How will they rule ??!

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@screwduke1 @JStaff2187 @UKBrassowTipIN

Is your twitter different today?

I was on there late last night and everything was normal. Just got on there today and all the options were over to the left instead of at the top of the page, don't know how to get it back to normal. And it won't allow tweets to be copied. Never seen the option 'show less often'. That is at the top now along with block, mute, and report.
@screwduke1 @JStaff2187 @UKBrassowTipIN

Is your twitter different today?

I was on there late last night and everything was normal. Just got on there today and all the options were over to the left instead of at the top of the page, don't know how to get it back to normal. And it won't allow tweets to be copied. Never seen the option 'show less often'. That is at the top now along with block, mute, and report.

I’m on my phone, so my browser page looks different than on a computer or laptop, but I did just notice all the other changes you mentioned.
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@screwduke1 @JStaff2187 @UKBrassowTipIN

Is your twitter different today?

I was on there late last night and everything was normal. Just got on there today and all the options were over to the left instead of at the top of the page, don't know how to get it back to normal. And it won't allow tweets to be copied. Never seen the option 'show less often'. That is at the top now along with block, mute, and report.
Mine still looks the same. I heard something about them changing stuff tho
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Ideal Republican nominee:

1. White
2. Male
3. Raging misogynist
4. Most likely an abortion or two under his belt
5. Womanizer that pays off his side chicks
6. "Christian" that hates Muslims and all non-WASP's

Nah it's pretty simple actually.
1. Someone who believes in and upholds the constitution.
2. Believes in individual liberty above all else.
We would love to have someone of upstanding moral character but that ship has sailed when it comes to politics.

We don't give a crap what race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion you are as long as you believe in #1 and #2. Except for islam. That religion is evil and a cult. I'll own that one.
This is a Democrat congressman that doesnt understand Gerry mandering doesnt occur over state lines. Pandering so hard

All day long I have been hearing on the radio that Uncle Joe is a racist. Even his old friend Jessie Jackson dissed him.

So how did Biden become a racist. Well it is hilarious how these things happen. The kind of funny where you pull a muscle in your gut laughing. This partial black lady (whose ancestors owned slaves) turned on Biden in a New York minute. Now he will go down as a racist. A racist who served under the first black president as Vice President. So Obama picked a racist as his VP. I repeat Obama picked a racist as his VP. Surely he will appear in a press conference to correct the record for Uncle Joe. Surely he will not let Uncle Joe go down in history as a racist. Will he?

It must have been Obama's white half doing the picking for Uncle Joe as VP. . Surely not his African half. .
Ideal Republican nominee:

1. White
2. Male
3. Raging misogynist
4. Most likely an abortion or two under his belt
5. Womanizer that pays off his side chicks
6. "Christian" that hates Muslims and all non-WASP's

Nah it's pretty simple actually.
1. Someone who believes in and upholds the constitution.
2. Believes in individual liberty above all else.
We would love to have someone of upstanding moral character but that ship has sailed when it comes to politics.

We don't give a crap what race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion you are as long as you believe in #1 and #2. Except for islam. That religion is evil and a cult. I'll own that one.

-also needs to embrace capitalism. The ism that has freed more from tyranny than any other ism.

I do find it funny how these people kind of just forget that the internet exists and everyone with just a click of a button can see what they said about a topic 6 months ago. You would think Don or someone on the staff would go, "guys, uhm just a couple months ago we had Don laughing at the idea of there being a crisis, maybe its not the smartest thing to make him try to bash anyone who doesn't agree there is a crisis."

Also on a side note, is Don sick or something? "Ive noticed it recently and I can see in that video, it looks like the dude has aged 5-10 years in the last 6 months or so.
I do find it funny how these people kind of just forget that the internet exists and everyone with just a click of a button can see what they said about a topic 6 months ago. You would think Don or someone on the staff would go, "guys, uhm just a couple months ago we had Don laughing at the idea of there being a crisis, maybe its not the smartest thing to make him try to bash anyone who doesn't agree there is a crisis."

Also on a side note, is Don sick or something? "Ive noticed it recently and I can see in that video, it looks like the dude has aged 5-10 years in the last 6 months or so.

