How will they rule ??!

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This is total BS since Bill Clinton has been fairly well criticized for his behavior and I have posted on this board his association with Epstein as well as Trumps. You sir do not tell the truth, you just tell what you want people to hear.
Do you post under a different name?

I only see Trump and Epstein mentioned together in your posts...never Clinton. Site has a search feature as well with no results...?
Do you post under a different name?

I only see Trump and Epstein mentioned together in your posts...never Clinton. Site has a search feature as well with no results...?

Lol, he's lying. Trump has no history with Epstein. Unless you count the time Epstein was barred from Trump's place due to Epstein raping an employee's daughter
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Lol, he's lying. Trump has no history with Epstein. Unless you count the time Epstein was barred from Trump's place due to Epstein raping an employee's daughter
2002: "A Trump biographer, Tim O'Brien, tweeted the quote on Saturday. It came from a New York magazine profile of Epstein, in which Trump said: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.""

Not at all damning considering the length of time ago this occurred & DJT was just making an observation. I mean DJT could say the same about himself. NBD.
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I would be shocked if Bill Clinton wasn't implicated in the Epstein stuff, but I would not be shocked if Trump was. It's absurd to pretend you know exactly who went to a secret elite pedophile island 10 years ago, and it's even more absurd to pretend you know who our awesome justice system will punish for it.
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2002: "A Trump biographer, Tim O'Brien, tweeted the quote on Saturday. It came from a New York magazine profile of Epstein, in which Trump said: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.""

Not at all damning considering the length of time ago this occurred & DJT was just making an observation. I mean DJT could say the same about himself. NBD.

Agreed. Just because rich socialites rub elbows doesn't really mean they had any association. I doubt Trump even knew of the dark sick practices of Epstein. I doubt teenagers were at those parties.

But you don't see any democrat on here talking about their own political/celebrity hereos ties to Epstein
l wonder why
New book shows trump admin had tons of dirt on Blassey-Ford that showed she was actually a piece of shit, but they held it bc they knew they would get accused of victim shaming or whatever.

It was pretty obvious it was a political stunt, but the depth of a liberals cognition isnt very deep..they always believe what they're told.
So his lawyers are saying "this is ancient, he's already been tried for this..." and epstein is saying "ok i'll give you names if you give me less than 5 years..."

I don't believe any of that. Get real. The guy has the best lawyers on earth.

Bet your money on...
1. He will get less than 5 years, probably a lot less than that.
2. Nobody worth a damn will be implicated in this. Not even R Kelly.
3. This charade will take forevvvveerrrrrr, and most everybody will have forgotten about it when judge eventually sentences him to time served + counseling.
Bet your money on...
1. He will get less than 5 years, probably a lot less than that.
2. Nobody worth a damn will be implicated in this. Not even R Kelly.
3. This charade will take forevvvveerrrrrr, and most everybody will have forgotten about it when judge eventually sentences him to time served + counseling.

4. Trump's name will get dragged through the mud and tied to this all the way through the next election by the MSM.

5. Trump will still win. After he wins the 2020 election...Trump's name will no longer be mentioned in this case.

6. Dems will move to impeach Trump based on clear evidence of his obvious connection to Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance, the Kennedy assasination, and the unexplainable cancellation of the Dave Chappelle Show.
It is a stretch to say Epstein previously spent 13 months in jail.

Apparently he was allowed to leave jail for most of the day to go home/his office.

But this is the first I'm hearing about a house manager going to jail for trying to sell his black book.

Also, not surprisingly they now describe Epstein as "not reformed, he is not chastened, he is not repentant."

He has a decent argument for double jeopardy. Thanks of course to the feds letting him off the hook last time. No doubt that was a major inside job because normally they crucify even the hint of child misconduct, as they should.

Also interesting he was serving what they call a split sentence or community corrections. That's where you basically just sleep at a jail or halfway house but free during the day for work. What a joke to think anyone like this got such a sweetheart deal
So his lawyers are saying "this is ancient, he's already been tried for this..." and epstein is saying "ok i'll give you names if you give me less than 5 years..."

I don't believe any of that. Get real. The guy has the best lawyers on earth.

Bet your money on...
1. He will get less than 5 years, probably a lot less than that.
2. Nobody worth a damn will be implicated in this. Not even R Kelly.
3. This charade will take forevvvveerrrrrr, and most everybody will have forgotten about it when judge eventually sentences him to time served + counseling.

I’ve always been of the belief that pedophiles can’t be cured or rehabilitated. It’s a sickness. We could save a lot of money by just putting them down when they are caught. We can start with Epstein, Clinton and their crew. Sickos.
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I can’t wrap my head around wealthy, powerful people wanting to have sex with teenage girls. At least not as many as have been hinted.
Is it possible Epstein lied about the age, filmed them and then told them how old the girls were?
How he came about his wealth has always seemed a bit of a mystery if you are to believe what is written.
Let's take a step back. Has anything really changed? Why is anyone surprised by the actions of the rich and powerful? Sweeping it under the rug accomplished nothing. There is no deterrent.

He has a decent argument for double jeopardy. Thanks of course to the feds letting him off the hook last time. No doubt that was a major inside job because normally they crucify even the hint of child misconduct, as they should.

Also interesting he was serving what they call a split sentence or community corrections. That's where you basically just sleep at a jail or halfway house but free during the day for work. What a joke to think anyone like this got such a sweetheart deal
Further proof we have a tow tiered justice system. Them and us. Us would be fried, them pampered with fluff and sweetness
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I’ve always been of the belief that pedophiles can’t be cured or rehabilitated. It’s a sickness. We could save a lot of money by just putting them down when they are caught. We can start with Epstein, Clinton and their crew. Sickos.
It started there?