How will they rule ??!

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What's better for blacks? 70% of black children are born in a fatherless home. Crime and drug use is at record levels, home ownership is at low levels, unemployment is the highest of demographic, so is it better? Or do we just tell ourselves it is?

How's it better for women? All we hear is that there's a war on women, apparently they're still getting raped and abused at high levels, so what's better?

How was the non religious mistreated? No one cares whether you believe in God or not.

What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.
Good call. Slavery is definitely better. No injustice, all created.
Well I generalize, so call it what you want. The point is at point point is hate justified? I hate terrorist and anyone affiliated at this point and would love to bomb them into non existence, bar them from America, or "fix" all their children at birth so they can't reproduce.
Well I generalize, so call it what you want. The point is at point point is hate justified? I hate terrorist and anyone affiliated at this point and would love to bomb them into non existence, bar them from America, or "fix" all their children at birth so they can't reproduce.

So you're anti-terrorist? That's a team we can all enjoy. /highfive But I think your post highlights the problem - who is affiliated with terrorists, and who do we bomb? Who is your them? Are you proposing we bomb all Muslims into non existence, or make them all sterile?
So you're anti-terrorist? That's a team we can all enjoy. /highfive But I think your post highlights the problem - who is affiliated with terrorists, and who do we bomb? Who is your them? Are you proposing we bomb all Muslims into non existence, or make them all sterile?

I'd be content with making sure they don't receive any of our weapons, use our technology or step foot in this country. I am all for mass deportation of Muslims from western civilization. This way you don't have to kill them like some suggest...just get them out of here. Do not allow them into our country at all even to visit.
I'll put it this way....if you aren't willing to grab a gun and kill them then you are on the terrorist team......bye!
It would be nice to have Muslim Passive-Aggression. I could live with that.

1. Where Muslims plod along in the passing lane doing 40 in a 60.
2. Having oil barons buy out sporting events and not letting anyone in.
3. Start doing anti-bacon commercials and buying out stores pork products
4. Start filling up waiting lines for hours making people impatiently wait
5. Break out into frequent flash mob Muslim prayers in public places
I'll put it this way....if you aren't willing to grab a gun and kill them then you are on the terrorist team......bye!

Who is them? Are you going to shoot up random Muslims? Will you come back to the Paddock after basic training? So many questions!
It would be nice to have Muslim Passive-Aggression. I could live with that.

1. Where Muslims plod along in the passing lane doing 40 in a 60.
2. Having oil barons buy out sporting events and not letting anyone in.
3. Start doing anti-bacon commercials and buying out stores pork products
4. Start filling up waiting lines for hours making people impatiently wait
5. Break out into frequent flash mob Muslim prayers in public places

[roll] I think a flash mob of Muslims praying - all facing towards Mecca on those little prayer rugs - would cause mass hysteria and probably some shootings. Man, a flash prayer mob at an airport? A crowded monument in DC?
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Just once, I'd love to see the left collectively get pissed about Muslims like they do Chick-Fil-A or every time a Christian bakery doesn't want to make a cake for gay wedding.

I do enjoy that this crap is totally deemed okay now

But the same people would be super uncomfortable with this guy and he'd be stopped in no time and rightfully so.
Who is them? Are you going to shoot up random Muslims? Will you come back to the Paddock after basic training? So many questions!

Oh you are one of those types that need specifics?!?

Not me, you can go with them IMHO.
I don't know fellas, this bombing has changed my mind about guns. I mean, we have to do something, right?
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Oh you are one of those types that need specifics?!?

Not me, you can go with them IMHO.

Specifics for who are you going to kill out of the 1,200,000,000 Muslims in the world? Or the 10,000,000 in the US? I think that's reasonable. Do pack a lunch, it'll be a long day.

Am I arguing with sentient Facebook posts?
Not this bombing specifically, but all of them over and over and over and over ....................

I'm to the point if you are even willing to even debate a hard stance against the profiling or whatever "hate" term you want to call it then you too are the problem.

You can falsely call Trump racist or bigot, and good for you! But I'll be the first in line to vote for him to hopefully have a chance against this stupid shit.
Specifics for who are you going to kill out of the 1,200,000,000 Muslims in the world? Or the 10,000,000 in the US? I think that's reasonable. Do pack a lunch, it'll be a long day.

Am I arguing with sentient Facebook posts?

Arguing? I'm not arguing like I said I don't have time to worry about who is who or which ones I need to hate.......all of them, and to be clear EVERYONE not against them too.

