Depends how it gets reported I suppose:
Minorities are disproportionately affected by the poor leadership there...who have been in charge 50 years
And you pay. CongratsWhile you dodge and weave, the wall goes up.
True. Trump has zero tact though. None. He just tweets from a place of rage and insecurity, almost every day. Using the word “infested” repeatedly when talking about cities and countries with large minority populations? Come on.
I’m no Bernie bro, but if Trump had tweeted that, verbatim, instead of the hateful spewfest from earlier today....the blowback would be much less severe.
You're a smart guy, I'm sure you understand that there are many, many ways people receive government assistance. The majority of people on food stamps work but simply don't make enough money to support their families. I suppose we could just completely end government assistance and let the chips fall where they may. Is that your plan?
You're a smart guy, I'm sure you understand that there are many, many ways people receive government assistance. The majority of people on food stamps work but simply don't make enough money to support their families. I suppose we could just completely end government assistance and let the chips fall where they may. Is that your plan?
TruthI love watching the twitter battle between screwduke and brassow. It's always a tight race as to who can regurgitate right wing tweets faster. I think screw is usually a little quicker on the trigger. Step your game up brassow.
It wouldn’t matter, the point is now eyes are on Baltimore.
Elijah Cummings is constantly praised as a champion for AA communities. Yet his district that he’s represented for decades is a shithole.
Ahem, as our duly elected leader, President Trump is performing at expectations: Promote USA-made products. Fine example of a businessman.Awwww HELL NO!
I had only previously seen Trump’s tweet about American vs. French wine. Now I just saw the video. This idiot. He notes that he doesn’t drink, and says that he simply prefers American wines over French expressions because they “look better.”
Hahahahaha he said that shit in front of cameras! Freaking moron.
The Obamas had shitty taste in wine and didn’t know how to even hold a glass, but at least they partied. Trump is a damn BUM!
Speaking of rodent infested shitholes, how is old 420 bro?Lol now trump has forced idiots to defend rodent infested shitholes.
Bernie is a conservative?IMO the only eyes on Baltimore are from conservatives who pretend to care. “Poor areas exist in larger cities” isn’t news to anyone who has a brain. But hey...with our BOOMING ECONOMY they’re definitely headed for prosperity!
When poor white cities and rich white people get strung out on opioids, it’s a national crisis. When black people coming from generational poverty have decreased lifespans due to drug abuse, violence, and poor nutrition/housing...find the nearest district rep and blame it all on them.
“But what about Chicago?”
“But what about St. Louis?”
“But what about Baltimore?”
Most conservatives ask these questions with hollow intentions, and only when it’s convenient.
IMO the only eyes on Baltimore are from conservatives who pretend to care. “Poor areas exist in larger cities” isn’t news to anyone who has a brain. But hey...with our BOOMING ECONOMY they’re definitely headed for prosperity!
When poor white cities and rich white people get strung out on opioids, it’s a national crisis. When black people coming from generational poverty have decreased lifespans due to drug abuse, violence, and poor nutrition/housing...find the nearest district rep and blame it all on them.
“But what about Chicago?”
“But what about St. Louis?”
“But what about Baltimore?”
Most conservatives ask these questions with hollow intentions, and only when it’s convenient.
What are you talking about???? This is a perfectly logical, coherent congressional district.....
Ahem, as our duly elected leader, President Trump is performing at expectations: Promote USA-made products. Fine example of a businessman.
French wine vs US wine. Um, yeah, the French have been this game much longer (6th century BC) vs USA (~300 years), and also enjoy higher production. 84% of US wineries are located in California, primarily Napa Valley.
Is the Frog swill better? Well, it sells for more per liter on average than comparable American products. Personally speaking, I prefer German white wine before dinner and American or Spanish or Italian after.
So what the hell happened to your vaunted DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT regarding wines? You know Australia, Chile and Eastern Europe also produce great great at more affordable price-points, right?
I'll hang up and listen.
Liberal run those cities. Go smoke more grass.
