How will they rule ??!

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Very reactionary responses. Funny how every generation thinks this one is the worst.

We've had guns being stock piled since the founding of this country. People have always been sensative.

No one is putting the president on a pedestal, in fact, nothing is more American than questioning its leaders. It's more than a right, it's a duty.

Just odd to make subtle hints at assassination.

Many on the left put every dem on a pedestal. They treat Obama and Hillary like some sort of demigod
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Many on the left put every dem on a pedestal. They treat Obama and Hillary like some sort of demigod
I've never met anyone who has done so. Doubt you have either. Of course to "many on the right" not criticizing every word, every action either takes is the functional equivalent of treating them as "demigod".
Following the lead of the poorest and least educated has never been a part of a formula that has led to success.
You never answered the "poorest" part.....63% from the poorest (under $25k) for your guy. I actually agree with your statement above, thanks.

A fine Ben quote for sure, but not the best.

This is the greatest Ben Franklin quote of all time: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

(Yes I know that there is no proof the Ben Franklin actually said this but remember the first rule of liberal journalism: "Dont let the truth get in way of a good quote").
I have travelled the country extensively and spoken with all types - everyday working people, business owners, some who are educated and those who are not, old and young - one thing I can attest to - a universal distrust and dissatisfaction with the government. Why do you think people are stockpiling guns and ammo?
Taking this further, why would the left want to tear down the greatest country in the history of the planet? Are they that stupid? We have given away more aid and helped more people than anyone in history.

And yet the left isn't satisfied for some reason... they want to take us further away from the most efficient economic system ever created.

And they wonder why we're on the brink of revolt... SMH.
why would the left want to tear down the greatest country in the history of the planet? .

Because they are naive and believe in some utopian world where everyone loves their neighbor and shares the wealth equally. My middle child has bought all into the white guilt scenario. About how she's embarrassed of the actions of her white forefathers. After listening for a few minutes I asked her two simple questions:

1. What race or demographic can you name that doesn't have a checkered past? And she couldn't name one.
2. What country or continent can you name that has provided a more stable, long-lasting and productive civilization than North America and Europe? And she couldn't.

Basically, with all of the warts, catastrophes, henchmen, etc. included...there still isn't really a comparable scenario.
Because they are naive and believe in some utopian world where everyone loves their neighbor and shares the wealth equally. My middle child has bought all into the white guilt scenario. About how she's embarrassed of the actions of her white forefathers. After listening for a few minutes I asked her two simple questions:

1. What race or demographic can you name that doesn't have a checkered past? And she couldn't name one.
2. What country or continent can you name that has provided a more stable, long-lasting and productive civilization than North America and Europe? And she couldn't.

Basically, with all of the warts, catastrophes, henchmen, etc. included...there still isn't really a comparable scenario.

The millennials are brainwashed for sure. They will eventually vote in the full blown socialist government they have been taught is the way to go.

Then one day, they'll wake up and realize it was a pipe dream. Maybe even in a gulag.
I think we're killing 3000 babies PER DAY.

And we complain about Islamists wanting to kill non-believers lol.

Islamists got nothing on Democrats.

I'll never understand how any monster could justify abortion outside of rape. I think a lot of its supporters don't even know what the process is like. Look at the pro choice crowd actually watching an abortion being done and then changing their mind.

Here's what simply amazes me about the left and how they can stockpile all of these voting blocks despite total conflicting ideologies and interests.

Dems get the black vote despite their history of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow laws, destroying the black community in every city they control and despite being pro abortion, which was designed to exterminate blacks and other minorities and aborts more blacks than any other race.

They also get the black vote despite wanting open borders and illegal immigration, which takes away even more jobs from the black community in a time where black youth unemployment is through the roof.

But all Dems have to do is pander and it gets ignored.