It is AIDS. Full blown. Lemon has full blown AIDS.

This guy ever runs, he’s got my vote.

Have never like a politician more than I do Crenshaw. Have yet to see a policy from him that I don't like, isn't afraid to call out BS (even if its on the right) and seems like the dude has a really strong back bone. Just give me the Crenshaw/Haley 2024 ticket already.
I do find it funny how these people kind of just forget that the internet exists and everyone with just a click of a button can see what they said about a topic 6 months ago. You would think Don or someone on the staff would go, "guys, uhm just a couple months ago we had Don laughing at the idea of there being a crisis, maybe its not the smartest thing to make him try to bash anyone who doesn't agree there is a crisis."

Also on a side note, is Don sick or something? "Ive noticed it recently and I can see in that video, it looks like the dude has aged 5-10 years in the last 6 months or so.

I read somewhere that he’s been having morning sickness. and late night cravings. :rolleyes: .
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Nah it's pretty simple actually.
1. Someone who believes in and upholds the constitution.
2. Believes in individual liberty above all else.
We would love to have someone of upstanding moral character but that ship has sailed when it comes to politics.

We don't give a crap what race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion you are as long as you believe in #1 and #2. Except for islam. That religion is evil and a cult. I'll own that one.

I’m not Islamaphobic but...

I’m not xenophobic but...

I’m not racist but...

And so on.
I’m not Islamaphobic but...

I’m not xenophobic but...

I’m not racist but...

And so on.
Am I xenophobic if I don't want open borders?

What's the leftist buzzword for not wanting to pay for illegal's healthcare, education, etc.?

What am I if I think calling for abortion services for biological males who think they're a woman is f**king stupid?

And so on...
Am I xenophobic if I don't want open borders?

What's the leftist buzzword for not wanting to pay for illegal's healthcare, education, etc.?

What am I if I think calling for abortion services for biological males who think they're a woman is f**king stupid?

And so on...

Mustsleep is obsessed with all the "isms". I've never seen him post anything unless it involves the "isms". Pretty pathetic.
Im gonna say it. **** stonewall and the cocksuckers who supports it...,If your a man ( one of ONLY two genders) and you get off on sucking cock thats ok but stop trying to get my approval for what you choose to defy the bible in what YOU choose to do. Im not in that lane and will never be! America will never accept your get attention ways. Born that way? Typical left bullshit. Your searching for acceptance to ease your sinful minds but in the end you will burn and not by war you sick ****s! Im not a holy roller and do not believe in “ cult churches” and there is many but I do believe in the Almighty and pray every night as I am a sinner but not a cocksucker sinner.. And I truly believe I speak for a true majority. JMO.
Thank you
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Another thing, Ive witnessed this with my own eyes. These cults ( churches) IE like Southeast that have tax exemptions are ****ing the American people out of many many more dollars than the illegals ever will. Just recently I witnessed a cult member buying pool supplies using his cult churches name ( southeast ) to buy his personal pool supplies. This was just one instance. Think about how many nationwide use this exemption for their personal use. How many billions... not millions but billions.. And let’s not bring in scamming the Scientology group bilks the tax payers out of. Thats fact! They are eating us from within and it’s not the foreign countries! They condemn scientology but they are the same under a different tax exempt name. Use of tax exempt cult religion is rotting this country much more than illegals. Think about that. For you snowflakes this is just my south end opinion.

The Scientologist and their money destroyed my hometown of Clearwater, Fl. They bought the downtown and made it a headquarters. Drove everyone out of their and now it is under their total control. And they do not pay taxes. Some of the biggest Hollywood stars and TV personalities are in that cult which is one reason I pay no attention to what these stars believe politically. They are foolish
I’m not Islamaphobic but...

I’m not xenophobic but...

I’m not racist but...

And so on.
Yeah so I'm not racist. A person's skin color doesn't make a difference to me. Not xenophobic. Your country of origin makes no difference as long as you have the same values as me. Islamaphobic? Hell yes I am. That shit is a choice, and even if someone practices it peacefully, they are enabling those who don't. So if you want to label me that, go right ahead.