How will they rule ??!

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Good lord. Trump taking head-on two black icons and calling them to the carpet, this close to an election.

Imagine what he's going to be like when he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected.

I think he should hold rallies in both Sharpton's and Cummings' areas.

Libs will obviously make this about race and fear monger, as opposed to acknowledging the truth even if it was pointed out in an inflammatory manner. Regardless I'm almost willing to bet Trump could run with this Baltimore thing and win more votes out of that district than any pub ever has.

One does not just simply wake up and say "I think I'll stir the pot a bit today and throw haymakers at a civil rights icon, who has MLK ties and call into question WTF he has actually done over decades for his people who are struggling..."

Someone who is following data and such things has to be telling the Pres. that there is a reason to do so. An opportunity to gain some traction in a district most pubs would just write off and not say boo about if it went down the toilet.
If I'm a black kid walking down the ghetto streets of Baltimore I look around and say, "Thank you President Trump". Somebody understands
C'mon, Canuck. That's a very disingenuous, if not idiotic post.

Let's focus just on the manufacturing sector for a minute...

What's it like for American plants, especially in small town America, when they have to compete with Mexico for plant locations? How or why would a company keep a plant in Frankfort, KY that has unionized employees with high labor costs, has to comply with OSHA standards, and has to meet government regulated environmental standards? When they can simply move the plant to Mexico where they don't have any of the above restrictions and can thusly operate the plant at less than half the overhead cost...and yet still have free reign to turn around and sell their product in the US without tariff restrictions.

It's not a balanced playing field. It's not even the same ballpark.

Just looking at one of those factors for a moment...manufacturing labor costs in Mexico are up to 80% cheaper than American unionized plants. The average manufacturing wage in Mexico as of April of 2019 was $4.74/hr. FOUR EFFING SEVENTY FOUR

So, you might want to pipe down and sit this one out, eh?
So you want Americans to get paid $5 an hour so we can compete with Mexico's plants? Conservatives have been preaching for 50 years that it's not the governments job to interfere with the free market by picking industries to prop up. The GoP has always fought against tariffs. In america we have high standards for employers because we value the time and safety of our workforce, well we at least force companies to pretend to. Before unions and OSHA we allowed child slave labor and third world country workforce fatality rates. If our society put more value on lifting up our fellow citizens instead of padding profit margins those companies might be willing to keep those jobs here. They would just have to except a billion or 2 in profit instead of 5 billion. But some things like clothes will never be profitable to mass produce in the US because Americans are no longer interested in working like slaves. America stays on top by innovating and creating new massively profitable industry not by clinging to the past.
Make that a double sweetheart

Didn't know Pelosi had a drinking problem.
You know if Trump wants to make a difference in Baltimore he should just go down the hall. Kushner made most of his money by being a Baltimore slumlord.

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So you want Americans to get paid $5 an hour so we can compete with Mexico's plants? Conservatives have been preaching for 50 years that it's not the governments job to interfere with the free market by picking industries to prop up. The GoP has always fought against tariffs. In america we have high standards for employers because we value the time and safety of our workforce, well we at least force companies to pretend to. Before unions and OSHA we allowed child slave labor and third world country workforce fatality rates. If our society put more value on lifting up our fellow citizens instead of padding profit margins those companies might be willing to keep those jobs here. They would just have to except a billion or 2 in profit instead of 5 billion. But some things like clothes will never be profitable to mass produce in the US because Americans are no longer interested in working like slaves. America stays on top by innovating and creating new massively profitable industry not by clinging to the past.

I don't think you understood his post.
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I don't think you understood his post.
He just has no point to his post. Wants to bitch and moan instead of accepting reality. Greedy companies are propped up by a GoP leadership that bends over backwards to ensure their padded profit margins at the expense of GoP voters. Mitch McConnell doesn't give a shit about anyone in KY, he cares about campaign donations and staying in the senate for life. He accomplishes that by passing hundreds of laws over decades that have made it easier for companies to **** over their employees.
He just has no point to his post. Wants to bitch and moan instead of accepting reality. Greedy companies are propped up by a GoP leadership that bends over backwards to ensure their padded profit margins at the expense of GoP voters. Mitch McConnell doesn't give a shit about anyone in KY, he cares about campaign donations and staying in the senate for life. He accomplishes that by passing hundreds of laws over decades that have made it easier for companies to **** over their employees.

He had a very clear point in the conversation he was involved in.
You know if Trump wants to make a difference in Baltimore he should just go down the hall. Kushner made most of his money by being a Baltimore slumlord.

Yeah, maybe the guy that owns some building there, or.......

Catherine Pugh is the 12th Baltimore mayor to resign from the office ...
Apr 29, 2019 - Twelve Baltimore mayors, now including Catherine Pugh, have given up the office over the years. ... Previous to Pugh, the most recent predecessor to resign was Mayor Sheila Dixon, who announced ... Jan 07, 2010 | 3:00 AM.
Trump is using "Divide and Conquer" against the Dems... and they don't even realize it.

No way an intelligent working black can support what has gone on in Baltimore.

I don't think they support Sharpton, Jackson, et al either. Besides being old and out of touch, those folks have done NOTHING for blacks.
This isn't Trump playing 4D chess, this is Trump playing Checkers but the left and the media playing UNO instead. Its beyond obvious what Trump is doing, he knows whatever he says there will be a major uproar from the left and the media.

I mean the dude said protesting the anthem was unpatriotic, the media made it seem like it was the most patriotic thing someone can do. Said crossing the border illegal was... well illegal, leftist and the media then went on to say it should be decriminalized and protecting the border is equal to being Nazis. Baltimore is a rat infested hell hole, media and leftist, no no Baltimore is an amazing place to live, now Sharpton.

My thing is if Trump is going to do this, he needs to not do it once or twice every week. He needs to pick his battles more often because people just forget about the last thing when the next thing gets brought up.
He had a very clear point in the conversation he was involved in.
That we need protectionist policy for our manufacturing, i.e. tariffs. So once again which is it, tariffs or free trade? Republicans have been the free trade party for decades up until Trump. Y'all are arguing out of both sides of your mouth and acting like there's no contradiction.
My thing is if Trump is going to do this, he needs to not do it once or twice every week.
It really just a giant game of "I know you are, but what am I?" and the Dems just keep falling for it. It's uncanny, they honestly cannot stop themselves; it's an addiction.

Trump needs to save a big one for 2020. Tweet out something like, "it's a terrible, anti-American idea to want to execute every white person in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, and Ohio!"

In a week you can imagine what the Democrat nominee will have added to their platform. I can already read the Vox/NYT headline now. "Why Trump's plan to not kill whitey is dangerous to black folk and other POC"