How will they rule ??!

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You think anything has changed? Only difference is now the rich white kids post on social media about how guilty they feel, all the while living in a lily white subdivision in the suburbs, spare me your bullshit.
I don't understand your question or how it relates to the exchange with wkycatfan?
Are you agreeing with him or me?
Things have definitely changed. Not sure how anyone could deny that fact.
Benghazi report from House Republicans hits Clinton pretty hard. House Drmocrats and Huf po say their report has cleared Clinton of any wrong doing. Where does the truth lie?
Idk, but the transcript floating around of Trey Gody not answering any questions is hilarious.

Lmao I just googled him. SMH.
Thanks Ram. Likewise.

The problem Ram. Is that the human's body hormones and sexual impulses start an age where fully capable abstract thinking isn't happening till later on. There has been no way shown up to date to prevent it unless you educate and provide means for people to do it safely. You're fighting natural impulses with morality. Morality will always lose in this case.
...And provide proper supervision and guidance for kids/teens. My first career was as a school admin. I talked to many parents that considered their 13-14 year-olds "mature" enough to date, drink, have sex, etc... You just had to shake your head at some of that type thinking.
I don't understand your question or how it relates to the exchange with wkycatfan?
Are you agreeing with him or me?
Things have definitely changed. Not sure how anyone could deny that fact.

While there has been good change, look around you. Does any thing appear different? Is the world a better place today than it was 30-50 years ago, are people happier?
Benghazi report from House Republicans hits Clinton pretty hard. House Drmocrats and Huf po say their report has cleared Clinton of any wrong doing. Where does the truth lie?

I saw a headline that said no NEW info released on Clinton. That of course is a clever play on words, making people believe there was nothing at all at any point. But a closer reading shows it was just nothing new, beyond the damning evidence already existing.
I saw a headline that said no NEW info released on Clinton. That of course is a clever play on words, making people believe there was nothing at all at any point. But a closer reading shows it was just nothing new, beyond the damning evidence already existing.

one man's clever is another man's shameless.
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While there has been good change, look around you. Does any thing appear different? Is the world a better place today than it was 30-50 years ago, are people happier?
Define better? I would say that aspects for certain groups have definitely improved although not ideal.
I wish we could go back to a more moral time when religion dominated the landscape and we eradicated native savages, everyone owned slaves, people hung from trees, and women were third class citizens.

pretty much nailed the current muslim world. and religion, which is fully supported by the democratic party at this point. ironic. and the repubs are the ones still considered the racist.
...And provide proper supervision and guidance for kids/teens. My first career was as a school admin. I talked to many parents that considered their 13-14 year-olds "mature" enough to date, drink, have sex, etc... You just had to shake your head at some of that type thinking.

There's the problem. haha
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Define better? I would say that aspects for certain groups have definitely improved although not ideal.

What do you mean define?It's a straight forward statement. Are we as a society overall happier today than 30-50 years ago. Are families stronger, do people believe they can reach their goals, is the American dream still alive?
this is where religion gets in the way of science. we are designed to reproduce. and that design gives us almost uncontrollable urges to do so. it is that design that ensures the survival of species. and those changes start to happen at young age when kids are very vulnerable. it happens at that age because it is the best time for a species to reproduce. that is by design. evolution. yet we try and repress hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with religious abstinence guilt shaming. it don't work.
this is where religion gets in the way of science. we are designed to reproduce. and that design gives us almost uncontrollable urges to do so. it is that design that ensures the survival of species. and those changes start to happen at young age when kids are very vulnerable. it happens at that age because it is the best time for a species to reproduce. that is by design. evolution. yet we try and repress hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with religious abstinence guilt shaming. it don't work.

Amen. It's hilarious how scientific studies are the only answer to everything now a days, but natural science is what? Not progressive? We think we can manipulate it, and we are smarter than nature. It's the damnedest thing.
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this is where religion gets in the way of science. we are designed to reproduce. and that design gives us almost uncontrollable urges to do so. it is that design that ensures the survival of species. and those changes start to happen at young age when kids are very vulnerable. it happens at that age because it is the best time for a species to reproduce. that is by design. evolution. yet we try and repress hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with religious abstinence guilt shaming. it don't work.

Just speculation.

That will be challenged in the future as the merging of consciousness integrates into advanced technology. That will keep the species going (although species may be redefined) without the need for procreation. We'll prolly never see that creation, so it's just my opinion. But that will challenge the need for procreation.
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Just speculation.

