How will they rule ??!

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Presumably, any US politician who seeks campaign assistance against an opponent from a foreign power would face this law.

If Obama had a smoking gun memo summarizing a solicitation from a foreign power to get dirt on Trump, then yes, that is true equivalency.

Trump’s huge error was releasing the summarization of the phone call. He could have delayed that for months.

By releasing it, he provided the “end” of the investigation.

Obama, Schiff, Hillary, might be guilty of the same, but no document has surfaced outlining the details.

Yes it has. Steele dossier.
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Presumably, any US politician who seeks campaign assistance against an opponent from a foreign power would face this law.

If Obama had a smoking gun memo summarizing a solicitation from a foreign power to get dirt on Trump, then yes, that is true equivalency.

Trump’s huge error was releasing the summarization of the phone call. He could have delayed that for months.

By releasing it, he provided the “end” of the investigation.

Obama, Schiff, Hillary, might be guilty of the same, but no document has surfaced outlining the details.
I don't think might is the right word. There is proof of all having similar dealings with foreign countries especially the Ukraine.
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...except for Gerald Ford. And that’s only because he was only in office for 2-1/2 years and he wasn’t seeking re-election. Had he been campaigning for a 2nd could most certainly add him to the list.

So I’m not sure why everyone has their panties in a wad. This is the crown jewel of the Dem playbook. Impeachment has been their “go-to play” for 60 years.

Trump is winning 45-0. It’s the 4th quarter with 0:45 left on the clock and the Dems have the ball on their own 5 yard line. It’s 4th down & 45 yards to go for a 1st down. What play did you think they were going to call?

Dem QB (in the huddle): OK guys. We got this. We’ve practiced this play a thousand’s going to work...It HAS to work. You know it by heart...”Trips Right Gun Brown X Hook Hail Mary Impeach 45 Flea Flicker” on 3...on 3...Ready...BREAK.

This current batch of Dems are the worst losers in the history of all things competitive. They’ve been screaming “Impeach 45” since before Trump was even inaugurated...and they’re still screaming it...because it’s all they’ve got.
In my best Johnny Carson voice: "I did not know that".
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So you are saying that the Russians indicted are all innocent?
Also, why did Trump tell Putin he wasn't concerned about their interference in the election because "we" do the same to them?

And sending people who are already lying and not independent for you isn't "investigating". It's fishing for others who are also willing to do the same for some gain. The man is trying to turn the US into a banana republic and you're too blind to see it.
When did Trump say that?
The better question is that if you backed impeaching Clinton for lying about a blow job then how can you not back impeaching someone who has lied 1000's of times? You honestly think Trump wouldn't lie under oath? Do you back putting him under oath to give him the opportunity to do so?
It needs to be pay for play where journalism is involved. Any way to inject commission versus the result? (Yeah I know they are agenda driven as their result but it would be sweet watching them actually earn their pay.) Heck Walter Cronkite is nearer Thomas Sowell in comparison to this scuzz....

Sorry, that's the way it is.....(Some may catch that)

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If I’m the person who has the info needed to
literally impeach Hitler, you will call me by my full name and not some “whistleblower” crap. I’ll be live on Ellen, and bring Oprah out of retirement to jump up and down on her couches. I’ll immediately become the democrat front runner for president. I’ll have it made. Whistleblow my ass.
How does a guy who was illegally spied on get accused of being involved in ‘watergate-level stuff’? And from a supposed supporter, nonetheless.

Considering what was done to him, I hope he is listening in on every dem phone call. And by ‘dem’, I mean every current AND past dem.

Even ^^^^that^^^^ would pale in comparison to what was perpetrated on him.

Get a grip.

Who is holding anyone accountable for “illegally spying”? This stuff has gone on from day one and nothing has been done except digging and digging. If illegal spy stuff is real then the attorney general needs to act now. This is the problem for trump. You say people are illegally spying but nothing is being done. It only continues. I agree with you btw the Dems are going to extraordinary lengths as is a large segment of the intelligence community. The Ukrainian call is questionable. I don’t think the Dems are successful with that alone but the digging and subpoenas as a result will yield some sort of wrong doing eventually. It’s a 100% partisan effort now. At least mueller had some scruples to not over play his hand. The Dems are unchecked on their investigation now. That’s the watergate comparison im making. The obstruction, abuse of power the perjury that’s what the Dems are going for.

Knowing trump I have no doubt if they listen to enough calls with foreign leaders they will find more questionable material to use against him.
Nope, just that the swamp is as we thought it was. None of us here said that republicans were without their scum too. Just not as broad based as the Dems.

