How will they rule ??!

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The Paddocks leading candidate Gary Johnson spelling out "common sense" ideas as an alternative to Trump and HRC in the wackiest election since before any of us were born.

>>>In his speech, Johnson emphasized lowering taxes, embracing immigration, supporting marriage equality, focusing on free markets and ending the war on drugs. He also called for the legalization of marijuana and limits on military action<<<

I like all of those ideas except for immigration. I think it needs to be stricter
I'm going to respectfully tap out because I just cannot fathom how someone could believe that. Really, I don't mean that disrespectfully or anything, it just doesn't make sense to me. I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

From reading some of your other posts I take it you"re a lawyer, or in that field of work. This isn't a court of law, sometimes people vent on here, I was venting in my original post because it seems every election year our attention gets led away from the real topics, and no, I don't think abortion is an important topic. It' simply something to fire up and divide the bases.

You said yourself politics plays a role in the decisions, now if you and I believe that is it really much of a stretch to think BOTH parties wouldn't want to get the public riled up about something other than that ?
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Bb79, I'm not going down any rabbit hole, nor did I say the case just got thrown together over the weekend.
However, I do think election year politics play a huge role in the timing of these decisions.

More to what I was speaking of was how the media portrays it. Like it is some huge groundbreaking decision. It's not, as far as the grand scheme of things, and they know it.
It's simply something to draw the attention of possible voters away from actual issues.
So who is it on the SCOTUS that makes the decision on the timing to release a decision?
Given that the court politically is split 4-4...who is it that they favor?

I guess you are saying that you believe that the court favors HRC and is therefore trying to help her out? I guess you think that the more conservative judges on the court are OK with this knowing that the next POTUS will appoint probably at a minimum 3 and likely 4 justices with 1 currently open seat, Ginsburg and Kennedy both 80+ yrs old and Bryer will be so before the end of the next POTUS first term.

So tell me...what other decisions is the court sitting on waiting for the appropriate time to release their decisions? Does the ruling play into the timing? Meaning if they rule one way they will announce at one time and a ruling the other way would announce at a different time?

And really...releasing a decision at this time helps someone???

Actually this abortion ruling is pretty significant as there are several states, 23 to be exact that have laws similar to the Texas law. 10 of those states have laws that are almost identical.
My disagreement with this statement is your insertion of "sex outside of marriage". Doesn't matter to me if two people are married or not, if they cannot afford to have a child and bear the burden of the expense that entails, they should not have a child.

Abortion is the ugliest thing we discuss, politically,socially, morally. No doubt it is a hair trigger issue. How important is it though? I mean, to the continuation of this country and its ideals, how important is it? There are other assaults on our freedoms that have far more ranging effects than abortion. Abortion is a diversion to take your mind off what is actually happening here. Listen to Willy. In his own way he's telling you what is of ultimate importance.

I have a great deal of respect for Willy's ideas. While presented in his own, unique irreverent manner, he is usually right on target. However, this is a fundamental disagreement in our views. I believe EVERY problem in the US from social problems to financial problem is rooted in morality. A lot of ills would be cured if we'd simply treat others as we'd want to be treated. Until those problems are corrected (and they won't be), we can expect continued decline of the American culture.
I have a great deal of respect for Willy's ideas. While presented in his own, unique irreverent manner, he is usually right on target. However, this is a fundamental disagreement in our views. I believe EVERY problem in the US from social problems to financial problem is rooted in morality. A lot of ills would be cured if we'd simply treat others as we'd want to be treated. Until those problems are corrected (and they won't be), we can expect continued decline of the American culture.

Thanks Ram. Likewise.

The problem Ram. Is that the human's body hormones and sexual impulses start an age where fully capable abstract thinking isn't happening till later on. There has been no way shown up to date to prevent it unless you educate and provide means for people to do it safely. You're fighting natural impulses with morality. Morality will always lose in this case.
So who is it on the SCOTUS that makes the decision on the timing to release a decision?
Given that the court politically is split 4-4...who is it that they favor?

I guess you are saying that you believe that the court favors HRC and is therefore trying to help her out? I guess you think that the more conservative judges on the court are OK with this knowing that the next POTUS will appoint probably at a minimum 3 and likely 4 justices with 1 currently open seat, Ginsburg and Kennedy both 80+ yrs old and Bryer will be so before the end of the next POTUS first term.

So tell me...what other decisions is the court sitting on waiting for the appropriate time to release their decisions? Does the ruling play into the timing? Meaning if they rule one way they will announce at one time and a ruling the other way would announce at a different time?

And really...releasing a decision at this time helps someone???

Actually this abortion ruling is pretty significant as there are several states, 23 to be exact that have laws similar to the Texas law. 10 of those states have laws that are almost identical.

I don't think they sat on the ruling, I think their decisions are based on politics. No, the abortion ruling isn't important, in so far as politics should be involved, it's simply used as a way to rile up the bases.

Do you honestly think abortion just happens to get brought up EVERY election year? The mere fact its a serious issue in elections is a joke.
A good editorial today in the Journal:

"At least one-half of the country’s polarized electorate now thinks that liberal legal jurisprudence simply means judges will do whatever they must to get a desired result. About that, Justice Thomas is explicit: “The Court should abandon the pretense that anything other than policy preferences underlies its balancing of constitutional rights and interests in any given case.”

