Sick dog. LolYou want more? I'm home taking care of my sick dog. I got all night. Liberal douchebag.
Sick dog. LolYou want more? I'm home taking care of my sick dog. I got all night. Liberal douchebag.
Sick dog. Lol
You mean all those field goals were kicked by a fing immigrant
This. All of this. The sheer joy Joy is exactly how he should feel. Yet somehow some people think we should just throw open the gates in return for some votes.
Doing do completely devalues everything he and others like him endured.
We're a nation of immigrants? Fact. But didn't come easy. People had to literally fight scratch and claw an existence out of the wilderness. Pushing the frontier and settling the land. Risking life and limb in return for homestead and the furtherance of our infant nation.
But we're also a nation of laws. you know the two Dem deities that said this. And it's true. All the above followed laws. No reason for anyone not to do the same.
Even as a practical matter - why do we want anyone when their first act is to eschew law and order?
So you could save one off a sinking ship. Dog or trump?Now I have a problem. Make fun of me or my political takes. Talk bad about my 14 yr old chocolate lab. **** you and burn in hell POS.
I have all night too. I'm just up preordering both Obama books and Megan R new books.
So you could save one off a sinking ship. Dog or trump?
Yeah that's a bit dull. To quote your buddy "do you party bro?". Obviously not,I have all night too. I'm just up preordering both Obama books and Megan R new books.
History will slaughter trump.You would. A loser president and a dyke..
Don't want you on my side.
History will slaughter trump.
So trump?Really are the biggest POS in the history of rivals.
Amazing. I miss the smart Dems from 2016
Well trump will be there waiting on meNo. No it will not. You my friend. Have a special place in hell.
Who is paying for it?
God your simple. A sucker really. So easy to manipulate.
So trump?
Mexico mailed the check last WednesdayYes you’re a master manipulator. Totally sick burn there with “but is Mexico paying?”
That’s the whelp of a beaten cur.
Just your muttSo you hate Trump and dogs? Or all animals?
Not expecting an intelligent response.
Just your mutt
Baron trump too. That poor bastard doesn't have a chance.Sounds like a typical liberal POS. My dog is 1000X times smarter, nicer, and more respectful than you dipshit.
Just your mutt
You mean all those field goals were kicked by a fing immigrant
Baron trump too. That poor bastard doesn't have a chance.
Simple. Easy. Basic.Wanna say that to my face without a mask or a mob?
That dull boy will make Eric look smart.When are you going to get move out of mommy's basement? Baron might be president one day. Something u will lol never be
Simple. Easy. Basic.
Mexico mailed the check last Wednesday
Internet tough guy. My favorite kind of douche.Confirms you are a coward POS. Everyone here already knew. But thanks
But he said Mexico was paying. Did he not. Refute it.Every Mexican that doesn’t come illegally is money saved.
Refute that.
While you’re at it, ponder how it came to pass that you root for foreigners over taxpayers.
If your to stupid to read an article you can google the BEA official data tables. I assume your aren't to ****ing stupid to add 4 numbers and divide. 2017 is 2.8%, 2018 is 2.5%, and 2019 will end up somewhere around 2%. A nice downward trend for a BOOMING economy. The tax cut was supposed to pay for itself and make GDP explode. It did neither of those things, instead did the exact opposite. Guess what was down 12%??? Business investment, they took all that bribe from Trump and stashed it away.Nice try. Not only does it not make sense. It was totally wrong. Link me something that makes sense, not the hill.
Internet tough guy. My favorite kind of douche.
If your to stupid to read an article you can google the BEA official data tables. I assume your aren't to ****ing stupid to add 4 numbers and divide. 2017 is 2.8%, 2018 is 2.5%, and 2019 will end up somewhere around 2%. A nice downward trend for a BOOMING economy. The tax cut was supposed to pay for itself and make GDP explode. It did neither of those things, instead did the exact opposite. Guess what was down 12%??? Business investment, they took all that bribe from Trump and stashed it away.
The Commerce Department on Friday revised G.D.P. data back to 2014, an annual process that incorporates data not available when earlier estimates were released. The revisions made 2017 look stronger than first reported, while 2018 now looks weaker.
Before the revisions, growth last year met Mr. Trump’s 3 percent target by one of two commonly used measures. (It fell just short by the other.) Now, by the White House’s preferred method, G.D.P. grew just 2.5 percent last year.
If your to stupid to read an article you can google the BEA official data tables. I assume your aren't to ****ing stupid to add 4 numbers and divide. 2017 is 2.8%, 2018 is 2.5%, and 2019 will end up somewhere around 2%. A nice downward trend for a BOOMING economy. The tax cut was supposed to pay for itself and make GDP explode. It did neither of those things, instead did the exact opposite. Guess what was down 12%??? Business investment, they took all that bribe from Trump and stashed it away.
The Commerce Department on Friday revised G.D.P. data back to 2014, an annual process that incorporates data not available when earlier estimates were released. The revisions made 2017 look stronger than first reported, while 2018 now looks weaker.
Before the revisions, growth last year met Mr. Trump’s 3 percent target by one of two commonly used measures. (It fell just short by the other.) Now, by the White House’s preferred method, G.D.P. grew just 2.5 percent last year.
It would have been so good if it wasn't for those pesky kids!Also did you ever consider what could have been without dipshit losers like you and Ed, Nancy, Chuck not doing shit to help our president or nation, American citizens?
Nope. Amazing it's going as good as it is.
Without you losers
the graph is from the BEA website updated yesterday you fake news parrot. People on this board are so brainless. can't breath without instruction from their overlordLinking a nytimes link I will just laught at you. Nothing you post is true, has happened or is going to happen. Fake news