Bernie's answer is to have rural law abiding citizens turn in their guns. That will solve this crisis.
The Democrats have no interest in solving the crisis. They do have interest in disarming those they want to control.
Lol..muh Russia
The more I see of Crenshaw, the more I like him. 95% of the tweets that are reposted here are partisan trash - Crenshaw actually offers up legitimate, thought provoking stuff. I think Twitter is a blight on society and have never used it, but I appreciate you posting Crenshaw's stuff here.
2024 just get here already so I can cast a vote for the Crenshaw/Haley ticket.
Yeah. I’m not a fan of many politicians and think most of them are trash. He’s one of the few I feel is genuine and he takes time to explain what he thinks and thoroughly explains why.
If you use Twitter, I'm assuming you can filter which tweets you see, can block users, etc? Seems like everyone is using it, might be time to join the 21st century.
Baltimore is a shithole. Maryland is a nice state, there are several beautiful areas and excellent neighborhoods, but Baltimore proper is awful. It's a shame too, because the location is perfect. Beautiful views of the Ocean from some of the high rises.
Short answer? Blacks. Yes, I said it.
I disagree.
The welfare state entitling citizens will lead to this.
Predominantly white rural areas get plenty of government assistance too. You don't see trailer parks infested with rats and criminals.
I’m sure Obama had some not-so-positive thoughts about some of these shithole cities and towns that litter our nation.
He was smart to keep them to himself.
Trump should take note, but it’s probably too late.
Anyway, I’m hoping to get to Baltimore for a long weekend this fall. As always, I’ll report back with my take.
It is not as concentrated. It is there in places. Many people in trailer parks work.
Please President Trump do this. If a MAGA hat can be referred to as terrorism why not a hooded bunch of pussies running through our streets