Justice Thomas pointed out that the Court’s liberals identified new, impossible to meet “tests” for allowable state abortion regulations only a week after they waved through college racial preferences with little more justification than asserting “aspirational educational goals” (Fisher v University of Texas). U.S. law, wrote Justice Thomas, is now “riddled with special exceptions for special rights.”

So please, hold the crocodile tears over our “polarized politics.” What has polarized the country is not specific rights claims. Those will always emerge in a vibrant democracy. The bitter division is the result, in no small part, of a Supreme Court that picks winners."

All true, but to be honest, that's been true for a while. At least since the 60s, when the Court started making stuff up -- penumbras and emanations, heh -- to get to the result it wanted.

I don't want to get all prisoner of the moment, but this really does feel like a revolutionary time, like we're at the edge of something. I'm sure the 60s was a good deal more so. We survived that. But all of those history lessons about the great empires always rotting from the inside out do feel a little appropriate about now.....
Conservatives = Don't kill babies, kill criminals.

Liberals = Don't kill criminals, kill babies.

What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.
I have a great deal of respect for Willy's ideas. While presented in his own, unique irreverent manner, he is usually right on target. However, this is a fundamental disagreement in our views. I believe EVERY problem in the US from social problems to financial problem is rooted in morality. A lot of ills would be cured if we'd simply treat others as we'd want to be treated. Until those problems are corrected (and they won't be), we can expect continued decline of the American culture.
Sounds like a bunch PC crap if you ask me.
What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.
Speaking of a tiny mind, where in that post did I give my opinion of abortion?
What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.

My wife had to have my written consent to have an epidural, yet she could've terminated the pregnancy without it. Does that make sense to anyone ?
What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.
The moral decline in our country is directly related to a lot of our social ills and rapidly changing world views. A lot of it is the failure of the church of being what it should be in society, taking care of the poor, needy, widows, and sharing the hope of the Gospel. Our education system and media is becoming more anti-God every day, with expanding government control as a bad substitute.
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All true, but to be honest, that's been true for a while. At least since the 60s, when the Court started making stuff up -- penumbras and emanations, heh -- to get to the result it wanted.

True. Imo, the best example of this was SCOTUS upholding Obamacare as a tax. Then striking down the portions relating to contraceptives. Obamacare shouldve been unconstitutional. But if it werent, then the contraceptives part shouldve stayed too.

My wife had to have my written consent to have an epidural, yet she could've terminated the pregnancy without it. Does that make sense to anyone ?

Men only count when its time to pay child support; somehow.
Somebody should inform lordz the the party of the "pompous white man" holds more majorities in more federal and state legislatures, more governorship, and more local offices than in our history. Not going to be extinct any time soon. Is it always about race with you?
My wife had to have my written consent to have an epidural, yet she could've terminated the pregnancy without it. Does that make sense to anyone ?
Damn! I feel cheated as I have never been asked consent for any surgical procedure on my wife.

Were I to guess the circumstances I'd say that your wife must have been incapacitated at the time and unable to give her own consent. Otherwise I call BS.
Damn! I feel cheated as I have never been asked consent for any surgical procedure on my wife.

Were I to guess the circumstances I'd say that your wife must have been incapacitated at the time and unable to give her own consent. Otherwise I call BS.

She wasn't incapacitated, it was when her water broke both times, may have been before she even went into labor. You can call BS if you like, but thats exactly how it went down.

We joked about it while I was signing, I told her she was going to suffer through it like old times.
The moral decline in our country is directly related to a lot of our social ills and rapidly changing world views. A lot of it is the failure of the church of being what it should be in society, taking care of the poor, needy, widows, and sharing the hope of the Gospel. Our education system and media is becoming more anti-God every day, with expanding government control as a bad substitute.
I wish we could go back to a more moral time when religion dominated the landscape and we eradicated native savages, everyone owned slaves, people hung from trees, and women were third class citizens.
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I wish we could go back to a more moral time when religion dominated the landscape and we eradicated native savages, everyone owned slaves, people hung from trees, and women were third class citizens.

That's not real religion, and doesn't represent the true Gospel.
That's not real religion, and doesn't represent the true Gospel.
Tell that to Brother Ezekiel from Birmingham. Does it represent the message of Jesus? I don't think so. But those folks were as religious AF and did so many effed up things to people they didn't even consider humans.
What year you taking about, smart guy? Oh. Stfu.

This playing dumb thing is awful, and it's the #1 tactic by media.

OH BUT IN 1875 blalblalavoala

Word? Say that again realllll slow. LMAOx100
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What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.

I agree. Women shouldn't have to live with the choices they make. Hell, a child is pretty damn inconvenient after child birth. The mother should be able to go ahead and kill the child up to the point it can survive without another human's assistance.

