How will they rule ??!

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People say "oh, Trump is embarrassing" and I say "that's exactly my point."

Because they should be embarrassed. We are not bringing Trump to you, you created Trump. Trump is what you have led us to. We have become Trump so why hide it? Why hide the one mirror that makes you see and admit what you are and have created?

The game is not only as Trump says rigged, the game is over. You took everything. The reason we are fighting now is because nothing is left.

Trump is here because you took too much. Everything wasn't enough. So now here we are at the end. A world surging towards the T in the road and you're wondering why there is Trump? Trump is the rudder that makes us turn one way or the other. You want quiet acceptance of a declining United States sovereignty where we meekly matriculate into a globalist stew where the world is the elite's oyster and everyone else is locked in equal combat for the crumbs that are left. American workers eye-to-eye with third world sweat shops because that's the grist for the Wall Street mill. It's been a rip-roaring ride, hasn't it.

So now the reckoning. Save me your Trump criticisms and judgments. I know what he is. That's precisely why we are sending him to you.

Lawd have mercy. Z, this post ought to be a sticky.

Just like GB has been pushed to the point that it is willing to leave the EU, a potentially suicidal move. Same dynamic.
Lawd have mercy. Z, this post ought to be a sticky.

Just like GB has been pushed to the point that it is willing to leave the EU, a potentially suicidal move. Same dynamic.

That sounds like something a loyalist would've said circa June 1776.

It's not suicidal of Great Britain to leave the EU. The ones in power want you to believe that, in the end what we'll see is more Countries leave the EU, and Britain will find itself in the Catbird seat as they were the leader of the movement.

The current leadership in Europe and the US have stated they want a borderless world, what that ends with is one world leader, that is not a good thing.

The British just said they are making a stand against.
That sounds like something a loyalist would've said circa June 1776.

It's not suicidal of Great Britain to leave the EU. The ones in power want you to believe that, in the end what we'll see is more Countries leave the EU, and Britain will find itself in the Catbird seat as they were the leader of the movement.

The current leadership in Europe and the US have stated they want a borderless world, what that ends with is one world leader, that is not a good thing.

The British just said they are making a stand against.

No one knows how this will work out for GB. Could end up being a great move or a catastrophe. We'll see. I was applauding them for being willing to take the chance because they felt pushed so far.

Just as I think the average US citizen (not Paddockites) feels having been pushed so far as to take a chance on someone like Trump.

The exact dynamic is at play.
That sounds like something a loyalist would've said circa June 1776.

It's not suicidal of Great Britain to leave the EU. The ones in power want you to believe that, in the end what we'll see is more Countries leave the EU, and Britain will find itself in the Catbird seat as they were the leader of the movement.

The current leadership in Europe and the US have stated they want a borderless world, what that ends with is one world leader, that is not a good thing.

The British just said they are making a stand against.

Exactly. It's laughable to think this is some sort of suicide. It'll hurt short term, but be much better long term. Britain was giving up way too much and in return getting back way too little. Why stay? Leaving was the only smart move.
Ex Bush fed chairman Paulson endorses Clinton. I'd love to see some of the dems quotes about him while he was in his position. I'm sure then, he had the intelligence barely above a rock.

Compare that to now. Now that he's backing Clinton, the Dems will act as if he's some sort of transcendent genius.
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No one knows how this will work out for GB. Could end up being a great move or a catastrophe. We'll see. I was applauding them for being willing to take the chance because they felt pushed so far.

Just as I think the average US citizen (not Paddockites) feels having been pushed so far as to take a chance on someone like Trump.

The exact dynamic is at play.

fair enough
There's a current out there that has been for a while no matter how bad the MSM, Dem, and Rep leadership don't want there to be....mid terms, votes like this. I know Romney lost big but he was not a part of said current. Just's still out there.

Time for another manufactured week of headlines????

"Republicans about to lose the House and Senate: should they just kill themselves?"

