I have a good friend who is a chemical engineer. He's in quality control and gets sent overseas frequently (mostly to China, where their products are made). He is the person who decides whether or not their products can be made safely, cheaply, and with quality at the factories over there. He gets wined and dined by the bigwigs because he has the final say if they use them to manufacture their products.
I asked him what he thought of all this tariff stuff and he said as long as Trump and the citizens of this country have the stomach for it, we'll win. Said we are already winning as China is losing hundreds of billions as more and more manufacturing is being moved to other countries. He said the head guys over there are nervous as hell. I am not an expert with any of this, but this guy knows his shit. Just need to stay the course.
Patience is the key. Who reacts first significantly.....loses. The U.S. has the upper hand. They've always had it but the "Our" "Leaders" have had "other" agenda's.