supporters.
As a wrestling fan and a Trump supporter, I've got 2 words for ya.
It's just getting pathetic and weird now.


Yikes: @RealJayWilliams just said on @espn his advice to @NBA players before last week's games in China was to stay silent because, "There's nothing that Lebron James can say that will fundamentally change what a communism country is...doing right now." #StandWithHongKong
IOW, NBA players are collectively so stupid that they follow this guy's advice vs. thinking for themselves. Whoever the h Jay Williams is.
I watched it all, well before it eventually succeeded in putting me to sleep.

I'm encouraged that even the lying socialists have to admit now that free healthcare for all would necessitate free tax increases on everyone, except for Warren who falls back on the ole tried and true fullproof method of lying to the naive leftists... oh, it will work trust me, i've been working on this we can get there by taxing the billionaires... trust me, it will work. [eyeroll]
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Probably the most echo chamber, hive think, propaganda nonsense in US political history is the notion that Tulsi Gabbard is some foreign agent infiltrating the election. Either Russian or Islamic, depending on what you read. Apparently, just take your pick.

Lol wut.

And this nonsense run on without the slightest bit of pushback or reign in by msm or the DNC. All with zero proof.

Everyone involved should be ashamed. But of course we know they have no shame.
ESPN also keeps referring to the Hong Kong protestors as 'anti-government'

Amazing how pathetic these people are.

This is from ESPN's "The Jump" today, in which a panelist says Daryl Morey should probably get new social media training, and "LeBron is not the selfish person at hand, Daryl Morey actually is."
And people wonder why I never watch this ish. What's really weird are the people who do. Same for radio sports shows.
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Probably the most echo chamber, hive think, propaganda nonsense in US political history is the notion that Tulsi Gabbard is some foreign agent infiltrating the election. Either Russian or Islamic, depending on what you read. Apparently, just take your pick.

Lol wut.

And this nonsense run on without the slightest bit of pushback or reign in by msm or the DNC. All with zero proof.

Everyone involved should be ashamed. But of course we know they have no shame.
Well, the rest think she's a Trump wannabe, so why wouldn't they say/think that?
Ofcourse that sort of nonsense makes sense to them.

I've been watching a lot of CNN leading up to this debate, it's no wonder these people believe that sort of nonsense when they are watching propaganda nonstop.

Then, as typical, they deflect and project their lack of critical thinking ability on everyone else... like the leftists here calling this thread insane bigots and whatever; no this is an oasis in a desert of mindless group think you people have created, so far gone are you that youthink Gabbard is a KGB agent... think communism democratic [laughing] socialism isn't evil.
How do you say Mayor Pete's last name? And, I know it's not buttplug or buttgag or any other juvenile gay thing, so spare me those. I'm genuinely curious, I've never heard it said before.
The demosocialcraticcommunist field OR......

President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump President Trump

What a choice....:joy:

I just typed PRESIDENT TRUMP's name so many times because the demosocialcraticcommunist love seeing it. He IS the President and they are not. :joy:
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