Who knew out of all the dumb shit cheeto has done and said that you lap
Dogs would get most upset about him wanting to nuke a hurricane. You guys are priceless. He must have watched sharknado before the meeting. That rascal.

Who knew out of all the dumb shit cheeto has done and said that you lap
Dogs would get most upset about him wanting to nuke a hurricane. You guys are priceless. He must have watched sharknado before the meeting. That rascal.
Hell, I called Barry and Michael a gay Kenyan couple in a post the other day. Some of you guys can't laugh at your leader's expense. It's like I've said before, the deification of Trump is just weird. I feel like a large portion of his base would stab their mothers in the back to defend him.
The average 4 year cost of attendance back then was $8k. So even if he doubled that; law school, needing to repeat basic economics and political science ~15 times, etc.and adjusted for inflation it would be around $100k.
I really am perplexed by this whole hurricane nuke thing. Let’s assume it’s true, and Trump asked if we can nuke hurricanes.
Aren’t you all curious as to what would happen if we nuked a hurricane? Like maybe it’s been modeled out and people have looked into it, but I’d have to search the internet to find that information. On the other hand, Trump has some of the top scientists in the world at his disposal. Why not ask what happens if we nuke a hurricane if you’re curious?
And apparently the other hearsay quote was just “blow up”. So yeah what would happen if we detonate a giant non-nuclear bomb in a storm that’s starting to form.
Are you all not curious as to what would happen? Would love to see a gif modeling out the explosion and any impact on the storm.
This is why I don’t take any lefties serious regarding global warming. Someone asks a scientific question, and they just shout them down because it’s the popular thing to do.
“Derp derp we cant bomb a hurricane because Rachel Maddow says other celebrities who I should think like also say we can’t bomb a hurricane”.
Of course she doesn’t want Trump to figure out a way to end hurricaneS. Disaster relief is a big money maker for the Clinton..... I mean a big way for their charity to “help” people.
Of course she doesn’t want Trump to figure out a way to end hurricaneS. Disaster relief is a big money maker for the Clinton..... I mean a big way for their charity to “help” people.
the correct answer is "by ourselves because we were trying to destroy an oncoming hurricane"
Perfect example here. Some random dude (dafuq is Paul Sperry) tweets something that Biden allegedly said, and then something else he allegedly said a short time later, labels it "BREAKING" (in all caps, no less,) and voila, it's automatically true and accurate.
This is "news" in 2019.
Duhhh. I’m an idiot. Makes perfect sense now. Of course Edstein doesn’t want Trump exploring alternative ways to end hurricanes since it will dry up his supply of Haitian children.
Your president think we can nuke a hurricane. Let that sink in. Why can't you just laugh it off. Why do you have to come up with excuses for him.Duhhh. I’m an idiot. Makes perfect sense now. Of course Edstein doesn’t want Trump exploring alternative ways to end hurricanes since it will dry up his supply of Haitian children.
You forgot the credit cards you get as a freshman with a free tshirt. I think I paid those off around 30.The average 4 year cost of attendance back then was $8k. So even if he doubled that; law school, needing to repeat basic economics and political science ~15 times, etc.and adjusted for inflation it would be around $100k.
Joe really is psychotic. Of all the power hungry social climbers, he's easily near the top of the "people who would participate in Clinton/Epstein stuff to get promoted" list.
Sharknado 10. Staring Ian Zering, Pam Anderson, and Donald trump as president cheeto. I'd buy a ticket.The answer is Sharknado. Sharknado would actually happen and it can’t have a better origin story than Trump starting it by nuking a hurricane over the Atlantic.
Damn it, now I really want this to go down.
Your president think we can nuke a hurricane. Let that sink in. Why can't you just laugh it off. Why do you have to come up with excuses for him.
Well they laughed at him so I know which side they are onYou going to stop him if he wants to nuke a hurricane? We most certainly can nuke a hurricane.
Ill leave it to the scientists to decide whether that’s a good idea like Trump did.
Remember when CNN ran with a "Breaking" story that Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and everybody gets one?
CNN has a channel. Sperry is a nobody. One is worse than the other and the gap isn't even close
It's what they doAnd just like that, on cue, Austin comes in with another pointless meme that has nothing really to do with what was being discussed...
BREAKING: Biden told a supporter after Keene State College (N.H.) stump speech yesterday that he came out of college with "$280,000" in debt, but then just moments later, he told another supporter that his debt was "over $300,000"
Cool, gonna be in Vegas for work in a couple of weeks, gonna have to give In-n-Out a try.
OK, Where do I need to move to so I can vote for her?
$2.4 mil to be dumber than bat guano. Well spentBREAKING: Biden told a supporter after Keene State College (N.H.) stump speech yesterday that he came out of college with "$280,000" in debt, but then just moments later, he told another supporter that his debt was "over $300,000"
$300K in 1965 is roughly equivalent to $2,415,702 today. That's one hell of an expensive education.
Where is my 5 k?
26-Year-Old GOP Latina Announces She's Running For Congress
And just like that, on cue, Austin comes in with another pointless meme that has nothing really to do with what was being discussed...
26-Year-Old GOP Latina Announces She's Running For Congress
Jeez, if you're going to post a pic of her, post something more appropriate.