How will they rule ??!

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You didn’t answer the question. No shocker there. LOL @ a grown man who treats American politics like it’s the UK/UofL rivalry.

American politics is a weird animal for sure. Nothing like it is in Canada. People here really take some sort of personal pride in their "team" winning. It's not just warrior, and it's not just republicans - there are plenty of them on both sides.

After reading the families apology in the latest hoax, I will say that is a real apology. No excuses, no nonsense. Straight forward and it seems sincere.

Who knows why the child made up the story....could be a call for help, could have have had someone in her ear suggesting it, could be that she saw on tv the attention black people get now making such an accusation...who knows.

Certainly there still has to be some consequences for her actions but this isn't unforgivable and there appears to be some real contrition being shown by some members of her family which makes forgiveness easier.

The anger should not be directed towards what might be a troubled child or a child who told a story she shouldn't have that then ran out of her control into a national story...(stories like these shouldn't be national stories by that is another matter)

The anger again and again should be directed at a media that is continually duped by such hoaxes cause they desperately want to believe them because it fits their narrative of a terrible/racist America. They will be duped again and again and there is no end in sight because when they are wrong there is no self-evaluation...they are just on to the next story.
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Next to be exposed. Schiff/his staff or someone referred by Schiff coached/worked with the wb to help write the complaint. You can tell it was written by lawyers and not some random CIA analyst.

Same play as Blasey Ford. They knew of her months in advance and kept it secret. During that time they surrounded her with a team of lawyers/operatives. They coached her, scrubbed her Internet footprint and wrote her opening statement.

After reading the families apology in the latest hoax, I will say that is a real apology. No excuses, no nonsense. Straight forward and it seems sincere.

Who knows why the child made up the story....could be a call for help, could have have had someone in her ear suggesting it, could be that she saw on tv the attention black people get now making such an accusation...who knows.

Certainly there still has to be some consequences for her actions but this isn't unforgivable and there appears to be some real contrition being shown by some members of her family which makes forgiveness easier.

The anger should not be directed towards what might be a troubled child or a child who told a story she shouldn't have that then ran out of her control into a national story...(stories like these shouldn't be national stories by that is another matter)

The anger again and again should be directed at a media that is continually duped by such hoaxes cause they desperately want to believe them because it fits their narrative of a terrible/racist America. They will be duped again and again and there is no end in sight because when they are wrong there is no self-evaluation...they are just on to the next story.
No idea what this is about, but go for it. Alright!!

After reading the families apology in the latest hoax, I will say that is a real apology. No excuses, no nonsense. Straight forward and it seems sincere.

Who knows why the child made up the story....could be a call for help, could have have had someone in her ear suggesting it, could be that she saw on tv the attention black people get now making such an accusation...who knows.

Certainly there still has to be some consequences for her actions but this isn't unforgivable and there appears to be some real contrition being shown by some members of her family which makes forgiveness easier.

The anger should not be directed towards what might be a troubled child or a child who told a story she shouldn't have that then ran out of her control into a national story...(stories like these shouldn't be national stories by that is another matter)

The anger again and again should be directed at a media that is continually duped by such hoaxes cause they desperately want to believe them because it fits their narrative of a terrible/racist America. They will be duped again and again and there is no end in sight because when they are wrong there is no self-evaluation...they are just on to the next story.

A part of me agrees with this, but also there is a part of me that pushes back on this as well.

I agree that this shouldn't be a life ending thing for her, she is only 12. But I also don't blame just the media for this. Why in the world did a 12 year old think this even was a possible story to come up with? Somewhere along the lines this 12 year old got it in her head that 3 white boys holding her down and chopping off her hair was a possible situation.

Someone in this girl's life is telling her that white people are out to get her. And when we are talking about someone who is 12 years old, the first people I look at are the parents. Either the parents are telling her this crap, or are doing a horrible job at knowing what media their 12 year old is intaking and being good parents and putting into proper context.

Ya the media is stupid because the media goes with the "if it bleeds it leads" thought process of all things news. But that doesn't give a pass for your 12 year old child to be making up these kind of racist stories. Its on the parents.
A part of me agrees with this, but also there is a part of me that pushes back on this as well.

I agree that this shouldn't be a life ending thing for her, she is only 12. But I also don't blame just the media for this. Why in the world did a 12 year old think this even was a possible story to come up with? Somewhere along the lines this 12 year old got it in her head that 3 white boys holding her down and chopping off her hair was a possible situation.

Someone in this girl's life is telling her that white people are out to get her. And when we are talking about someone who is 12 years old, the first people I look at are the parents. Either the parents are telling her this crap, or are doing a horrible job at knowing what media their 12 year old is intaking and being good parents and putting into proper context.

Ya the media is stupid because the media goes with the "if it bleeds it leads" thought process of all things news. But that doesn't give a pass for your 12 year old child to be making up these kind of racist stories. Its on the parents.