"Major Rep convention shakeup? We discuss with neutral Paul Krugman."

"Trump sexually assualted dozens of women or maybe that was Bill Clinton but it was prolly trump"

"Hillary slated to win 57 states in landslide"

"You're a racist and a bigot.....I bet you didn't know that / guest political editorial by Johnny Depp on the Huffington Post"

Whoa....didn't see this coming from NYT, author still sucks off her cankles as a "common sense pragmatic internationalist" but there's some alarm here...

For Hillary Clinton, Britain’s emotionally charged uprising against the European Union is the sort of populist victory over establishment politics that she fears in the coming presidential election.
According to their friends and advisers, Mrs. Clinton and former President Bill Clinton have worried for months that she was out of sync with the mood of the electorate
Seriously about the headlines yourselves a favor and check the HuffPo once a day just for the headlines....Marc Summers thinks they're paranoid, especially since Trump is about to get landslid (allegedly).

I read a Huffpo headline once that a New England state (I forget which one) was drug-testing welfare folks but only caught one out of those they tested (the implication being of course that druggies don't receive welfare - so don't bother testing them). Here is what reading the whole article revealed.

They only called 15 people in to be tested,

13 of the 15 never showed up to be tested.

Of the two people that showed up one of them failed the drug test.

Thus the factually true, but totally misleading headline "Drug-testing Welfare Recipients Catches Only One Person".Truth being that they actually caught 14 out of 15 random recipients.
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Paulson endorsing Clinton should tell you all you need to know. Same reason why Bernie Sanders is simply unable to hold his nose and endorse her. She is counter to everything this election cycle is about. Counter to everything the Brits did in snubbing the EU.

She is not "out of sync with this election cycle" she is why the "sync" exists in this election cycle. We are told the world is becoming more "open" so we're supposed to hand over our sovereignty and make ourselves comfortable amidst third world wretches so Wall Street can continue flying high.

Who in their right mind believes forcing US workers to compete against slave labor is the way to fix our dwindling middle class who have suffered for decades without seeing any real wage growth? How long do we sit and watch the 1% get fatter and fatter while we're told that's what we have to do because countries, flags, and sovereignty no longer mean anything?

Do you really think we as Americans are immune from the abject suffering you see around the world? That our leaders care too much about us to allow us to descend into abject poverty while Wall Street booms? They already have proven they can sleep soundly while your family is in a cardboard box. They will not bat an eye at what becomes of our citizens, our workers, our middle class.

If what happened in the UK catches on and people around the world in the major industrial countries stand up and demand their countries start protecting their way of life and defending their borders once again, then we can be saved from the swill. Otherwise we will be consumed by it while the Ivory Towers look down with callous amusement at our ignorance.

Send Trump unto them. Say this is what you made me do.
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I read the Huff Po semi regularly for the comedy; man, its some funny stuff.

If you're ever having a down day just read it and be glad you're not of them lol.
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I read the Huff Po semi regularly for the comedy; man, its some funny stuff.

If you're ever having a down day just read it and be glad you're not of them lol.
Salon is another excellent source for SJW comedy. Much of it would appear to be parody; but it's not.
Otherwise we will be consumed by it while the Ivory Towers look down with callous amusement at our ignorance

This is an excellent point. As I've posted often, the left have tons of good ideas that include sacrifices for everyone else. But not them.

Also Gore going on about climate change, while flying around in a jet and having 20,000/month power bill.

Hillary Clinton decrying income inequality, while wearing a 12,000 jacket and living in mansions.

Any dem who preaches about income inequality without donating most of their income to the poor. Sure redistribution isn't the law. But nothings stopping anyone from voluntarily giving their fortune away. Yet how many do it? Any?
I read the Huff Po semi regularly for the comedy; man, its some funny stuff.

If you're ever having a down day just read it and be glad you're not of them lol.

