How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The millenials will wake up one day and realize that they don't like what they've been voting for.
I've always been told that if you want to be successful seek out successful people and emulate them.
Following the lead of the poorest and least educated has never been a part of a formula that has led to success.
Yet, that's precisely the base of your political party. But for high school dropouts on welfare, the Democratic Party could never win a national election, and you know it.
Good news for the DNC, Soros is said to be mopping up to the tune of several billion on the Brexit.

As always. One of the worst humans alive. Always betting on, and helping sew discourse.

The millenials will wake up one day and realize that they don't like what they've been voting for.

Yep. Itll be when theyre older. Then theyll have a bunch of young know-it-alls making fun of them for making good choices.
Have always suspected that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a publicity stunt and/or he's in bed with the Clintons. And the joke went on WAY too long.
The fact that such a scenario is still plausible speaks volumes about what an absurd candidate/campaign he is/runs
Have always suspected that Trump's campaign was nothing more than a publicity stunt and/or he's in bed with the Clintons. And the joke went on WAY too long.
What was the impetus for this today when there is a yuge story going on? Couldn't wait till tomorrow? Did he do something today?

I get that you don't like him and you are entitled to that but just curious....
"In 1980 the member states of the European Union formed the fastest growing economic region in the world, with 31 percent of world trade done through the current member states of the EU. Now, after 36 years of increasing "integration"the EU can boast of no more than 17 percent of world trade, with 10 percent of the EU’s population of the working age unemployed (24 million in 2016).

Only 6 of UK companies export to the EU and only 12 percent of our economy is traded with the EU, and this part of our economy is massively loss making. But to “enjoy” this trade, 100 percent of our economy is burdened with EU regulations and external tariffs which cost us far more than any tariffs paid by non-members of the EU! No wonder that in the last 20 years there are 27 non-EU countries whose exports of goods to the EU grew faster than the United Kingdom’s."
Yet, that's precisely the base of your political party. But for high school dropouts on welfare, the Democratic Party could never win a national election, and you know it.
Ha ha! Yeah, because that 3% of the total electorate that votes 65% Democratic swings so many elections.
How about post graduate voters who make up 18% of the electorate and vote heavily Democratic?
High School, some college and college graduates as a whole, the other 79% are pretty well 50/50 voters.
Trump video comment was nothing specific today other than seeing that clip. I've just wondered all along if his intentions to be President are real. Multibillionaire, access to anywhere in the World, socializes with anyone he wants for the most part, hot wife--wtf would you want to be President? You can go back to my comments during the early stages of the primary and it's what I said.
Same reason a community organizer wants to be.....more power.

Goofball or not, guy could add President of the United States to his billionaire resume. I wouldn't think that's a stretch in the slightest. That's infinitely *less* scary than him saying he wants to "fundamentally transform our nation"....
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Ha ha! Yeah, because that 3% of the total electorate that votes 65% Democratic swings so many elections.
How about post graduate voters who make up 18% of the electorate and vote heavily Democratic?
High School, some college and college graduates as a whole, the other 79% are pretty well 50/50 voters.
you left out the "poorest" part of your declaration. How are they voting? Be careful not to post a chart that disproves your own position,lol.

And really lol at post-grads being a litmus for better educated voters. But let's talk about voting rights for felons....70-80% your way. I've even read there is a movement to try to get voting rights for prisoners....wanna lob a guess at which side is leading that? Questions!!!!
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Officials: U.S. Report Will Say Drones Have Only Killed 100 Civilians

The Obama administration is preparing to announce as early as next week that it believes around 100 civilians have died in nearly 500 U.S. drone strikes since 2009, U.S. officials tell NBC News.

That is a far lower estimate than those of the three major independent groups that seek to track the secret operations in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. The highest estimate among those groups puts civilian casualties from drones at over 1,000.


Also, :cool2:
Officials: U.S. Report Will Say Drones Have Only Killed 100 Civilians

The Obama administration is preparing to announce as early as next week that it believes around 100 civilians have died in nearly 500 U.S. drone strikes since 2009, U.S. officials tell NBC News.