That will be challenged in the future as the merging of consciousness integrates into advanced technology. That will keep the species going (although species may be redefined) without the need for procreation. We'll prolly never see that creation, so it's just my opinion. But that will challenge the need for procreation.

you know i laughed out loud when i read this, then i reread it because i have attention deficit and comprehensive issues. after rereading it, it wasn't so funny. it kind of scared the crap out of me. because it may be true. it just might be true.
you know i laughed out loud when i read this, then i reread it because i have attention deficit and comprehensive issues. after rereading it, it wasn't so funny. it kind of scared the crap out of me. because it may be true. it just might be true.
While there has been good change, look around you. Does any thing appear different? Is the world a better place today than it was 30-50 years ago, are people happier?
It's better for a lot of people who were previously institutionally discriminated against.
My mother lived 91 years and thought that the world was a much better place when she left it. She used to say "The good ole days weren't all that good". She had seen the Great Depression and a World War. Lynchings and cross burnings while the authorities looked the other way. Were people happier then?
What is Hillary's plan to bring more jobs back to America?

She's gonna show her sniz at the next trade summit and any CEO who won't move work back to the U.S. must look at those droopy, dusty, beef curtains for at least 12 hours.

While there has been good change, look around you. Does any thing appear different? Is the world a better place today than it was 30-50 years ago, are people happier?

I'm not in this convo, but if we go back 50 years to 1966:

Things have changed for the better for:

Blacks, gays, women, non-religious people

Things have changed for the worse for:

White dudes, evangelicals.

I see why the red team is so pissed now. As demographics change, one group no longer rules all. More people of various ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds are sitting at the table. Some folks are good with it. Others resist change at every opportunity. I guess it all depends on perspective.
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She's gonna show her sniz at the next trade summit and any CEO who won't move work back to the U.S. must look at those droopy, dusty, beef curtains for at least 12 hours.

I'm not in this convo, but if we go back 50 years to 1966:

Things have changed for the better for:

Blacks, gays, women, non-religious people

Things have changed for the worse for:

White dudes, evangelicals.

I see why the red team is so pissed now. As demographics change, one group no longer rules all. More people of various ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds are sitting at the table. Some folks are good with it. Others resist change at every opportunity. I guess it all depends on perspective.

But those groups that hate white guys sure love having white guys pay for everything.

I've read this multiple times but I want someone to explain it to me. How are women being oppressed by the "red team?" Not wanting to fund abortion is oppression?
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Hmmm, macro data and dozens of polls of how people feel about the direction of the country.....or rqfuzz's personal story from a period beyond what was being discussed? Tough one.
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It's better for a lot of people who were previously institutionally discriminated against.
My mother lived 91 years and thought that the world was a much better place when she left it. She used to say "The good ole days weren't all that good". She had seen the Great Depression and a World War. Lynchings and cross burnings while the authorities looked the other way. Were people happier then?

My grand parents said the same, all grew up in western KY and they never saw a cross burning or lynching, it wasn't quite as prevalent as you think.
They said it because they had air conditioning, plenty to eat, and loved ones stopped dying because they had the flu. Not because of social issues.
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Hmmm, macro data and dozens of polls of how people feel about the direction of the country.....or rqfuzz's personal story from a period beyond what was being discussed? Tough one.

be honest, the only polls and data that you find useful are the ones that produce results reflecting your own set of values and objectives, which makes you normal.
She's gonna show her sniz at the next trade summit and any CEO who won't move work back to the U.S. must look at those droopy, dusty, beef curtains for at least 12 hours.

I'm not in this convo, but if we go back 50 years to 1966:

Things have changed for the better for:

Blacks, gays, women, non-religious people

Things have changed for the worse for:

White dudes, evangelicals.

I see why the red team is so pissed now. As demographics change, one group no longer rules all. More people of various ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds are sitting at the table. Some folks are good with it. Others resist change at every opportunity. I guess it all depends on perspective.

What's better for blacks? 70% of black children are born in a fatherless home. Crime and drug use is at record levels, home ownership is at low levels, unemployment is the highest of demographic, so is it better? Or do we just tell ourselves it is?

How's it better for women? All we hear is that there's a war on women, apparently they're still getting raped and abused at high levels, so what's better?

How was the non religious mistreated? No one cares whether you believe in God or not.

What I'm saying is we create these battles of injustice, that are fiction.

You want to talk about control, that's how you control someone, you make them feel everyone is against them...." But not me, I'm on your side" and you dumbasses fall for it.