How will they rule ??!

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Because most of the Syrian civil war has been ambiguous. Which is why this betrayal is so egregious. The Kurds are the only group clearly worth backing in the entire region. Abandoning them is the most messed up thing America has done on the world stage since the Iraq war.
Not ambiguous is that you can spin every Obama foreign policy as correct despite the results.
Because most of the Syrian civil war has been ambiguous. Which is why this betrayal is so egregious. The Kurds are the only group clearly worth backing in the entire region. Abandoning them is the most messed up thing America has done on the world stage since the Iraq war.
<- - - - - Formerly engaged to a Kurdish woman.

Please tell us about Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the number of casualties they've inflicted on Turkish forces just since the latest uprising began in 2015. Here, I'll help you. According to the Crisis Group, 26 PKK, 9 Turkish soldiers and 10 civilians died as a result of the Turkish-PKK conflict last month. Around 2,700 PKK and 1,100 Turkish soldiers have been KIA since 2015.

By the way, former Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Çiller convinced then-President Bill Clinton to classify PKK as a terrorist organization back during the mid-90s. NATO and United Kingdom followed suit.

Kurdistan has been a major pain in the ass for many years, not only for the Turks, but also Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians. The situation relative to Syria is complex. Kurds enjoy a fair amount of autonomy in northern Iraq. I'm happy the Kurds finally gained a voice and some respect after many years of oppression, much like Palestinians.

But this is one can of worms you truly would rather avoid.
The apathy on display here for the lives of our allies is disgusting, abhorrent, and sadly, not unexpected.
Havent commented at all on this issue, however, I do remember when you were beside yourself when Obama drone striked schools and innocent children creating 1000s of refugees. How long did it take for you to sleep well again?

Also the fury you displayed after that admin removed strongholds to keep Russia in and allowed them to invade crimea.

Disgusting indeed.

In other words stop pretending you care. What would no more military industrial complex bern out do?
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The Kurds have done exactly what you ask for in this post, fought Islamic extremism in their own land with their own blood. If you actually believe what you typed you should be championing what they have done, not minimizing it and rationalizing their abandonment.

And who's to say that the threat of massive economic penalties won't keep the Turkish govt in check? You just want to bitch about Trump with the flavor of the day. If Trump can somehow stop/delay a fight that has been going on forever with economic threats and simultaneously get American citizens back home and out of harms way, he will have done FAR more than Obama ever did for peace in that part of the world. You are simply too dense, dumb or brain-washed to see it.
Dion desperately tries to act like he knows what's going on in the Middle East.

Ok with bribing Iran. Ok with the Obama administration funding and arming ISIS to the point that Tulsi Gabbard had to introduce a bill (that got killed on the floor) in the House to quit allowing the Obama administration to quit funding and arming ISIS. I can't put my finger on it, but I think we have an Islamic terrorist posting in this thread.
Wishing death on people? Sir, you may need to check your blood count for cancer. Karma is vicious. You appear to be the type of person who develops cancer, but at least does not die in a fire. Best of Luck, comrade.
Tieing cancer diagnoses to moral impropriety, implying everyone who gets cancer deserves it. Got a true winner here folks.
Haha they're all anti war until Trump is. Now suddenly they're salivating at the thought of going to war with a Nato "ally". How would that play out anyway?

Knowing good and well if that's the choice Trump made they'd take the exact opposite stance. They'd claim he was a loose cannon starting WW3 who can't be trusted with the nuclear codes
Tying cancer diagnoses to moral impropriety, implying everyone who gets cancer deserves it. Got a true winner here folks.

Look at Mr. Moral Superior. Wishes death by fire. I read a little bit of concern about you developing cancer. Maybe that Obamacare will save you.
Off topic and a break in the "back and forth" but what's with the moderators putting posters in "time out"? Seems kind of childish. Let the people speak.
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Hahahahah. Go away.

And take your beloved kurds with you.
Tieing is an accepted spelling. This is the second time in as many days someone has tried to correct my grammar and been incorrect. Goes to show the intellectual level of this board. Those in glass houses.
Off topic and a break in the "back and forth" but what's with the moderators putting posters in "time out"? Seems kind of childish. Let the people speak.