This is what I’m saying. The rubios the Cruz’s even McConnell they don’t want trump. He thwarts their agenda. If they have a button to press in order to get rid of him they will do it. People don’t want to hear it but it’s true.
People on the right used to complain about the liberal media (and it certainly is liberal) but now (apparently, from what I see in this thrad) people on the right claim that the media is part of some conspiracy to protect liberal elites and to thwart investigations of corruption by Trump and his allies. For this to be true, everyone in the media (besides those at Fox News) would have to be in on the "conspiracy". I don't get it. Why can't you guys just argue that what Trump did fails to warrant impeachment. Why do you have to make him out to be a crusading do-gooder?
Just heard on the Limbaugh show that Michael Bloomberg said China's coal use was necessary and China's great leader Jipang or whatever the hell his name is trying to take the coal plants inland and save China'a urban area. This is the same evil f*ck that tried and did shut down several coal fire plants across America and in particular in Kentucky and now he's saying coal plants are OK in China but not in America. WTF?!?!?!?!

This is how you know the whole climate agenda is a fu*cking ruse and Bloomberg and several other billionaires are in bed with communist nations hellbent on taking America over.

But china is building the plants outside the cities so everything is cool. he said jinping is doing the will of the people. bloomberg is an idiot. how can a fool like him hold on to such vast wealth that he possesses?
People on the right used to complain about the liberal media (and it certainly is liberal) but now (apparently, from what I see in this thrad) people on the right claim that the media is part of some conspiracy to protect liberal elites and to thwart investigations of corruption by Trump and his allies. For this to be true, everyone in the media (besides those at Fox News) would have to be in on the "conspiracy". I don't get it. Why can't you guys just argue that what Trump did fails to warrant impeachment. Why do you have to make him out to be a crusading do-gooder?
You do realize we have documented proof that the media has been working hand-in-hand with Democrats.

How soon people forget (or simply refuse to acknowledge) the Wikileaks emails.

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Who is holding anyone accountable for “illegally spying”? This stuff has gone on from day one and nothing has been done except digging and digging. If illegal spy stuff is real then the attorney general needs to act now. This is the problem for trump. You say people are illegally spying but nothing is being done. It only continues. I agree with you btw the Dems are going to extraordinary lengths as is a large segment of the intelligence community. The Ukrainian call is questionable. I don’t think the Dems are successful with that alone but the digging and subpoenas as a result will yield some sort of wrong doing eventually. It’s a 100% partisan effort now. At least mueller had some scruples to not over play his hand. The Dems are unchecked on their investigation now. That’s the watergate comparison im making. The obstruction, abuse of power the perjury that’s what the Dems are going for.

Knowing trump I have no doubt if they listen to enough calls with foreign leaders they will find more questionable material to use against him.

The investigation into the spying just started in the past few months, the AG is acting, only he's doing it the proper way, not by leaking info to news outlets and then using the resulting articles as reason to start an investigation. The IG investigated, and his findings resulted in the opening of an investigation.

I agree that's what the Dems are going for, once again they've put the cart before the horse by opening an investigation in search of a crime. Nothing in the phone call was criminal or warranted an impeachment inquiry. It's why they've continually misrepresented the call.
I don't see why the NCAA still can't say that if you get such a contract you don't have a scholarship.
They can but if all the states do it, they’ll have to cave. They could probably live without the California schools but not UK, unc, dUKe and othe top name schools.
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So the IG tried to change the forms in August to allow second hand info. Got caught, admitted it and to cover their ass they claimed the policy change allowing second hand info is irrelevant because the whistleblower checked the "have first hand info" box on the form.

Only problem with that is the whistleblower didn't actually provide any first hand info. The complaint is public and speaks for itself.

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Who is holding anyone accountable for “illegally spying”? This stuff has gone on from day one and nothing has been done except digging and digging. If illegal spy stuff is real then the attorney general needs to act now. This is the problem for trump. You say people are illegally spying but nothing is being done. It only continues. I agree with you btw the Dems are going to extraordinary lengths as is a large segment of the intelligence community. The Ukrainian call is questionable. I don’t think the Dems are successful with that alone but the digging and subpoenas as a result will yield some sort of wrong doing eventually. It’s a 100% partisan effort now. At least mueller had some scruples to not over play his hand. The Dems are unchecked on their investigation now. That’s the watergate comparison im making. The obstruction, abuse of power the perjury that’s what the Dems are going for.

Knowing trump I have no doubt if they listen to enough calls with foreign leaders they will find more questionable material to use against him.
I agree in that I want this investigation to be completed yesterday. But, it has to be thorough and it has to done correctly.

The dems know what’s about to drop (they did it, afterall), so their only hope is to attempt to muddy the waters in a way to convince the public the investigation was done illegally.

Therefore, the investigators HAVE to make it above board. That takes time.
Only one of those is actually real, and that is some of his boorish public remarks. The rest are nothing but lies.