I did put in my post that someone could have been in a her ear suggesting this, that could be a family member. I think the statement was put out by the grandparents so there certainly could be an issue with one or more parents. By 12 years old though you are starting to get to the age where other classmates and tv you are watching when no one is around are starting to have some possible influence.

I also noted there should be consequences to her actions, that could include being expelled from the school etc

If someone at the elementary school nearest you accuses another student of something that national news. And even if you believe it rises to the level that the nation should know about it, doesn't the media have the responsibility to find out facts and let the story play out instead of reporting the allegation as true (which they wouldn't do if the races were reversed)...the story wouldn't even been on their radar if the races were reversed.

Without more facts I'm not yet willing to pin it on the parents, certainly could turn out that way but these kids have minds of their own...we may find out later the motives.

My problem with the media is they don't care about the child. The care about ratings and their liberal narrative, and racial stories make for great ratings and controversies. They thought they had a story to make white kids look bad and they were salivating.
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After reading the families apology in the latest hoax, I will say that is a real apology. No excuses, no nonsense. Straight forward and it seems sincere.

Who knows why the child made up the story....could be a call for help, could have have had someone in her ear suggesting it, could be that she saw on tv the attention black people get now making such an accusation...who knows.

Certainly there still has to be some consequences for her actions but this isn't unforgivable and there appears to be some real contrition being shown by some members of her family which makes forgiveness easier.

The anger should not be directed towards what might be a troubled child or a child who told a story she shouldn't have that then ran out of her control into a national story...(stories like these shouldn't be national stories by that is another matter)

The anger again and again should be directed at a media that is continually duped by such hoaxes cause they desperately want to believe them because it fits their narrative of a terrible/racist America. They will be duped again and again and there is no end in sight because when they are wrong there is no self-evaluation...they are just on to the next story.

I agree. I feel some sorrow for the little girl who I think just craved attention and at 12 years old had no idea what she was starting. The media who rush to print anything divisive without any true investigative practices are the problem. Much respect to the family for standing up and telling the truth and not doubling down on a lie. The media and many public figures could learn a thing or two from them.
I did put in my post that someone could have been in a her ear suggesting this, that could be a family member. I think the statement was put out by the grandparents so there certainly could be an issue with one or more parents. By 12 years old though you are starting to get to the age where other classmates and tv you are watching when no one is around are starting to have some possible influence.

I also noted there should be consequences to her actions, that could include being expelled from the school etc

If someone at the elementary school nearest you accuses another student of something that national news. And even if you believe it rises to the level that the nation should know about it, doesn't the media have the responsibility to find out facts and let the story play out instead of reporting the allegation as true (which they wouldn't do if the races were reversed)...the story wouldn't even been on their radar if the races were reversed.

Without more facts I'm not yet willing to pin it on the parents, certainly could turn out that way but these kids have minds of their own...we may find out later the motives.

My problem with the media is they don't care about the child. The care about ratings, and racial stories make for great ratings and controversies. They thought they had a story to make white kids look bad and they were salivating.

I agree that the media will run full steam if they catch any kind of white against black racist narrative. That crap goes crazy right now online. Im not defending the media on this, they're all crap, I don't think that needs to be said.

The thing is the girl somewhere learned that there is some kind of social currency to claim a racist act happened against them. This 12 year old girl specifically said it was 3 white boys that did it to her and called her hair nappy. That is some indoctrination right there to make up a full blown hate crime. The indoctrination needs to have come from somewhere. Whether it came from the parents or from the news or whatever and the parents just didnt care enough to care what kind of media their 12 year old child was taking in.

Its not like we are talking about a 17 year old who is close to being an adult and has a lot more independence with their life. We are talking about a 12 year old kid. We are talking about a 5th or 6th grader for a lot of people. Parents still have a major influence over their children at that age. I think at 12 years old, you're still a major reflection to the quality of parenting you are getting.
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I agree. I feel some sorrow for the little girl who I think just craved attention and at 12 years old had no idea what she was starting.

Exactly. She's taught/sees/hears this crap on a daily basis. White man bad, racism, Nazi, victimization, etc has become ingrained in the left's culture. It's a fact of life and totally normal for a lot of them.
American politics is a weird animal for sure. Nothing like it is in Canada. People here really take some sort of personal pride in their "team" winning. It's not just warrior, and it's not just republicans - there are plenty of them on both sides.
It's funny how people latch on to one person because some idiot made a comment that I was that way. My whole reason for supporting Trump is because I believe he really loves this country and wants to do what is right. The other just as important reason is that most on the left want us to lower our standards to accept a failed style of governance (Socialism/communism) over a proven style that has flourished for centuries now. Yes I am for the team that supports the constitution of the nation I swore to defend with my life. Problem is, there are a lot more on the left who are just as crazy about ruining something because someone told them to.