How will they rule ??!

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I have a good friend who is a chemical engineer. He's in quality control and gets sent overseas frequently (mostly to China, where their products are made). He is the person who decides whether or not their products can be made safely, cheaply, and with quality at the factories over there. He gets wined and dined by the bigwigs because he has the final say if they use them to manufacture their products.

I asked him what he thought of all this tariff stuff and he said as long as Trump and the citizens of this country have the stomach for it, we'll win. Said we are already winning as China is losing hundreds of billions as more and more manufacturing is being moved to other countries. He said the head guys over there are nervous as hell. I am not an expert with any of this, but this guy knows his shit. Just need to stay the course.

Patience is the key. Who reacts first significantly.....loses. The U.S. has the upper hand. They've always had it but the "Our" "Leaders" have had "other" agenda's.
It's going to be a looooooong game. Right now we consume exponentially more than we are capable of producing. Our generation will be long gone before we get close to a point that we don't need cheap labor and cheap goods.

Yeah, I noticed that. I was going to sell a lot of DVD's I had purchased as a bundle on Facebook's market place. I used a John Wayne picture as you had to have a picture. They flagged the sale and would not allow it. I tried for a couple days responding to their inquiry and giving supporting evidence.

I removed John's picture and used a generic picture of a dvd player and all passed with flying colors.... I guess in the John Wayne head shot I used he was wearing a western hat. I guess they thought he must be packing a gun. All I can figure it could be anyway... (I didn't want to sell them anyway. All I will do is make them look prettier using a display case.) (The wife is now happy.)
I have a good friend who is a chemical engineer. He's in quality control and gets sent overseas frequently (mostly to China, where their products are made). He is the person who decides whether or not their products can be made safely, cheaply, and with quality at the factories over there. He gets wined and dined by the bigwigs because he has the final say if they use them to manufacture their products.

I asked him what he thought of all this tariff stuff and he said as long as Trump and the citizens of this country have the stomach for it, we'll win. Said we are already winning as China is losing hundreds of billions as more and more manufacturing is being moved to other countries. He said the head guys over there are nervous as hell. I am not an expert with any of this, but this guy knows his shit. Just need to stay the course.

Anecdotally, I have multiple clients who’ve moved/are moving operations from China to Vietnam to the extent possible.

Trumps comments on trade do cause volatility in the capital markets... so... if you like a smooth ride (lol) in your 401k and taxable accounts you have a valid complaint against Trump.

However, volatility create opportunities... so there's that...

I bet hedge fund managers love him as they typically thrive in volatile markets.
No, that was Bill Koch. Bill and Fred were bought out of the family business awhile back, they merely have a couple billion each. Charles and the now dead David were the bigger dick swingers in the family with like 35-50bb each.

Sour Grapes is an interesting documentary for those that haven’t seen it.

Sure the FBI can’t figure out why a guy murdered dozens of people in Las Vegas, can’t successfully overthrow a duly elected president of the United States, can’t come up with a valid reason to not recommend prosecuting Hilary Clinton other than just saying laws don’t apply to her, etc., but by golly, no one makes fake wine and sells it to rich people on their watch.
Trump sheep 'whataboutism' where they compare what some random Democrat says on the Internet to what the current President of the United States says.

Please tell me all these powerful Democrats who call black Republicans traitors or uncle toms.

You also evidently missed the historical connotations of questioning a Jews loyalty to justify persecuting them. Then again, Republicans have excuses for everything Trump does.
Patience is the key. Who reacts first significantly.....loses. The U.S. has the upper hand. They've always had it but the "Our" "Leaders" have had "other" agenda's.
Tell that to the farmers who are losing millions of dollars as well as marketshare they won't get back anytime soon.

Not sure how moving production from China to Vietnam = winning. Thought the point of this was to move this production to the US. Oh wait, it's called moving the goalposts.
Tell that to the farmers who are losing millions of dollars as well as marketshare they won't get back anytime soon.

Not sure how moving production from China to Vietnam = winning. Thought the point of this was to move this production to the US. Oh wait, it's called moving the goalposts.