I watch MSNBC a good bit for comedy. Rachel Maddow condescendingly trying to be whitty While blabbering about some nothing issue for an hour that, to her, makes sense on some grand evil republican political scheme. If you haven't fallen asleep at the 20 minute mark, give it time. You'll understand how everything wraps back around to some nothing republican state senator and his mothers confederate flag lapel pin in the end.

Then how could you not love Chris Hayes if you're a conservative. If that smug, ivy league, king Dorkshit persona doesn't do it for you, maybe his 3rd wave feminism will. The best was O'reilly smashing Hayes for his misrepresentation of the factors stance on the South Carolina shooting incident. By the time Hayes, his abysmal ratings, and his failure as a network host were brought to talking points, Hayes issued a full apology to the ass kicking live.

Media Matters is great too. Lots of hilarious shit.
Any dem who preaches about income inequality without donating most of their income to the poor. Sure redistribution isn't the law. But nothings stopping anyone from voluntarily giving their fortune away. Yet how many do it? Any?
You're falling into the trap of rich vs poor which is what kills me. It's what politicians on both sides do while giving only lip service to a besieged middle class.

This country (and all countries for that matter) are effectively dead without a strong vibrant middle class. I've used Mexico as example A for years now. The health of a nation is directly determined by the health of its middle class.

Republicans are looking out for the rich. Democrats pander to the poor and offer up $15 minimum wages. So you wind up with rich vs poor with the middle class continuing to be completely destroyed.

Every time you hear Republican proposals to help the middle class via tax policy or whatever, it essentially is a giveaway to the rich. Every time you hear a Democrat talk about policies to help the middle class, it actually is more handouts to the poor. Then each political party uses the opposite for their fodder... the Republicans demonize the poor to scare the middle class and the Democrats demonize the rich to make the middle class feel like they've been had.

So you wind up in this endless cycle of the middle class getting screwed and effectively all passable legislation winds up benefiting the rich and/or the poor as that's where both parties are entrenched. Of course all the lip service goes to the middle class. Especially at election time.
I dont think anyone is demonizing the poor, I think there's 2 different philosophies on how to help them. One is let's give a man a fish, the other is let's teach a man to fish.

BOTH parties are all about the rich.

There are people who are poor through the circumstances of life (the "deserving needy"). Other people are poor because you can get through life reasonably comfortable (free roof over your head, free food on the table, free medical care and other free goodies) and never have to hit a lick. (the "welfare queens").

Most have some sympathy for the former but have little or none for the latter. The problem comes in being able to separate the two.

The Libs' approach is to help everyone who is poor lest we mistakenly deny help to the deserving needy. Thus, perpetuating the poverty cycle.

The Conservatives' approach is to hardly help anyone who is poor, lest we mistakenly help the undeserving welfare queens. Thus having the reputation of "got mine, screw you".

We always have been and no doubt always will be ruled by the machinations of the rich. They are in the cat bird seat and are smarter and sneakier than us.
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Can't the Queen just say "F*** you" if she wanted to stay in the EU?

And if she doesn't have that power, what the good is she? A stage prop for the world?

And if she did want to leave and had the power, why didn't she make that decision?

Either way. Eff Monarchies. I had to get pissed at something.
That should be their next referendum, get rid of the royal bullshit. Take back the money they've stolen from the people over the years and turn their "castle" into a museum. If I ever meet the queen I'll ask her to pull my finger.
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There are people who are poor through the circumstances of life (the "deserving needy"). Other people are poor because you can get through life reasonably comfortable (free roof over your head, free food on the table, free medical care and other free goodies) and never have to hit a lick. (the "welfare queens").

Most have some sympathy for the former but have little or none for the latter. The problem comes in being able to separate the two.

The Libs' approach is to help everyone who is poor lest we mistakenly deny help to the deserving needy. Thus, perpetuating the poverty cycle.

The Conservatives' approach is to hardly help anyone who is poor, lest we mistakenly help the undeserving welfare queens. Thus having the reputation of "got mine, screw you".

