Here is how the left plans to disarm you....
What has changed in society the last 30-40 years?
The internet, a 24-hour global news cycle, and way more guns in America.
Or is “rap music and violent video games” the more appropriate response?
According to the article, he sent a letter to Dan Crenshaw saying antifa should be declared a terrorist gtoup. Hardly a threat.You failed to include some details. Guy sent a letter to a congressman and said already has a detailed plan to attack and commit “systematic genocide”. Also suffers from bipolar and PTSD and later admitted he looked unhinged
According to the article, he sent a letter to Dan Crenshaw saying antifa should be declared a terrorist gtoup. Hardly a threat.
he admiited he COULD look unhinged to some people. doesn't mean he is. He said IF antifa started killing people, he was prepared to stop them. nothing wrong with that.
And i don't see anywhere where it says he suffers from bipolar and ptsd.
According to the article, he sent a letter to Dan Crenshaw saying antifa should be declared a terrorist gtoup. Hardly a threat.
he admiited he COULD look unhinged to some people. doesn't mean he is. He said IF antifa started killing people, he was prepared to stop them. nothing wrong with that.
And i don't see anywhere where it says he suffers from bipolar and ptsd.
I like the truth, soooooo. Taking his guns was bullshit!Read something besides Fox News
Well why don’t you come help me. If you can get out of your mommas basement.Watching cable TV news shows - opinion pieces - and typing out “I like the truth, sooooooo” is some seriously questionable behavior. Seek help.
God in general. Doesn't matter. Again it's my opinion that the further we get away from God the further we get away from the golden rule which is a principle found in many religions.
I avoid wasting my dollars on Chinese crap, but thanks for playing.everyone enjoy your Trump tax increase today!
I avoid wasting my dollars on Chinese crap, but thanks for playing.
Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
Yeah, they had a kkk rally up in Madison Indiana Friday or sat. There were maybe 15 people there. But the local media hyped it as though it was some huge rally. SmhI look at things this way - the media feeds us the extremes. We aren't interested in hearing that on a given day, 330 million people did normal things with their friends, families, etc. We want to hear about the negligible percentage of people who did extraordinary things - good or bad. Hence, we think things like mass shootings, antifa protests, nazi gatherings, KKK rallies, etc are normal, everyday happenings. They're not. They are tiny groups of troubled people who in no way reflect the attitudes of normal Americans. Obviously, all of the above things suck and it would be great if we could put an end to them, but, as has been pointed out many times in this thread, there are sick, evil people in the world and that's just the way it is. Enjoy your families and friends and don't let the media tell you the sky is falling. It's not.
everyone enjoy your Trump tax increase today!
I like the truth, soooooo. Taking his guns was bullshit!
Is being bipolar or having ptsd against the law? What's next? Are we going to start violating the 1A rights of mentality handicap people?
I’m not your bud. It’s not against the law to look unhinged or dangerous.. If it was, 90% of you lefties would be locked up. Ever seen antifa? Or a gay pride parade? Or the nuts wearing pussy hats?Sorry bud but Fox didn’t give you the whole truth. He didn’t say he could look unhinged. Go back and read the quote. He said “I looked unhinged” and goes on to say he “looked dangerous” and had the training to be dangerous. Straight from your article
Fox didn’t mention the full content of his letter to the congressman which didn’t make him look good. He also said he understood why he was placed in a veterans hospital for 20 days and why his weapons were taken away from him
Guy has been diagnosed with PTSD and says what he does. This is the entire purpose of red flag laws. Every time there is a mass shooting, many on this board claim it’s mental illness. So the feds do their job and are proactive w a guy, and you cry about it?
If you take the 2A at face value, there should be zero restrictions on anyone to own as many weapons as they want to regardless of their circumstance. Mentally ill, convicted felon, known murderer, wife abuser, etc. Is that what you’re advocating here?
Well where have you been? How did we survive without your professional advice. Your first 7 posts have been so informative I know we are all holding our breath for more jewels. Who needs to seek help when we have you.Watching cable TV news shows - opinion pieces - and typing out “I like the truth, sooooooo” is some seriously questionable behavior. Seek help.
I’m not your bud. It’s not against the law to look unhinged or dangerous.. If it was, 90% of you lefties would be locked up. Ever seen antifa? Or a gay pride parade? Or the nuts wearing pussy hats?
I posted the Foxnews article because that’s where I saw the story. Doesn’t say anything about ptsd. And according to the article, they took his guns because of comments he made about antifa.
I avoid wasting my dollars on Chinese crap, but thanks for playing.
Hardly. You always throw out these extreme hyperbolic examples.
It's very simple. Punishing someone who hasn't committed a crime and forfeited their rights is a violation of said rights. You can't legally revoke someone's constitutional rights because they have a disease. It's mind numbingly stupid people even entertain this.
The more this happens lawsuit will be brought. I'm willing to bet these laws won't pass the courts unless the Constitution is amended.
This is not too hard to understand. We gave away our jobs for cheap stuff and now we have no jobs to pay for good stuff. We don't need China. They need us.
Well where have you been? How did we survive without your professional advice. Your first 7 posts have been so informative I know we are all holding our breath for more jewels. Who needs to seek help when we have you.
Naw, I doubt that very much.Do you think he even parties, bro?
And it's not just a violation of the 2A. When police show up and automatically immediately confiscate your guns first and foremost no questions asked where is the due process? Should they not at least have to prove what they claim before doing anything else.
And it's not just a violation of the 2A. When police show up and automatically immediately confiscate your guns first and foremost no questions asked where is the due process? Should they not at least have to prove what they claim before doing anything else.