Then take a look at their desire to bring in millions of Muslims all while claiming to be for feminists, women's rights and the LGBT communities. That's right. Somehow in the Dem universe you can be for civil rights of gays and women all while you bring in a group who oppresses them and even kills them and then wants to make sure you don't have any way to protect yourself from this group.

We also have the college kids idiots who think Dems care about the youth while wanting to bring in people who will make sure they don't have a job when they get out of college.
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Anyone remember when it used to be "pro-life" vs "pro-choice"? How long has it been "anti-abortion" instead of "pro-life"? Why did mass media make that change? Had to be a request from the left, correct - can't imagine those in the group wanted to be known as "anti" anything, that's basic psychology, basic marketing. Why would the media listen to one side about something so fundamental?
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Question for Dems:

Which is more heinous:

A. Nazis exterminating Jews
B. Islamists murdering innocent people
C. Abortionists killing babies

Isn't the correct answer D, All of the Above... because they're all equal?
No evidence provided for your comments of unsupported so, unreliable.


I am done putting these the mf'ers on a pedal.

What if the pedal is on an $8000 bicycle?

Here we go.....gotta nip this Brexit storyline, quick, make a ruling on abortion, if that doesn't work do something about guns!

I hope this post is not a serious thought about how SCOTUS decides to finish and release opinions.
Ok, that's 3 times in the last two days. "Stockpile" is NOT two words. For future reference "no one" is.
Question for Dems:

Which is more heinous:

A. Nazis exterminating Jews
B. Islamists murdering innocent people
C. Abortionists killing babies

Isn't the correct answer D, All of the Above... because they're all equal?

Only for you pro-lifers. I don't like them, but so glad they are around as an option.

This topic is pointless and goes no where and is actually counter productive to true gov't reform. But I forget that people get all emotional over these hot button issues and need this drama in their lives.
Ok, that's 3 times in the last two days. "Stockpile" is NOT two words. For future reference "no one" is.

No idea how that happened. I know it's one word.

FYI, you write out numbers one through ten and only put the number for anything above ten. It's "three times" not "3 times."


What if the pedal is on an $8000 bicycle?

I hope this post is not a serious thought about how SCOTUS decides to finish and release opinions.

Sure it isn't, outside politics plays no role in how the SCOTUS rules, whatever.

Idealistically you're right, and that's the way it's supposed to work, realistically you're wrong.
Millennials don't seem to appreciate free speech as much as past generations. If you disagree with their liberal ideas, many believe that you should be punished or silenced.

Although I don't agree with abortion, I could at least somewhat understand the position if it were well thought out.

But generally, the same people who will lie down in front of a bulldozer to save a tree, picket any death penalty execution, or pick up every stray dog, are the same ones who shoot flames from their eyes at even the notion that killing babies shouldn't be allowed.

It doesn't make sense.
Although I don't agree with abortion, I could at least somewhat understand the position if it were well thought out.

But generally, the same people who will lie down in front of a bulldozer to save a tree, picket any death penalty execution, or pick up every stray dog, are the same ones who shoot flames from their eyes at even the notion that killing babies shouldn't be allowed.

It doesn't make sense.

Not all of us. That tree can come down for all I care. Same with stuffing someone's dog into a gas oven. Death row? Kill'em all.
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Only for you pro-lifers. I don't like them, but so glad they are around as an option.

This topic is pointless and goes no where and is actually counter productive to true gov't reform. But I forget that people get all emotional over these hot button issues and need this drama in their lives.

You may be right: I only posted it to point out the utter hypocrisy of the left.
You may be right: I only posted it to point out the utter hypocrisy of the left.

I understand man. Just hate to see good people get riled up for something that politicians use to get everyone riled up with no absolutely no desire to fix or reform.

I have to humor it because I could easily get sucked into the drama.
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Yep, democrats are terrorists. Good call.

Another great hit to add to the "well, Ive heard people or I am surprised people havent killed the president."
No different than the dem leaders saying that Vets are potential terrorist.