We always have been and no doubt always will be ruled by the machinations of the rich. They are in the cat bird seat and are smarter and sneakier than us.

I don't necessarily disagree, I don't think your idea of conservatives thought process about the poor is correct. They want to help people who are willing to help themselves, and those who cannot help themselves. The line is those who refuse to help themselves.

I'm not against the rich, you should if the opportunity presents itself make as much as ethically possible. I don't however like to be told it's raining when in actuality they're pissing down my back. That's what's happening to the middle class today.
I don't necessarily disagree, I don't think your idea of conservatives thought process about the poor is correct. They want to help people who are willing to help themselves, and those who cannot help themselves. The line is those who refuse to help themselves.

I'm not against the rich, you should if the opportunity presents itself make as much as ethically possible. I don't however like to be told it's raining when in actuality they're pissing down my back. That's what's happening to the middle class today.
I agree with Bill; no problem helping people who try. In my work in community mental health, I see multitudes of people that could help themselves if they were required to do so. The vast majority of people I deal with are struggling with depression and anxiety related problems. Much of their problem is they have nothing to live for; nothing to keep them busy. There are very, very few people that couldn't perform some kind of meaningful labor. It might be picking up cigarette butts along the sidewalks, but even that is honorable work.
I'd have no problem providing health care, food supplements, etc... for people that work.
This is an excellent point. As I've posted often, the left have tons of good ideas that include sacrifices for everyone else. But not them.

Also Gore going on about climate change, while flying around in a jet and having 20,000/month power bill.

Hillary Clinton decrying income inequality, while wearing a 12,000 jacket and living in mansions.

Any dem who preaches about income inequality without donating most of their income to the poor. Sure redistribution isn't the law. But nothings stopping anyone from voluntarily giving their fortune away. Yet how many do it? Any?

Are you advocating killing the President?
Just repeating the feeling I've heard many express over the years
I am surprised no one's taken a shot, though. That's a testimonial to the protective and advance planning details
Besides, we'd have to build a lot more roads. MLK has most of the major ones already taken
I agree with Bill; no problem helping people who try. In my work in community mental health, I see multitudes of people that could help themselves if they were required to do so. The vast majority of people I deal with are struggling with depression and anxiety related problems. Much of their problem is they have nothing to live for; nothing to keep them busy. There are very, very few people that couldn't perform some kind of meaningful labor. It might be picking up cigarette butts along the sidewalks, but even that is honorable work.
I'd have no problem providing health care, food supplements, etc... for people that work.

I spent a month in training in CA to be a welfare department interviewer. The subject of unworthy people getting welfare was not allowed to be discussed in class. No personal observations or suspicions of a person's worthiness was allowed at all. Just enter the data given, true or not, into the computer and you're done.

I turned in my pencil and left after one month.
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I agree with Bill; no problem helping people who try. In my work in community mental health, I see multitudes of people that could help themselves if they were required to do so. The vast majority of people I deal with are struggling with depression and anxiety related problems. Much of their problem is they have nothing to live for; nothing to keep them busy. There are very, very few people that couldn't perform some kind of meaningful labor. It might be picking up cigarette butts along the sidewalks, but even that is honorable work.
I'd have no problem providing health care, food supplements, etc... for people that work.

I worked in a group home for eight years with at risk youth. One of the things that bothered me the most was how volunteers, with the best of intentions, would donate things like trips to Disneyland and massive amounts of Christmas presents. Completely unrealistic to the kinds of lives their parents could afford. The kids lived in a high end summer camp year round, and when it came time for them to get real and get a job, they usually fell flat on their face. It took a lot of effort to break them from the mindset that in order to be productive members of society, they actually had to produce. Some got it. Most didn't.
Just repeating the feeling I've heard many express over the years
I am surprised no one's taken a shot, though. That's a testimonial to the protective and advance planning details
Besides, we'd have to build a lot more roads. MLK has most of the major ones already taken
You've heard that people want to? Or surprised no one has?

