How will they rule ??!

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Unfortunately, the hands of teachers are tied. They can't sit a kid in the corner or separate a group of mischief-makers without parents raising holey hell, complaining to the board, and getting lawyers involved.

One of the great undiscussed tragedies in America is how our school system has basically been castrated when it comes to treatment/discipline of kids and separating the good from the bad.

My mom told me how she had a little turd who basically refuses to participate and just wants to color on herself...can't do anything and if she tries, the parents raise a stink, call lawyers and administrators, etc. When that one wants to totally check out and take a nap. Do you know what they have to do? One would think, send her home, nope parents don't want the little heathen. Teachers have to let this little princess go take a nap. Here's the kicker. One of the few rooms there is to spare just for princess nap time sometimes is occupied by a really great advanced kid doing extra work.

Now, I ask you, guess who wins that battle? The pain in the ass who is going to be a drag on society or the advanced student who is going to be an asset like a doctor, engineer, etc...?

That's one story, of thousands over the years I've heard from my mom. I've known shit was going to go south for a couple of decades, because I've heard first hand from a teacher on the frontlines what is coming down the pipes via the educational system...bad and or worthless kids via bad and/or worthless parents and the cycle perpetuates itself because nobody can attempt to correct it via real education and some discipline.

I have several teachers in my family and they all love to teach, but i hear stories like this over and over. they all teach in good school districts but teachers are on a very tight leash.
Teachers are not the problem—bad parents/lack of parent(s) is the root cause.
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I know I make fun of Ed a lot, but I am honestly asking this question...

How can you, on the same page, post a defense of Biden by pointing people are taking his quote out of context, then immediately turn around and start using one of the most prominent examples of people taking Donald Trump’s words out of context?

Does that not strike you as hypocritical at all? Or are you so invested in the narrative you can’t tell heads from tails at this point?
I know I make fun of Ed a lot, but I am honestly asking this question...

How can you, on the same page, post a defense of Biden by pointing people are taking his quote out of context, then immediately turn around and start using one of the most prominent examples of people taking Donald Trump’s words out of context?

Does that not strike you as hypocritical at all? Or are you so invested in the narrative you can’t tell heads from tails at this point?
No I just really don't care what someone using bill Cosby as a handle thinks. And save the I had the name when he was cool.
So the races committing mass murders over there population % are black/Asians/Natives. Who is surprised by that? Libs & the media.
It's not legalized like that. Only for hemp use. Has to have less than 0.3% thc to be considered hemp and legal. For comparison your average swag has 7-10% thc.

Problem for Ohio is that officers have no way of knowing in real time. Their street test only read the presence of thc not the actual %.

Puts the officers in a tight spot. They'll have to make the decision to let the person go free or arrest them which could possibly be a wrongful arrest.

I'm assuming most will err on the side of caution and let people go free instead of accidentally arresting someone wrongfully.

Thanks for the unpacking of that Dwayne, makes sense. Agree with you that it will probably lead to fewer misdemeanor possession arrests.
John McCain dying is one of the best things to happen to America in decades. Was like a giant brain tumor on our country was finally removed when he croaked.
No matter your party, this is a joke. I'd bet a good sum of money you would not post that using your real name. Fake name tough guys don't bother me much.