How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Must be her reaction to all those gas guzzling vehicles.
I see DC antifa says they'll be there today "locked and loaded"

When this eventually turns to violence, the msm is ready to blame it on conservatives. Probably already have the stories handy

Also if one of those little punks ever touched me, they wouldn't get that arm back

You notice they never **ck some burley motorcycle type person, it's always someone who looks like they won't fight back. Wolves always sense the most vulnerable in a herd then they attack..Seems their same agenda.
I see DC antifa says they'll be there today "locked and loaded"

When this eventually turns to violence, the msm is ready to blame it on conservatives. Probably already have the stories handy

Also if one of those little punks ever touched me, they wouldn't get that arm back

I would imagine DC handles domestic terrorists a bit different than the west coast. Don’t think those clowns will be walking around in masks with deadly weapons in their bags.

My favorite thing about Democrats is how as soon as their media and party tell them how to feel about something, they adopt the view and react like lunatics over it.

Betsy Ross flag- now offensive
Migrant detention center- after not caring during the Obama admin, it’s now the “holocaust.”
Statues that have been around for decades are now too much to handle.

This list could go on forever. Without fail, they wait to be told how to feel about something or spin something and that’s collectively the viewpoint across the board; no questioning at all.
My favorite thing about Democrats is how as soon as their media and party tell them how to feel about something, they adopt the view and react like lunatics over it.

Betsy Ross flag- now offensive
Migrant detention center- after not caring during the Obama admin, it’s now the “holocaust.”
Statues that have been around for decades are now too much to handle.

This list could go on forever. Without fail, they wait to be told how to feel about something or spin something and that’s collectively the viewpoint across the board; no questioning at all.
This is the result of not having guiding principles and being agenda driven. The adapt the newest fad and expect everyone to gravitate to it. If you don't they call opponents evil names and try to destroy. An elected Democrat is interested in power and control. Whatever means they need to get it they go down that road.

Their lack of civility ends up with a do nothing congress. The obstruct in an attempt to get a political advantage. They have nothing else to offer.
My favorite thing about Democrats is how as soon as their media and party tell them how to feel about something, they adopt the view and react like lunatics over it.

Betsy Ross flag- now offensive
Migrant detention center- after not caring during the Obama admin, it’s now the “holocaust.”
Statues that have been around for decades are now too much to handle.

This list could go on forever. Without fail, they wait to be told how to feel about something or spin something and that’s collectively the viewpoint across the board; no questioning at all.

Their overlords are Eastern European commies that lost the cold war. Militarily wouldn't work. Destroy from the inside.

Marquenta Glidwell

How come I knew what I was going to see when I saw the headline? That one poster (the holy man) would say it's because of racism, but being correct is not racist. Or is it racist to get things correct?

Well somebody needs to apologize to Marquenta.

You knew cause you're racist...

No, that's the damn consequence of these bad ideas, letting them fester and propagate among the weak minded. This shouldn't be left vs right as it's obviously right vs wrong and the left has the wrong solution to the problem.

That guy is no different than her, an actual racist full of hate... you don't defeat racism through racism and bad group think, but yeah you don't know what its like. Well, there are plenty of thinking people who do and they say you're FOS...

I didn't even read his that loser's posts, know the bad ideology already not that different from various European ethnic ones and I've already decimated him in tthe same debate before... The real tragedy in my opinion is younger people like @mustnotsleepnow buy in to their defeatist and overly simplistic arguments which just perpetuates the cycle. And then other idiots go to the deep south, see a wide disparity between economic status for the first time in their lives and just assume it must be because of racism.

You have one life to live; want to live it like these people stuck in your loser mentality orf the many black people who find success in life who agree with me? The problem, and the solution, is all between your ears.

Not a fan and it's unnecessary. Scotus already sent it back with direction on what they want to see. Just follow that and you get the same result without executive over reach

Or better yet - if you're going for executive over reach at least do it on the front end and just throw out everyone that's here illegally. That's way more important than a question which they have no cause to honestly answer
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My favorite thing about Democrats is how as soon as their media and party tell them how to feel about something, they adopt the view and react like lunatics over it.

Betsy Ross flag- now offensive
Migrant detention center- after not caring during the Obama admin, it’s now the “holocaust.”
Statues that have been around for decades are now too much to handle.

This list could go on forever. Without fail, they wait to be told how to feel about something or spin something and that’s collectively the viewpoint across the board; no questioning at all.


I see the bitchfest doesn’t rest, even on the 4th. God, you’re the biggest bum on this board. I’m sure there’s someone worse than you out there...some old, racist scumbag UK fan who doesn’t know how to use the internet. But in terms of the worldwide web population? You’re the biggest pussy I’ve encountered.

If you’re this miserable now, are you on suicide watch when a Democrat is in the Oval Office? I know you’re only in your late 20’s. There will be plenty more Dems in the White House before your bitch ass croaks. How are you gonna handle it?

Happy Independence Day, my bros.
Are there any left leaning posters that think independently and can 1/2 ass explain their positions WITHOUT coming across as a diuche bag idiot ? I like debate but old Bro' is so damn dumb you cant even have a decent back n forth with him .. party on

Dude, it’s politics. No matter what someone who disagrees with you says and how it’s said, that person is automatically a snowflake and an idiot. That’s not a knock on you personally, I think you’re a good poster. It’s just the vitriolic nature of politics nowadays. The advent of social media has made things tangibly worse.

I see the bitchfest doesn’t rest, even on the 4th. God, you’re the biggest bum on this board. I’m sure there’s someone worse than you out there...some old, racist scumbag UK fan who doesn’t know how to use the internet. But in terms of the worldwide web population? You’re the biggest pussy I’ve encountered.

If you’re this miserable now, are you on suicide watch when a Democrat is in the Oval Office? I know you’re only in your late 20’s. There will be plenty more Dems in the White House before your bitch ass croaks. How are you gonna handle it?

Happy Independence Day, my bros.

I’m assuming you’re replying to either King or Sawnee - trust me bromigo, you’re better off ignoring those guys. They’re either very committed trolls or actual racist pieces of garbage. Either way, reading their posts will make you less intelligent.

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