That is a far lower estimate than those of the three major independent groups that seek to track the secret operations in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. The highest estimate among those groups puts civilian casualties from drones at over 1,000.


Also, :cool2:
Complete bull shit.
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you left out the "poorest" part of your declaration. How are they voting? Be careful not to post a chart that disproves your own position,lol.

And really lol at post-grads being a litmus for better educated voters. But let's talk about voting rights for felons....70-80% your way. I've even read there is a movement to try to get voting rights for prisoners....wanna lob a guess at which side is leading that? Questions!!!!
I actually think that convicted felons should be allowed to vote, and, in my state, they generally are, as long as the sentence has been served in its entirety. However, I would be embarrassed if my political side was going to attract 90%+ of their votes. Fuzz is probably not at all embarrassed by it.
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Ha ha! Yeah, because that 3% of the total electorate that votes 65% Democratic swings so many elections.
How about post graduate voters who make up 18% of the electorate and vote heavily Democratic?
High School, some college and college graduates as a whole, the other 79% are pretty well 50/50 voters.
Fuzz engages in fuzzy math! No wonder you lose bets- which, by the way, I hear that you don't honor.

First, if you think that high school dropout are only 3% of the electorate, you are out of your mind. Try 15%. Granted, I did say dropouts on welfare, but, if 15% of the populace are dropouts, you can rest assured that more than 3% of the populace are dropouts on welfare. And, while it may be true that only 65% of dropouts vote Democrat (which is embarrassing enough in and of itself), it's quite probable that about 90% of the dropout on welfare do. That's your base. Without it, say hello to President Romney.

Second, the post-graduate percentage is much lower than 18%, closer to 10%. And while it does lean Democratic, it would be interesting to separate those with real jobs (doctors, STEM, etc) with professional students with PhD's in Women's or Transgender Studies. The former would go close to 50%/50%, the latter 95% Democratic, and 5% Green or Communist.
Trump video comment was nothing specific today other than seeing that clip. I've just wondered all along if his intentions to be President are real. Multibillionaire, access to anywhere in the World, socializes with anyone he wants for the most part, hot wife--wtf would you want to be President? You can go back to my comments during the early stages of the primary and it's what I said.


Instead of being referenced in econ class, he can be in American history books.

Its his ego.
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Officials: U.S. Report Will Say Drones Have Only Killed 100 Civilians

The Obama administration is preparing to announce as early as next week that it believes around 100 civilians have died in nearly 500 U.S. drone strikes since 2009, U.S. officials tell NBC News.

That is a far lower estimate than those of the three major independent groups that seek to track the secret operations in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. The highest estimate among those groups puts civilian casualties from drones at over 1,000.


Also, :cool2:
[laughing]......they've outdone themselves this time.
All this is true. Except I don't see the gop just dying out. There'll be s merger of sorts with the fiscally conservative, socially liberal end of the Gop and the libertarians. The evangelicals will become something like the libertarians are now.

Probably break off a number of Dems that are dissatisfied with their party as well if it breaks that way. But it's hard to imagine evangelicals dying out - they're influential in elections, organizing, off-year elections, primaries, local races, etc... very active.
Fuzz engages in fuzzy math! No wonder you lose bets- which, by the way, I hear that you don't honor.

First, if you think that high school dropout are only 3% of the electorate, you are out of your mind. Try 15%. Granted, I did say dropouts on welfare, but, if 15% of the populace are dropouts, you can rest assured that more than 3% of the populace are dropouts on welfare. And, while it may be true that only 65% of dropouts vote Democrat (which is embarrassing enough in and of itself), it's quite probable that about 90% of the dropout on welfare do. That's your base. Without it, say hello to President Romney.

Second, the post-graduate percentage is much lower than 18%, closer to 10%. And while it does lean Democratic, it would be interesting to separate those with real jobs (doctors, STEM, etc) with professional students with PhD's in Women's or Transgender Studies. The former would go close to 50%/50%, the latter 95% Democratic, and 5% Green or Communist.
Voting data. You are welcome to link your own.
More than 3% of people drop out of school but most high school dropouts don't vote.
Less than 18% of people have post-grad degrees...but they vote in very high numbers.