Including you. If their own kind want us to fight their fight, F them. It's not our problem if we don't let any of them in here.
I'd be content with making sure they don't receive any of our weapons, use our technology or step foot in this country. I am all for mass deportation of Muslims from western civilization. This way you don't have to kill them like some suggest...just get them out of here. Do not allow them into our country at all even to visit.
They have NO desire to assimilate.
Calling people a bigot, racist, Islamophobe, xenaphobe or whatever ist, phobe or ism the left has to bully people into submission is quickly wearing off.

A lot of people are waking up to this nonsense.
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What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.

Spot on, mate.

And like clockwork, LEK popped up to troll you lmaoooo lol he really got you good!

Just like the media does.
What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.

Does the annual war on Christmas fall into this category?
What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.

The same strategy and tactics of high school girls.

"Can you believe what Tiffany said about you? Oh my God, don't you just hate her? I would never do that. I'm all about you. Now you want to help me ruin Tiffany and post shit about her on facebook?"

^ The same tactic the left does to blacks, gays and women.
What's better for blacks? 70% of black children are born in a fatherless home. Crime and drug use is at record levels, home ownership is at low levels, unemployment is the highest of demographic, so is it better? Or do we just tell ourselves it is?

LBJ and the Dems have economically enslaved them and they don't even realize it.

Or have they forgotten "I’ll have those ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years"?
I want ALL Americans to succeed, if you can dream it you can do it here, we are so blessed, but it's not guaranteed.

I just feel if you continually get told you're a victim you start to believe it, and while there are bad people, we aren't a bad people.

It seems to me the left continually tries to drive a wedge, to drive that mantra of being the victim.
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Just speculation.

That will be challenged in the future as the merging of consciousness integrates into advanced technology. That will keep the species going (although species may be redefined) without the need for procreation. We'll prolly never see that creation, so it's just my opinion. But that will challenge the need for procreation.
No need for procreation? You mean everyone just masturbates (more)?
Calling people a bigot, racist, Islamophobe, xenaphobe or whatever ist, phobe or ism the left has to bully people into submission is quickly wearing off.

A lot of people are waking up to this nonsense.

Is proactively bringing out the "[c]alling people a bigot, racist, Islamaphobe, xenaphone or whatever ist, phobe or ism" before anything of the sort occurs also quickly wearing off? Yes, yes it is. It's a straw man if invoked before it occurs. Let's discuss, aside from general ideas with no specifics like shoot them all or profiling (how? whom? where?), ideas to reduce or eliminate terror attacks instead of arguing against worn out tropes that may or may not actually occur, and that certainly can be ignored. You're whiny.

No need for procreation? You mean everyone just masturbates (more)?

Time to ban bombs. What's the list of banned things up to now? We got guns, knifes, bombs, planes, pressure cookers, and rocks. Oh yea we need to ban gravity too. They throw gays off of rooftops over there ya know.
Enough with the teamblue, teamred tomfoolery.
The left tends to frame issues in terms of individual rights.
The right tends to frame them in terms of group rights.
We need both. Either of two much and we have war.
Not internet dickslapping and saber rattling.
Real war.

Probably already heading that way regardless.
Early 21st century looking too much like early 20th century for my taste.
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Enough with the teamblue, teamred tomfoolery.
The left tends to frame issues in terms of individual rights.
The right tends to frame them in terms of group rights.
We need both. Either of two much and we have war.
Not internet dickslapping and saber rattling.
Real war.

Probably already heading that way regardless.
Early 21st century looking too much like early 20th century for my taste.

Too true.......both parties are full of criminals........Hillary is going to be indicted and Trump is a walking stereotype.......but think you're pissing against a river.
Just speculation.

That will be challenged in the future as the merging of consciousness integrates into advanced technology. That will keep the species going (although species may be redefined) without the need for procreation. We'll prolly never see that creation, so it's just my opinion. But that will challenge the need for procreation.

Damn dude sometimes you are deep...
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Just speculation.

That will be challenged in the future as the merging of consciousness integrates into advanced technology. That will keep the species going (although species may be redefined) without the need for procreation. We'll prolly never see that creation, so it's just my opinion. But that will challenge the need for procreation.
Been reading some Kurzweil lately?
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Weird ..

..when bombs are used, it's mere minutes before it's called a terrorist attack. I guess Obama can't really take a "bomb control" stance?