How's your pup?Liberal run those cities. Go smoke more grass.
IMO the only eyes on Baltimore are from conservatives who pretend to care. “Poor areas exist in larger cities” isn’t news to anyone who has a brain. But hey...with our BOOMING ECONOMY they’re definitely headed for prosperity!
When poor white cities and rich white people get strung out on opioids, it’s a national crisis. When black people coming from generational poverty have decreased lifespans due to drug abuse, violence, and poor nutrition/housing...find the nearest district rep and blame it all on them.
“But what about Chicago?”
“But what about St. Louis?”
“But what about Baltimore?”
Most conservatives ask these questions with hollow intentions, and only when it’s convenient.
It wouldn’t matter, the point is now eyes are on Baltimore.
Elijah Cummings is constantly praised as a champion for AA communities. Yet his district that he’s represented for decades is a shithole.
Translation: How dare Trump even consider promoting American-made products. WTF was he thinking?Did you really think I was bullshitting? I can talk wine all day, bro.
I enjoy dry, acidic, mineral-driven German Riesling multiple times per week. Went to the Rheingau region quite recently. Still have a bottle of 2000 JB Becker trocken Riesling in the wine fridge. Aged Riesling has that weird “pool toy” nose mixed with toffee that I can’t resist.
The Loire valley is packed with tremendous white wines. Bordeaux of course has its classics but you can’t assume everything from Bordeaux is top-quality. My wife likes French wines way more than I do, but I have obvious respect for their contributions. Loire valley Chenin Blanc is my favorite right now - weird wooly nose with minerality and complexity. Could drink it all day.
New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is one of my favorites. Grassy and acidic. Instantly recognizable.
Just brought back 12 bottles of Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling, and sparkling wines back from the Okanagan wine region in Canada. That was two months ago.
Napa was beautiful. Still sitting on a couple 2008 vintages of Cab and Pinot, as well as a few red blends that were delicious. Drank all the rest, including a crazy good bottle of Chardonnay from Failla and every bottle of Mathiasson we brought back.
Spanish wines are cool for the price point. Actually they’re quite underrated. My wife is headed to Barcelona in a couple months to do some more research, then off to Austria to do even more wine exploration.
Crisp, dry Rose from anywhere is always nice, especially during these brutal Nashville summers. Orange wine is something we’ve tried a few times, but most of them seem flawed and tough to pull off. The journey still continues.
I have trips to Portugal and New York lined up for the near future, but those can always change. Wine, records, and leisure are at the forefront of all my vacations. In that aspect, the only DIVERSITY is the location, my bro.
Let’s bore the hell out of this thread and talk about wine and music. I’m here for all of that.
Probably one of my fav @420 Bro posts yet. Republicans he claims dont care about anyone, so he puts an entire blanket over everyone...yet he thinks dems are full of caring as opposed to just wanting to be in control as observed by every historically ran dem city. Throwing govt on everything doesn't work, opposing that isnt bc you're mean..its bc you know it's full of unintended consequences.
Have fun when you go to Baltimore and only visit the white areas.
Bruh: 0
FIFYHe's drunk on over-priced French wine again. Seriously
Probably one of my fav @420 Bro posts yet. Republicans he claims dont care about anyone, so he puts an entire blanket over everyone...yet he thinks dems are full of caring as opposed to just wanting to be in control as observed by every historically ran dem city. Throwing govt on everything doesn't work, opposing that isnt bc you're mean..its bc you know it's full of unintended consequences.
Have fun when you go to Baltimore and only visit the white areas.
Bruh: 0
The last time you tip-toed into these waters, you went too far. Got too cocky. Tried to play the hip-hop card and got owned. Wanna try that again, bro? Tell me more about your love for DJ Premier...oh and how I don’t know half of what Kanye has produced...OH and your love for Eminem.
You guys wanna play these reindeer games and I’m totally here for it. Thrill me.
He needs division in race relations to survive.
What the hell are you talking about?