Just so you don't have to look it up...the first number is the percentage of all voters, second is voted for Obama, third, voted for Romney.


All Voters
Some HS
3 <-- % of electorate
64 <-- voted for Obama
35 <-- voted for Romney
HS graduate
21 <-- % of electorate
Some college
29 <-- % of electorate
College graduate
29 <-- % of electorate
Postgraduate study
18 <-- % of electorate
I'd say Obama is full of sh.t again, but it's so repetitive:

"Barack Obama today said the UK and EU will remain "indispensable partners" of the United States following the Brexit vote.

The US leader added that the "special relationship" between the Britain and Washington will continue into the future.

It marks a backtrack for the president who previously warned the UK would be at the "back of the queue" for a trade deal in the event of Brexit."
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Voting data. You are welcome to link your own.
More than 3% of people drop out of school but most high school dropouts don't vote.
Less than 18% of people have post-grad degrees...but they vote in very high numbers.

Just so you don't have to look it up...the first number is the percentage of all voters, second is voted for Obama, third, voted for Romney.


All Voters
Some HS
3 <-- % of electorate
64 <-- voted for Obama
35 <-- voted for Romney
HS graduate
21 <-- % of electorate
Some college
29 <-- % of electorate
College graduate
29 <-- % of electorate
Postgraduate study
18 <-- % of electorate
Since you are not asked about your level of education at the actual poll, I can only conclude that your study is based on exit polls, which are not necessarily accurate. It's not always that case that a person will accurately report their education level. And it's very unlikely that high school dropouts who are 12% of the electorate only are 3% of voters, or that post-graduates are 10% of the electorate but 18% of the voters.

In any event, the very data that you provide demonstrates that your own somewhat sanctimonious attitude should be considered for an adjustment, since the ONLY group that voted for Romney were college graduates, and the LARGEST disparity in the pro-Obama vote comes from the dropouts.

Going back to the topic that prompted this discussion, I'll trust the British voters themselves to do what is best for Britain, and you can trust the media and the professors and the policywonks. Last night, the people won and your side lost. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. And honor your bets when you lose them.
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fuzzy math!

But for high school dropouts on welfare, the Democratic Party could never win a national election.


I actually think that convicted felons should be allowed to vote, and, in my state, they generally are, as long as the sentence has been served in its entirety. However, I would be embarrassed if my political side was going to attract 90%+ of their votes. Fuzz is probably not at all embarrassed by it.


First, if you think that high school dropout are only 3% of the electorate, you are out of your mind. Try 15%. Granted, I did say dropouts on welfare, but, if 15% of the populace are dropouts, you can rest assured that more than 3% of the populace are dropouts on welfare. And, while it may be true that only 65% of dropouts vote Democrat (which is embarrassing enough in and of itself), it's quite probable that about 90% of the dropout on welfare do. That's your base. Without it, say hello to President Romney.

Second, the post-graduate percentage is much lower than 18%, closer to 10%. And while it does lean Democratic, it would be interesting to separate those with real jobs (doctors, STEM, etc) with professional students with PhD's in Women's or Transgender Studies. The former would go close to 50%/50%, the latter 95% Democratic, and 5% Green or Communist.

Unsupported. Unsupported. Unsupported.

Since you are not asked about your level of education at the actual poll, I can only conclude that your study is based on exit polls, which are not necessarily accurate. It's not always that case that a person will accurately report their education level. And it's very unlikely that high school dropouts who are 12% of the electorate only are 3% of voters, or that post-graduates are 10% of the electorate but 18% of the voters.

Fuzzy reasoning is no better than fuzzy math.
Watching the globalists panic because courageous Brits said "FU" has been a very, very good time.

I LMAO that they are trotting out ISIS now saying they are going to attack Europe MORE because the EU is collapsing.

And trust me, the EU is going to collapse completely.

From unemployed misguided youth to EU untied warriors.......
Now the talk even of the UK breaking up... goes to show you that these globalists are not only apathetic to sovereignty, they are hostile to it.

