How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Haha... while the least the old GOP liked to talk about the deficit and debt and fiscal responsibility it has actually been the Democrats that have been the most fiscally responsible.

False, geographical location and assets due to location are the major contributing factor to personal wealth and needs. You will find however some of those big cities that used to be prosperous have eventually fallen into despair because of Democrat leadership.
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Dude, there are a TOTAL of 79,000 muslims in the state of Minnesota...Omar received 267,000 votes which was 78% of the total.

So, let's pretend that ever single muslim in that state lived in her district and they all voted for her...and those votes were subsequently thrown out. She still wins her district by nearly 100,000 votes more than her opponet received.

Tliab received 84% of the votes in her district...the GOP didn't even field a candidate...and like Omar, she received more votes than total muslims in the entire state.
False, they are not counting all of them and those who are being converted and controlled by them.
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Says the president who is technically obese
Technically obese? Nope, he’s a fairly obvious lard ass. And a dumbass on top of that. Told the dude he needed to exercise when he’s on public record saying he doesn’t believe in exercise because humans have a finite amount of energy in their body in their lifetime and he doesn’t want to waste his with exercise. Orange Man needs to get off his ass and go rake a forest floor somewhere or help tear down one of those terrible cancer causing windmills. It’d be a good workout for him.
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I'm not surprised that you judge a man's worth over how many likes his posts get in a fairy tale land message board. You're living proof that the armed forces will take anyone who can walk and breathe at the same time.
You judge a mans worth by his birth place and country so....hypocrite much?
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There's a difference between supporting the military and being of the opinion that they should be funded unchecked by unlimited amounts of dollars. We could literally blow up the rest of the world in a week with half of the money we currently spend. We have no natural military threat, with a 250 year staunch ally to the north and a third world country to the south. You want your wall, take a few hundred billion out of the military budget and put up a 50 foot tall, 10 foot thick steel barrier.
False, you don't wait to be attacked before you decide to fund your defense. Minutemen defense helped way back when but, it will not work now. Your dumb ass would not know that, you pansy's were protected being on our border for years and think security is because your passive nature made it happen.
You hippy ass liberals wouldn’t dare tell the California forest crews that raking debris isn’t a crucial step to fire prevention/containment. Those great Americans work stupid hours in dangerous conditions to protect your hippy asses. Trump appreciates them, and every American, that busts their ass to make this country a better place.
Technically obese? Nope, he’s a fairly obvious lard ass. And a dumbass on top of that. Told the dude he needed to exercise when he’s on public record saying he doesn’t believe in exercise because humans have a finite amount of energy in their body in their lifetime and he doesn’t want to waste his with exercise. Orange Man needs to get off his ass and go rake a forest floor somewhere or help tear down one of those terrible cancer causing windmills. It’d be a good workout for him.
TDS is your mistress and your bitch because he is riding you hard.
Y’all are out here talking about a damn flag. LMAO!!!!

I didn’t inherit one in my new classroom and I didn’t go around asking for one either. IDGAF if students stand, sit, or lie down during the pledge of allegiance. We’re there to learn, not “pledge allegiance to the flag” and blurt out some weird shit about being “under God.” GTFOH with all that. “Liberty and justice for all” might be the most hollow part of that whole thing though. What a joke.

This is all coming from a libertarian, so take my words with a grain of salt.

Happy Friday, my bros!!
Patriot? No not even close. Enemy to the country and a danger to children, absolutely.
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Patriot? No not even close. Enemy to the country and a danger to children, absolutely.

I care about Americans learning math. Why am I an “enemy to the country” and a “danger to children,” bro?

BTW...had a couple Chinese students over the years who couldn’t believe the state of our public education system. At least in TN. They were doing US middle-school math when they were in 2nd grade in China. Our expectations here are hella low.
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I care about Americans learning math. Why am I an “enemy to the country” and a “danger to children,” bro?

BTW...had a couple Chinese students over the years who couldn’t believe the state of our public education system. At least in TN. They were doing US middle-school math when they were in 2nd grade in China. Our expectations here are hella low.

Shut up
Obama entered office at the beginning of the most severe recession since the Great Depression. Unemployment was at 10% yet the right blamed him for the economy. Obama ran a $1T+ deficit, the largest being the first year and a budget passed and signed before he took office. But the deficits were in part to help stimulate the economy and prevent massive losses that were certain if the banking industry was allowed to fail. He also cut the deficit from $1.4T down to $500B, unemployment to 4.6%...took the Dow from 7,000 to 20,000…Oil prices from $130/bbl to $36/bbl

Do I hear credit coming from your side?

Even at slightly higher interest rates, the current fed interest rates today are still ridiculously low (see chart below). They hovered between 5% and 6% all of Bill Clinton’s term…between 1977 and 1990 they were never below 6% and as high as 19%. I can see every POTUS from the last 100 years rolling their eyes to anyone whining about 2.25% fed rates.

And to correct you… the Fed dropped the rate to 0.25% in Dec 2008 and started raising them in 2015 and were at .75% when he left office. Today they sit at 2.25%. So the rise in rates began during Obama, not Trump.

How many jobs has Trump bought with his extra deficit spending? Were he more fiscally responsible his jobs numbers wouldn’t be as impressive. I don't hear the right talking about that...

So in your post you basically admit that Obama had an interest rate that held at .25% for 7 years then they raised it a whopping half of a percent right before he left office. Then you happened to note that in the less than 3 years since the rate was raised to 2.5% under Trump. 2.5% because it was finally just LOWERED to 2.25%. Do tell me again who had a more favorable conditions to work with?
The fact that you ask that question answers how much you know about Keystone.


It didn't matter how much was built, that mooslum bastard didn't want us to have cheap oil. He did everything he could do and some things that he should be tried for to keep us dependent on his people.

The original environmental impact study was issued in 2014, before Nebraska regulators approved a longer "mainline alternative" route that veered away from the company's preferred pathway. President Donald Trump approved a federal permit for the project in March 2017, reversing former President Barack Obama's decision to reject it amid concerns over greenhouse admissions.

Admissions? Liberal reporter.