Watch out China! Cheeto face demands all businesses cease making money! Lmao. What a deranged moron. I love how he says the trade deficit is a burden on tax payers. Like the deficit comes out of the federal budget and isn't Americans buying shitloads of Chinese goods. He's just speeding up the recession and the end of his presidency. I'm still wondering what he hopes to accomplish. None of this manufacturing is coming back to the US. It's just shifting to other Asian countries with dirt poor labor. So maybe he crashes the economy to balance out Chinese trade. And then we have a 300billion deficit with Vietnam. Americans like cheap shit, they don't care about trade deficits. And he's trying to pick a trade fight with the EU which would completely destroy our economy. Today was the nail on the coffin. Trump will never get a china trade deal done, he's to big of a thin skinned baby.