How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Me and Austin will take all you left diaper wearing whinny asses on...I want Gassy on my team as well.
Didn't his grandfather own and run whorehouses.​
That is the worlds oldest profession. Prostitution is a verbal contract between two consenting adults. Monetary exchange for service rendered. Capitalism at its best. But Being a Liberal, I am sure you hate capitalism, right?
Im drunk posting, vote for Harris if you want, thats your choice but don’t expect me to satisfy your vote by clapping for it. Im have ****ed up and still making more sense. And no offense...
Someone else brought that up. I agree it's ridiculous to hold people responsible for things their family did years ago. grassy knowles made the Harris and slave comment.
Someone else brought that up. I agree it's ridiculous to hold people responsible for things their family did years ago. They made the Harris and slave comment.

Only as a rebuttal for what she was claiming. She slapped her own dumbass in the face. Helen Keller would have seen that
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That is the worlds oldest profession. Prostitution is a verbal contract between two consenting adults. Monetary exchange for service rendered. Capitalism at its best. But Being a Liberal, I am sure you hate capitalism, right?
Yeah pimps are know for their fair practices and excellent treatment of their contract employees.
Btw. Kappetmick ( who cares about spelling in these days ) as well as Rapmyhole ( again the spelling thing ) can kiss my American flag flying ass
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Yeah pimps are know for their fair practices and excellent treatment of their contract employees.

They are when it's regulated outside Vegas.

Hilarious you're talking fair practices and excellent treatment sarcastically when one of your candidates OWNED slaves.
I still think its hilarious these America hate pusses still will not go to any other countries to spread their bullshit. Don’t like it here leave. How much more simple can it be. They don't understand that yet want me to believe they know whats right for me.
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Will Harris pay reparations? I know the answer to that already.

No one is paying reparations. I will win the $500 billion lotto before Americans pay reparations

One would think before I open that can of worms is my ass covered. Not rocket science at all, but yet she is a millennial dem. Need I say more? A ****in mongoloid monkey with no eyesight would see that. No offense meant to mongoloids.
If your a politician, you go to the poorest most needy side of town in your high dollar suit and Cadillac car and say look what my thinking has done for me, they see the suit and car but never look at the flashy wad of money. On the outside it big bucks, but peel it back its nothing but paper. Its sad the so needy and desperate cant see this. And most are illegal's thinking this guy has my back and Im gonna be rich someday. How sinister is that?
Lmao, Biden won't even be the nominee for the dems let alone beat Trump.

Biden has been a train wreck.

Lib power brokers that had to twist the poor old fart's arm and drag him out of retirement are regretting their decision. He was much better for the party as the lovable former VP who would pop up every now and then, take a pot shot at Trump/pubs, and then the internet would gush with Obama/Biden ebony and ivory pals memes...

He wasn't in the spotlight, didn't have to be scrutinized, scandals and skeletons didn't need to be revisited.

Pretty clear, with Warren and Kamala gaining some ground and press after basically being non-contenders, that the party and their social, entertainment, media complex want a female.

Bernie seems to have the movement with him, but I think the party will find a way to screw him out of the big show. He's the real deal holifield in terms of wackadoo liberal/socialist credentials, and at least he's authentic and honest in that regard, but he won't get the women or minority vote. Libs know it.

Hillary won the woman vote not totally because of her policies or likability but because ladies wanted to break the glass ceiling, and Trump just tends to not be all that likable even among women who may align more with his policies.

If the race comes down to two off putting old yankee dudes then putting a woman or minority in the white house won't be a thing. Therefore I think a lot of women, minorities, moderates, and independents would just error on the side of the incumbent with the pro american platform.

The woman in the front was in a video from Miami the other day, she was yelling at Cubans for supporting Trump. These people travel around the country on Soros's dollar and are paid by Soros, but the media reports this as some organic wonderful demonstration of people that just want to protest America. And the idiot liberals on here believe that.
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I pull up to a red light I see red, yellow , and green. The gains we have made with this administration is that simple to see. How does anybody not see that. And Im a registered democrat and have been for years. But in the most ****ed up mind the democrat party now is nowhere in the realm of what it used to be. Again, how does anybody not see that?
You spelled trump wrong.

Lol, boo hoo. I hope you're miserable.
