How will they rule ??!

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Attacking "the libs" won't make this go away. This is bad. The POTUS is desperate, or he wouldn't have tried to cut a deal with Pelosi. Volker is the first to "fall." There will be more. They have already been throwing each other under the bus. Attacking me or my POV doesn't make what I just said false.
Attacking "the libs" won't make this go away. This is bad. The POTUS is desperate, or he wouldn't have tried to cut a deal with Pelosi. Volker is the first to "fall." There will be more. They have already been throwing each other under the bus. Attacking me or my POV doesn't make what I just said false.
It sure doesn’t make ‘your POV’ true, either. It just makes it your ‘opinion’.
Explain. Do you think he threatened to withhold aid on the call but then edited that part out?

Tone is hard to convey over text, so when the POTUS says, "But first, I would like you to do me a favor.." what is the inflection in his voice? Which words does he emphasize?

Have you ever texted the word "whatever" and have it be misinterpreted? Along those lines.
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I’m sure it went just like this:

Can you do us a favor!

Grasp any harder and you’ll break your straws.
Tone is hard to convey over text, so when the POTUS says, "But first, I would like you to do me a favor.." what is the inflection in his voice? Which words does he emphasize?

Have you ever texted the word "whatever" and have it be misinterpreted? Along those lines.
The favor is to contact and work with Barr/Durham on an ongoing DOJ investigation. It had absolutely nothing to do with Biden. There are literally 500+ words between "favor" and "Biden".


As for Trump threatening aid, the Ukrainian President denies it ever happened, and according to NYT reporting, it's virtually impossible considering Ukraine wasn't even aware of the aid being held up until a month after the call took place.

Who are we to believe? The same people who just spent three years pushing a loony conspiracy and are now pushing another? Or do we believe the Ukrainian President and the NYT, a publication that loathes Trump and would never report exculpatory evidence in his favor unless it was absolutely true?
So....people in...The White House. So a memo that was White House edited. Exactly what I said. If they have the call verbatim, why not release that?
Not edited like you said. Edited happens after the fact. This is what was taken during. You lose credibility with your attempt at deception. Go sit down little boy.
Attacking "the libs" won't make this go away. This is bad. The POTUS is desperate, or he wouldn't have tried to cut a deal with Pelosi. Volker is the first to "fall." There will be more. They have already been throwing each other under the bus. Attacking me or my POV doesn't make what I just said false.
False, what you just posted was opinion and not laced with any real facts. Yours is the delusion of the lame stream media. Go back to bed and obey your leaders.
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Tone is hard to convey over text, so when the POTUS says, "But first, I would like you to do me a favor.." what is the inflection in his voice? Which words does he emphasize?

Have you ever texted the word "whatever" and have it be misinterpreted? Along those lines.
That's what you and the crooked left are doing with spite and ill intent. Good luck with impeachment.
What Schiff did should get him removed from office. Goebbels would be proud.
He is not fit to be in the U.S. congress. He is a liar and a dangerous liar. We have lots of liars in congress on both sides of the aisle but this man lies to harm the U.S. government.

The fact that Obama put "career" CIA and FBI spies in the White House to feed leaks to congressmen like Schiff and his cronies is another scandal in itself. Trump should form an inner circle team and root these people out of the White House. Expose their names to the public and ban them forever. Our forefathers would have hung them on the Capital steps. .
I think we need to see transcripts of every president’s phone calls with foreign leaders. You know, to use as a measuring device against Trump’s.

I’d love to see Obama’s transcript of the phone call following “I can be more flexible after re-elected” comment. Bet that one is interesting. Or maybe transcripts of phone calls that took place during the Iran deal.
I think we need to see transcripts of every president’s phone calls with foreign leaders. You know, to use as a measuring device against Trump’s.

I’d love to see Obama’s transcript of the phone call following “I can be more flexible after re-elected” comment. Bet that one is interesting. Or maybe transcripts of phone calls that took place during the Iran deal.
This has to be done. Trump should not wait any longer. Just put it out there for all of the world to hear. And another thing. Why isn't the Senate having hearings exposing all of the dirt on the past administration. Why do they let the House just throw out one lie after another daily and never do anything. Why are some Republican senators swallowing all of this with a question (Mitt Romney and Ben Sasser) Plus a few more. Why are they gutless. Maybe they are the Swamp too. All of them.
This has to be done. Trump should not wait any longer. Just put it out there for all of the world to hear. And another thing. Why isn't the Senate having hearings exposing all of the dirt on the past administration. Why do they let the House just throw out one lie after another daily and never do anything. Why are some Republican senators swallowing all of this with a question (Mitt Romney and Ben Sasser) Plus a few more. Why are they gutless. Maybe they are the Swamp too. All of them.
Most Republicans have no balls.