You way over estimate Trumps bargaining power and way under estimate China's ability to plan long term. Xi has China's roadmap laid out for 50 years. We can't even map out our future for 50 days. Im real sure they will just cave after a month, that has worked out real well so far. China is growing 3x faster than we are, they have a lot more room to breath and a leader that has no fear of losing an election. The US companies that are taking a big hit from the tariffs aren't even bringing the jobs back to the US, they are moving them to Vietnam. The rest of the companies will just raise prices and crush consumers. So the tariffs are a complete failure at every level.Im not seeing the negative here. This kind of seems like pro Trump moment. Trump is making it very public how many times China has lied about a deal with us. He is making it well known to everyone that China is purposely trying to screw over the US. Because of that Trump is going to squeeze them and force them into a better deal for the US.
My guess is he is going to put up some tariffs, our economy will take a slight hit, you will come here everyday posting the stock market hits and acting like its the end of the Trump's good economy. While this is happening, China's economy will take an even bigger hit and a month or so after the tariffs, China and US will have a new trade deal that is more favorable for the US.