Honestly though, from a practical standpoint, I'm all for abortion. The less poor, uneducated people the country has having children, the less people we get like Z.
The moral decline in our country is directly related to a lot of our social ills and rapidly changing world views. A lot of it is the failure of the church of being what it should be in society, taking care of the poor, needy, widows, and sharing the hope of the Gospel. Our education system and media is becoming more anti-God every day, with expanding government control as a bad substitute.
Can you give us all the time period about when you speak?

Me thinks your memory or knowledge of history is very, very selective.
True. Imo, the best example of this was SCOTUS upholding Obamacare as a tax. Then striking down the portions relating to contraceptives. Obamacare shouldve been unconstitutional. But if it werent, then the contraceptives part shouldve stayed too.
Kagan not recusing on the UCA arguments after working extensively on it...
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Can you give us all the time period about when you speak?

Me thinks your memory or knowledge of history is very, very selective.

I'm not speaking of a time period, but an ideal. It's pretty obvious our country is becoming less moral all the time. Our government is getting bigger all the time.

Russia went down this road, it didn't turn out too well.
What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.
There is nothing more arrogant than thinking you know more than God.
Can you give us all the time period about when you speak?

Me thinks your memory or knowledge of history is very, very selective.

There never has been, or never will be a period in time where everything is rosy. However, society as a whole is getting less ethical, look no further than the 2 people that will be the nominnees for President.
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Within 2 mins in the ortho waiting area this morning, caught the Larry Gilmore show having a panel discussion on the xenophobia behind brexit. Exhausting.
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All true, but to be honest, that's been true for a while. At least since the 60s, when the Court started making stuff up -- penumbras and emanations, heh -- to get to the result it wanted.

There was a shift under the Warren court where the court expanded a number of things. Some of the cases are a bit jarring to read today, including some stuff on privacy (the cases leading up to Roe v. Wade are fascinating). There were generous reads of statutes to create private rights of action, such as for certain securities laws (including the big one, Rule 10b-5, which has been a multi-trillion dollar private right of action over the years). There was pushback on those expansions starting in the late 1970s, and many of what I would call "generous" readings of statutes are gone now, with a few legacy ones remaining. Combined with the movement towards textualism (plain language reading of statutes) over purposivism (effecting the purpose of statutes), the judiciary effectively wields far less power than it did. Frankly, that's probably Scalia's best legacy - textualism and reigning in overexpansive readings in statutes (I don't use judicial activism because it's misused almost 100% of the time, but it sorta fits here). His Constitutional stuff is dodgy at best, imho, and his later dissents were often whiny nonsense (he became a bit of a caricature of himself at times), but the movement he was the figurehead for (he was far from the only one) reigned in some of the classic ways people think of judicial overreach. People tend to focus on a few cases and issues to claim that the judiciary is out of control or something, but I would hazard that overall it's more restrained than at least since the 1950s, if not earlier. It's just that people don't read or care about the vast majority of cases, and often those cases have profound impacts in, say, ways to bring class actions, binding arbitration, criminal procedures, search and seizure, and other things that affect a lot of people.
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What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the woman. That she could be forced by men like you to carry a child inside her body for 9 months that she does not want. Forced to endure the immense changes her body undergoes while carrying the child. Benign growths suddenly boom with growth. She can develop diabetes for the duration of the pregnancy. Her entire body changes and... because some pompous white man is utterly incapable of seeing her as her own person... thinks he can force her to endure all that for some purile fantasy he wants to pretend to.

You arrogant aholes deserve to be voted into extinction and I am enjoying watching it all happen.

What is amazing is that your tiny little mind never comprehends the viewpoint of the baby. That he/she could be murdered by P.O.S. like you for the simple crime of being unwanted or "inconvenient." Forced to endure the pain of being stabbed and ripped and squeezed out with forceps.. The hope and promise of life suddenly taken away. The baby develops a heartbeat by week 9 and continues for the duration of the pregnancy. The baby's entire body changes and grows and becomes a viable human being... but because some selfish person is utterly incapable of seeing the baby as his/her own person... and forces the baby to endure all that pain of death for some puerile fantasy that it all never happened once removed.

You arrogant aholes deserve to burn in hell.
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I'm not speaking of a time period, but an ideal. It's pretty obvious our country is becoming less moral all the time. Our government is getting bigger all the time.

Russia went down this road, it didn't turn out too well.
So we have never acted in any more moral way but we had the ideal?
Probably more correctly stated is that we have simply traded old immoral acts for newer immoral acts although I would contend that today's immorality is much less harmful than yesterday's.

I'm curious to know what you think is worse than slavery, the treatment of the native peoples and the institutional treatment of blacks and women.
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So we have never acted in any more moral way but we had the ideal?
Probably more correctly stated is that we have simply traded old immoral acts for newer immoral acts although I would contend that today's immorality is much less harmful than yesterday's.

I'm curious to know what you think is worse than slavery, the treatment of the native peoples and the institutional treatment of blacks and women.

You think anything has changed? Only difference is now the rich white kids post on social media about how guilty they feel, all the while living in a lily white subdivision in the suburbs, spare me your bullshit.
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Odd that rqarnold and fuzz are both liberals. Two minds that think alike. Hmmm. Maybe you all are related.

They both ask stupid questions at the beginning of every post as well...probably went to the same school, shared a locker/last name etc.
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