We don't need the moderators. I put half of the liberals on here and the multiple accounts from the Canadian on ignore....permanent timeout for the douchebags. Let the people decide if they want to hear from someone, if you are too stupid not to hit that ignore button you deserve what you get.
I agree wholeheartedly with this - it's ridiculous.

However, to isolate the above type of scenario and imply that only the left is guilty of it is disingenuous. Both sides are loaded to the gills with hypocritical DBags.
I agree but one glaring difference this cycle.

Not to mention hypocrisy.
Only hypocrisy is coming from you war mongers who always pretend that you're anti war. Admit it. You want this war so bad. More than even that hawk Lindsey Graham except your reasons are far more petty. You want to send Americans to war to fight and die because you think a war will hurt Trumps reelection. You're disgusting.
Are you insane? Im pretty sure you’re having a meltdown over the withdrawal of less than 2000 troops?

I’m well aware of us enforcing a no fly zone in Iraq to protect the Kurds. You acted as if the Kurds just voluntarily assisted the US against ISIS. Their ass was on the line as well, we armed and paid them, as well as provide air support. 5 US troops have died in Syria this year, for what? What do you tell their parents they died for?
I did support the invasion of Iraq, I was wrong.
If the US isn’t willing to do what needs to be done to win a war, then we don’t need to be there. 2000 troops isn’t winning jack in Syria, they’re targets, wasted money and lives.

If that upsets you, tough shit, I unapologetically care more about American lives than Kurds.

You have no grasp of geopolitics. You have no idea what keeps you safe in your cush plumbing job or keeps your kids safe. Turning the kurds over to Erdogan is a major mistake. Let’s talk in 4 mos when isis has resurged and Erdogan is in the midst of a genicide against the Kurds. Let’s talk when we have to send in 20000 to regain the peace. I didn’t realize you were such a fan of Obama’s foreign policy. Do tell me. Why did b you hate him so much?? I mean trump is mirroring Obama’s FP but honestly he has been much weaker with North Korea. Trump is appeasing perhaps the most dangerous man in the world in that phalic dictator in turkey. When bush was president you didn’t care about all those soldiers dying in the ME. When Obama was president you didn’t care. I mean he did the ultimate troop removal he took them all out of Iraq. Now trump who you exalt like a god is mirroring Obama and he deserves the Nobel peace prize. Listen to yourself. You supported Iraq but realized it was a mistake in hindsight. You hated obama and disagreed with his ME foreign policy which is what you advocate today. You love trump bc he did what Obama did. Sheep
You show how clueless you are in your statement regarding the Kurds and the ME in general. You supported the Iraq invasion bush lied to us about. Then you probably condemned Obama for pulling out of Iraq. Now you’ve come full circle and side with Obama. Wtf??? THe Kurds didn’t just spring up bozo and ally with us. Many decades have the kurds been friendly with the usa. They have been coming to the states as refugees since the early 80s. They assisted us in the first gulf war they didn’t just start with isis. You think turkey is a friend bc they are a nato nation? They are buying Russian weapons, Erdogan is WORsE than Assad!!! Wake up!! Erdogan is the most extreme leader of any Sunni Islamic nation on the face of the earth. But hey turkey is a nato ally so it doesn’t matter. You ever paid attention to what Erdogan says he is going to do to israel? Do you know his endgame? I think not. Flip flopping brainwash is worse than sticking to brainwashed principles. Obama was terrible bc he pulled out but trump is a saint? You can’t make this stuff up. Idk if you’re huffing fumes or what but you can’t have it 3 ways. Let’s see Obama wanted 10s of thousands out you hate him. Trump wants 300-400 out and you think he’s a god.

As for Biden what’s done is done. Trump is done. Those who are putting trump before the rule of law need to pay attention to people like me bc he’s not getting re elected without us. Sorry to bust your bubble but 30% isn’t going to cut it. Even if the recent poll is skewed that 30% of republicans want him impeached it’s still alarming bc if it’s half true then he has a big problem.
We get it, you don't care about American troops dying in the middle east. No need for a 10 page rant about it.
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