Governmentless Global Corporatocracy saluting only the dollar and undermining the will of the people so that in turn their governments become useless in controlling their plunder. "Free Trade" is the bait. A clever name to cover up the fact that unless governments regulate their thievery they will take every penny you have, every tree in the forest, every fish in the water, every mountain for its coal, every resource that can be sold for profit will be relentlessly pursued absent anyone to stop the "job creators" and "businessmen" from raping and rampaging in a lawless global free-for-all.

The barbarians are no longer at the gate... they are asking you to step inside the cage yourself. Today, at least for a moment, some brave Brits spat in their eyes. We're up next.

Our options are imperfect. Probably even pointless. But Wall Street hates Trump for a reason. That reason is that his ideas about protecting our sovereignty and talking openly about the idiocy of these "Free Trade" deals are conducive to people standing up like the folks in England did today.

Many "Republicans" are now openly saying you should vote for Hillary because they are all cut from the same Globalist Wall Street cloth. The game is up and we know it so the best thing we can do is send Trump unto them. The louder and more out of control the better. Have him be the plague sent up to the alien mothership.

It may be a futile gesture, but at least we didn't just lie down and submit without giving them a resounding "FU" just like the Brits did today. Lay into them, Trump. Be the instrument of our vengeance.
yeah i'm the moron. Actually no constitutional right is absolute bub. Screaming about the 2nd amendment all the while ok with Trump limiting first amendment rights for journalists, abolishing religious rights, due process, etc. There are actually other rights given in the constitution besides the 2nd amendment.

I'm not scared of Trump's policies, I'm scared of putting a mentally unstable circus clown in office who obviously has little regard for the laws and traditions of our country. He will do what's best for Trump, not this country. But he's done one good thing - show exactly how much influence the bigoted, racist portion of the party have and putting it out there on full display instead of hiding in the shadows.

The great thing about the supporters of Trump, is they don't even realize how hypocritical they are, because everything they said about Obama is even more true of Trump. Doesn't respect constitution, is a race baiter, inexperienced, bad foreign policy knowledge, the list goes on. It really just goes to show that there was nothing behind their hate for Obama except straight up bigotry and racism. Something that is a common theme at Trump's rallies. Actually racism is the ONLY thing fueling Trump's campaign, and that's exactly why Republicans with even a tinge of morality are rejecting him.

Looking forward to the sensible majority of the country taking back the House and Senate. Thank you Mr. Hairpiece!

Yep, we could use more hissy fit legislators running the country.
People say "oh, Trump is embarrassing" and I say "that's exactly my point."

Because they should be embarrassed. We are not bringing Trump to you, you created Trump. Trump is what you have led us to. We have become Trump so why hide it? Why hide the one mirror that makes you see and admit what you are and have created?

The game is not only as Trump says rigged, the game is over. You took everything. The reason we are fighting now is because nothing is left.

Trump is here because you took too much. Everything wasn't enough. So now here we are at the end. A world surging towards the T in the road and you're wondering why there is Trump? Trump is the rudder that makes us turn one way or the other. You want quiet acceptance of a declining United States sovereignty where we meekly matriculate into a globalist stew where the world is the elite's oyster and everyone else is locked in equal combat for the crumbs that are left. American workers eye-to-eye with third world sweat shops because that's the grist for the Wall Street mill. It's been a rip-roaring ride, hasn't it.

So now the reckoning. Save me your Trump criticisms and judgments. I know what he is. That's precisely why we are sending him to you.
No evidence provided for your comments of unsupported so, unreliable.
Warrior, do you not know the meaning of the word, "unsupported"?

The evidence that wildcatofnati claims are unsupported is that he provided nothing to back up those claims. Absence of supporting information makes said claims...unsupported.
Here you go. The endgame of registering weapons that we are constitutionally guaranteed to have a right to own, a right that "shall not be abridged".

See it here.

"The law, which takes effect immediately, allows police in Hawaii to evaluate whether a firearm owner should continue to possess a gun after being arrested."

Read the article twice if you want to, you still won't see any mention of the criminals who own guns. What does this law do about them?
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