You will figure it out one day....hopefully. Until then you do not understand. Oh, and farmers are NOT losing.
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Thought the point of this was to move this production to the US. Oh wait, it's called moving the goalposts.

When has moving production back to the US ever been “the point of this”?

I was under the impression “the point” was to stop China from stealing US IP and manipulating its currency.
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I don't wish death on no one but I will say he along with his brother were part of a very powerful group of individuals that forced their liberal ideology on America. Koch was only fiscally conservative meaning that he wanted a balanced budget other than that he was as radical as Soros.

Lol: you really don't know much about him if you think the majority of his ideology was liberal...
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Women are increasingly opting out of heterosexuality because it is “the bedrock of their global oppression,” NBC News asserted

The story that Breitbart linked is awful. I would say the author is butthurt, but...

One thing that stands out is that all of the women that are down with the patriarchy are of the same race. That doesn't seem very equitable.

I thought white people were supposed to shut up.

Miley Cyrus' split with Liam Hemsworth isn't just celebrity gossip — it's a blow to the patriarchy

Patriarchy is at its most potent when oppression doesn’t feel like oppression, or when it is packaged in terms of biology, religion or basic social needs like security comfort, acceptance and success. Heterosexuality offers women all these things as selling points to their consensual subjection.

Marcie Bianco
is a writer and an editor living in California. She is columnist at the Women’s Media Center, and her writing can be found both online and in print at outlets like NBC Think, Pacific Standard, Quartz, Rolling Stone, Salon, Vanity Fair, and Vox


She does have that kybobcat thread feel though.
Going to be traveling through San Francisco in the next couple weeks. Might just poop on the street for the hell of it.
Reminds me of the song "I left my poop in San Francisco."

Wait that is not right. Must be the new cover song.

Edit to add: Imagine if they tried to film "The Streets of San Francisco" in these conditions. It probably would have killed old Karl Malden.
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Trumps comments on trade do cause volatility in the capital markets... so... if you like a smooth ride (lol) in your 401k and taxable accounts you have a valid complaint against Trump.

However, volatility create opportunities... so there's that...

I bet hedge fund managers love him as they typically thrive in volatile markets.

The investing threads on Reddit are a hoot today (which are generally liberal despite the fact that it's about money). People losing their shit, blaming the president, saying they are going to take their money out of stocks cause he's killing the economy.

My mom pulled half of her stocks when Trump got elected because she hates him.

Dumb bitch.. spent the last 3 years losing money aka my inheritance.
Except they're burning the forest to clear room for commercial activity, mostly agricultural. They're not going to just let the jungle grow back afterward. You have to be trolling, no one's genuinely this dense.

Have you ever witnessed the rapid growth of vegetation after a fire in Latin America? Their intent is to use only a small area compared to whats burning. There is no way they could take over the rainforest before it grows back the force of nature is too overwhelming. You can’t stop the rainforest from growing back. I’m not trolling I see it every dry season where I live. They allow fires to grow out of control then after the first rains everything comes raging back fast. Being dense is reading or watching the news to gain understanding of the world. I don’t do that I go see for myself.

Btw I’m not sold on that they intend to burn the entire rainforest. Maybe a small section but if you’ve been to Colombia and Brazil among other nations in SA you would know the rainforests, the jungles are more expansive than you could ever imagine and they are protected in a major way. From the satélite imagery I’ve seen it is primarily the less vegetative regions that are burning.
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The investing threads on Reddit are a hoot today (which are generally liberal despite the fact that it's about money). People losing their shit, blaming the president, saying they are going to take their money out of stocks cause he's killing the economy.

My mom pulled half of her stocks when Trump got elected because she hates him.

Dumb bitch.. spent the last 3 years losing money aka my inheritance.

Not at all telling or trying to tell you what to do but disrespecting your parents is dangerous...
Well, you did call a poster an ahole a few pages back. Can't get away with that stuff forever.
Well usslair has said much worse. So he can go out with me

Anyone not able to engage in a civil conversation, regardless of his position, we would be better off without him/her on here. Yes, it is funny sometimes but persuades no one of anything.