How will they rule ??!

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It's would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic how people (mostly old white racist males) are convinced they understand socialism while at the same time ignoring what Kruschev said about how Russia would defeat us as well as ex-KGB operative Putin and totally dismiss or ignore what Russia is doing presently. People here who think they are smart can't even digest this thought.
It's would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic how people (mostly old white racist males) are convinced they understand socialism while at the same time ignoring what Kruschev said about how Russia would defeat us as well as ex-KGB operative Putin and totally dismiss or ignore what Russia is doing presently. People here who think they are smart can't even digest this thought.
Typos happen to the best of us, but when making a post insulting the intelligence of others, you might want to proof read what you type.
It's would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic how people (mostly old white racist males) are convinced they understand socialism while at the same time ignoring what Kruschev said about how Russia would defeat us as well as ex-KGB operative Putin and totally dismiss or ignore what Russia is doing presently. People here who think they are smart can't even digest this thought.

What in the hell does this even mean?
It's would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic how people (mostly old white racist males) are convinced they understand socialism while at the same time ignoring what Kruschev said about how Russia would defeat us as well as ex-KGB operative Putin and totally dismiss or ignore what Russia is doing presently. People here who think they are smart can't even digest this thought.

Gimmie your stuff.

I understand Socialism.

Why don't you head to Venezuela and you can live out your dreams.
I can’t believe a pink-haired lesbian soccer player is a huge Democrat.

There are a couple things about Trump I wish he would change. Why in the world does he give this woman the time of the day? Let her say what she wants and ignore her. He gets into spats with some of the silliest people. The other is his family flies around the world with him attending all these conferences, and really what are their credentials?
There are a couple things about Trump I wish he would change. Why in the world does he give this woman the time of the day? Let her say what she wants and ignore her. He gets into spats with some of the silliest people. The other is his family flies around the world with him attending all these conferences, and really what are their credentials?
If you can't see Ivanka's credentials, you may want to lay off the soy milk.
It's would be hilarious if not so damn pathetic how people (mostly old white racist males) are convinced they understand socialism while at the same time ignoring what Kruschev said about how Russia would defeat us as well as ex-KGB operative Putin and totally dismiss or ignore what Russia is doing presently. People here who think they are smart can't even digest this thought.

So much irony in this post. So oblivious to it too. Wow. Stupid people don't realize they're stupid.
Anybody here able to defend Trump’s love affair with Kim Jong Un? That last tweet was about as pathetic as it gets.
-detente is not love, simpleton.

-pretty sure Khrushchev wasn't talking about memes back in 1950-60whatever. LMAO. Likely talking about the commies in the "intelectual" community/press/govt. A couple names to google: Walter Duranty, William Bullitt Jr., Harry Hopkins....its a start. Check it out and I will assign more home work at a later date if you wish.

-the complete lack of understanding of history shown by some is baffling...and kinda funny.

-again, LMAO.
Anybody here able to defend Trump’s love affair with Kim Jong Un? That last tweet was about as pathetic as it gets.

What was the tweet?

The deal with Kim Jong Un has everything to do with China.
NK is China’s Sabre that it rattles to deflect heat from itself. It also deflects from China’s communist govt and strict govt control of its people.
If you can remove NK from the equation, hopefully where they join the civilized world, you put China in the spotlight. You do that by creating a relationship with Un.
Gimmie your stuff.

I understand Socialism.

Why don't you head to Venezuela and you can live out your dreams.

Because I don't want to. If I was to head to a country so that I could enjoy the best of socialist programs, it would not be a south American country that is constantly being interfered with by American empirical policies. Hell Canada would be much easier. It would be European countries that have synthesised the best of different systems for the best treatment and conditions for their citizens.
What in the hell does this even mean?

He means that capitalism will sell you the rope with which to hang yourself. That the eventual end result is such, self destruction.

They (him and other communists and these neocommunist social democrats) don't have a clue but sure think they do...

The main purpose of communism is to eliminate the exceptional man and control everyone else by deceiving them into thinking they'll have things better off when can they take back from the rich, who have earned unjustly off the back of the worker. It's a delusion. Under communism and communism-lite, the end result is always there's no more rope left so there's no way to rid yourself of your misery of hunger when the government won't give you any rope because they've squandered it all.

Capitalism creates growth and more growth... setbacks then more growth.

Communism and its daughters inhibit growth, eventual atrophy of economy or at best a fledgling stagnation and slow burn where the new rich class is the government and those with close business ties it, and noone else. Everyone else suckles on the government teet, which eventually always runs dry.
He means that capitalism will sell you the rope with which to hang yourself. That the eventual end result is such, self destruction.

They (him and other communists and these neocommunist social democrats) don't have a clue but sure think they do...

The main purpose of communism is to eliminate the exceptional man and control everyone else by deceiving them into thinking they'll have things better off when can they take back from the rich, who have earned unjustly off the back of the worker. It's a delusion. Under communism and communism-lite, the end result is always there's no more rope left so there's no way to rid yourself of your misery of hunger when the government won't give you any rope because they've squandered it all.

Capitalism creates growth and more growth... setbacks then more growth.

Communism and its daughters inhibit growth, eventual atrophy of economy or at best a fledgling stagnation and slow burn where the new rich class is the government and those with close business ties it, and noone else. Everyone else suckles on the government teet, which eventually always runs dry.

Hold the eff up, Cro. That's not real socialism. Real socialism hasn't been implemented correctly.
Europe and Canada can do a whole lot of things we can't... post WW2 the defense of the west was outsourced entirely to the US. By design and agreement, we are NATO... the defense of liberal democracy.

Communism works in China because they allow a semblance of capitalism where the people are culturally accepting being under authoritarian rule, and they don't need to invent anything on their own, they'll just copy whatever US universities and companies invent.

The Maoists ruined a once great culture... you think you've got it bad with your 29.5 hour work week and no benefits working as the Republic equal rights editor... try 100 hour work weeks at the Foxconn plant working for the government instead of the man where each day you look fondly at the roof contemplating your jump off it.
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Because I don't want to. If I was to head to a country so that I could enjoy the best of socialist programs, it would not be a south American country that is constantly being interfered with by American empirical policies. Hell Canada would be much easier. It would be European countries that have synthesised the best of different systems for the best treatment and conditions for their citizens.

Canada and Europe have more American influence than Venezuela. Btw Canada won’t take you bc you’re American. Very difficult to move there from the US and you probably don’t have much chance at any type of residency in the EU unless you’re retired with lots of money.
Because I don't want to. If I was to head to a country so that I could enjoy the best of socialist programs, it would not be a south American country that is constantly being interfered with by American empirical policies. Hell Canada would be much easier. It would be European countries that have synthesised the best of different systems for the best treatment and conditions for their citizens.

Would that be the Europe that capitalist dollars rebuilt? The Europe that capitalist dollars defend?

When Europe “synthesizes” its’ own defense into those systems, let us know. Until then you’re spouting nonsense.

For the rest of us who live in reality: how great would our country be if some behemoth paid for our protection and we funneled everything into social programs?
Because I don't want to. If I was to head to a country so that I could enjoy the best of socialist programs, it would not be a south American country that is constantly being interfered with by American empirical policies. Hell Canada would be much easier. It would be European countries that have synthesised the best of different systems for the best treatment and conditions for their citizens.

Levi... That's just racist.
I blocked Levi ages ago. But I wonder how he feels knowing Bernie will spoil the election again. Being the authoritarian he is he wont drop out and his brain dead Bernie bros will revolt while he claims everyone's out to get him. Nah, old cant add and after all this time you still cant answer how you'll implement any of your ideas other than "rich ppl bad, central planner good"