Come on man. That's crazy. It's the president. Agree or disagree, you can still respect the position. It's the great thing about democracy, you want change, you vote for it. Not subtle jabs at killing the person.

That's how terrorists think.
You've heard that people want to? Or surprised no one has?

Come on man. That's crazy. It's the president. Agree or disagree, you can still respect the position. It's the great thing about democracy, you want change, you vote for it. Not subtle jabs at killing the person.

That's how terrorists think.
Maybe hanging a noose from a tree is his idea of funny :thumbsdown:
Wait a minute......and while I agree you do realize we have overthrown a few leaders during Obama/Killiary right? Which is part of why terrorists hate us?

You are aware that this is true......bring Bush too and whoever else you want for that matter.

But if only terrorists think this way what are we?
You've heard that people want to? Or surprised no one has?

Come on man. That's crazy. It's the president. Agree or disagree, you can still respect the position. It's the great thing about democracy, you want change, you vote for it. Not subtle jabs at killing the person.

That's how terrorists think.

Brother, it's actually backwards. The position changes you. Candidates will say anything they can to get the most votes to get that position. They will even lie. Gasp!

Ya know, as Ben Franklin said and I know we've had a million mf'ing Ben Franklin quotes on here. hahaha

BUT I say this. Ben Franklin was prolly my favorite American of all time.


I am done putting these the mf'ers on a pedal. The only reason why I do in public is because power kills people who question it. I can't wait to die. Seriously. But I don't want to do it on someone else's terms. Challenging authority mean death.
You've heard that people want to? Or surprised no one has?

Come on man. That's crazy. It's the president. Agree or disagree, you can still respect the position. It's the great thing about democracy, you want change, you vote for it. Not subtle jabs at killing the person.

That's how terrorists think.
Let me clarify my position. No, I do not advocate nor would I want anyone to kill this President or any other. Our form of government and the offices therein I respect. Our founding fathers thought through the system of checks and balances with remarkable clarity. I do NOT have any confidence anymore in the people who make up both the elected officials or the bureaucrats who support our politicians. Neither party, makes no difference. This country is so divided in so many ways it's like the fault lines of San Andreas - sooner or later something big is going to give. I expect it to fragment within the next 100 years.
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Just repeating the feeling I've heard many express over the years
I am surprised no one's taken a shot, though. That's a testimonial to the protective and advance planning details
Besides, we'd have to build a lot more roads. MLK has most of the major ones already taken
Actually, it is a testimony to how far we have come as a nation. Not the racist the left makes this country out to be.
I have travelled the country extensively and spoken with all types - everyday working people, business owners, some who are educated and those who are not, old and young - one thing I can attest to - a universal distrust and dissatisfaction with the government. Why do you think people are stockpiling guns and ammo?
Very reactionary responses. Funny how every generation thinks this one is the worst.

We've had guns being stock piled since the founding of this country. People have always been sensative.

No one is putting the president on a pedestal, in fact, nothing is more American than questioning its leaders. It's more than a right, it's a duty.

Just odd to make subtle hints at assassination.
Very reactionary responses. Funny how every generation thinks this one is the worst.

We've had guns being stock piled since the founding of this country. People have always been sensative.

No one is putting the president on a pedestal, in fact, nothing is more American than questioning its leaders. It's more than a right, it's a duty.

Just odd to make subtle hints at assassination.

That's what keeps us in check...
we need to keep ourselves in check. utopia doesn't exist. we have always stock piled guns, and we always should. screw the rest of the world. eff europe. i like a country that likes a fight. humans need a release. advocate for the purge. let evolution run its course. i know which one will still be standing when the dust clears. to hell with globalism, centralized govts making decisions for masses. peoples have become too comfy with the world, and we are way too overpopulated. let's take the gloves off again and see who wants to tango. do business with what is left.